Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Causese Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:45 pm

I'm starting to feel as if there is another requirement to get the volatile sheep to spawn. I'm AK 6 and I've sheeped the 5 mobs. I've been logging in and out for at least 2 hours and still nothing...
did you check it with the script if u truly sheeped them?
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Nicecold Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:46 pm

The odds for the Arcane daily roll must be 1% or lower, as I've passed 100 relogs and not seen a successful roll.

To think that is is meant to be a DAILY roll is disgusting. Is this really what they meant when they said "hardest to find appearance"?

From your gif, I can only assume that the sheep nest in Stormheim will have something special there.
I've been relogging for a bit now with no luck. They really couldn't think of anything fun for us to do instead...?
it's probably not intended that it can be triggered more than once a day :roll:

anyway, after exploding it you need to search around greywatch (stormheim) for another sheep and explode it by right-clicking.

after that go to tower of azora in ewlynn forest.... and I'll leave the rest spoiler free :lol:

got muhh staff!" target="_blank
Congrats! I'm gonna keep at it.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby tomboat Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:02 am

I'm starting to feel as if there is another requirement to get the volatile sheep to spawn. I'm AK 6 and I've sheeped the 5 mobs. I've been logging in and out for at least 2 hours and still nothing...
did you check it with the script if u truly sheeped them?
Yes, I'm very confident that I have... Can't seem to find the script to check now though!
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Ringsel Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:07 am

Where is the Sheep near Graywatch? After 20 Rounds wit Server change i cant find it anywhere near it ;(
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Gesundheit Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:10 am

I think someone said North of Greywatch
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Norrinir Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:17 am

I found the sheep south of Valdisdall. It seems it can spawn all over the zone, you just have to find it. For the record, its name was "Extremely Volatile Stormheim Sheep", if you want to make /tar macro.

The staff also has a proc upon sheeping something. It's glorious." target="_blank

edit: Stormheim sheep, not Elwynn...
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Nicecold Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:22 am

I found the sheep south of Valdisdall. It seems it can spawn all over the zone, you just have to find it. For the record, its name was "Extremely Volatile Stormheim Sheep", if you want to make /tar macro.

The staff also has a proc upon sheeping something. It's glorious." target="_blank

edit: Stormheim sheep, not Elwynn...
Did you relog a bunch of times to get the dialogue in the class order hall?
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby tomboat Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:33 am

After logging in and out for about 5 hours I finally got the dialogue. Just hang in there, it will happen!
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Arkaden Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:50 am

So i got the "Extremely Volatile Stormheim Sheep" dialog while i was downstairs by the Stormhiem portal without the Sheperd dialog. Does this mean someone else did it and every mage in the class hall got the dialog? or should i go to stormhiem and start looking for the next sheep?
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Nicecold Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:56 am

So i got the "Extremely Volatile Stormheim Sheep" dialog while i was downstairs by the Stormhiem portal without the Sheperd dialog. Does this mean someone else did it and every mage in the class hall got the dialog? or should i go to stormhiem and start looking for the next sheep?
I just got that dialogue too and I'm searching Stormheim. Are you on Horde?
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Arkaden Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:59 am

So i got the "Extremely Volatile Stormheim Sheep" dialog while i was downstairs by the Stormhiem portal without the Sheperd dialog. Does this mean someone else did it and every mage in the class hall got the dialog? or should i go to stormhiem and start looking for the next sheep?
I just got that dialogue too and I'm searching Stormheim. Are you on Horde?
Yeah i am Arkaden-Dragonmaw send me a whisper
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Nicecold Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:18 am

So i got the "Extremely Volatile Stormheim Sheep" dialog while i was downstairs by the Stormhiem portal without the Sheperd dialog. Does this mean someone else did it and every mage in the class hall got the dialog? or should i go to stormhiem and start looking for the next sheep?
I just got that dialogue too and I'm searching Stormheim. Are you on Horde?
Yeah i am Arkaden-Dragonmaw send me a whisper
We've searched the map and we can confirm that you need the Cote dialogue to get credit for the class order hall sheep part.

EDIT: Just got the roll, it still works. Keep at it, guys!
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby coldwind Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:00 am

You need to trigger the event yourself, if someone else did and everyone in the hall will see the dialog. check quest 43799, it must be True before you go search Stormheim.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Tao Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:41 pm

At which position did you find the sheep?
Is it always around the island where Valdisdall is located?

I've literally searched most of Stormheim - multiple times - and have not found it yet.

Q43799 completed, btw.

Nevermind, found it in the middle of the runewood five minutes after posting this.
Last edited by Tao on Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby testacular Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:02 pm

I am getting a bit puzzled here.

How do I check with a script (as someone mentioned here), that I polymorphed all 5 mobs? Even though I am confident I did that, still would love to check. Is it this Q? "/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(43828))" If so, it is true for me.

Once I am sure about the above, I need to keep relogging in my order hall until I get the msg and a boom the sheep? And what Q number is this so I could check it? 43799?

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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Tao Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:16 pm

I am getting a bit puzzled here.

How do I check with a script (as someone mentioned here), that I polymorphed all 5 mobs? Even though I am confident I did that, still would love to check. Is it this Q? "/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(43828))" If so, it is true for me.

Once I am sure about the above, I need to keep relogging in my order hall until I get the msg and a boom the sheep? And what Q number is this so I could check it? 43799?

I wrote the following macro to check on all the related quests:

Code: Select all

/run for k, v in pairs({ST_Exploded=43800,Hall_Exploded=43799,Hall_Daily=43828,SU=43791,ST=43789,HI=43788,VA=43790,AZ=43787}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby testacular Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:24 pm

Many thanks! Now I just gotta grab few beers and keep relogging :-)

EDIT: About 20-30 mins of relogging worked. Also can confirm that the spawn of the Stormheim sheep is in the middle of the Runewood. The sheep is friendly (green) and not targetable by macro (at least for me it wasn't)
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby thehc212 Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:24 pm

I am getting a bit puzzled here.

How do I check with a script (as someone mentioned here), that I polymorphed all 5 mobs? Even though I am confident I did that, still would love to check. Is it this Q? "/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(43828))" If so, it is true for me.

Once I am sure about the above, I need to keep relogging in my order hall until I get the msg and a boom the sheep? And what Q number is this so I could check it? 43799?

I wrote the following macro to check on all the related quests:

Code: Select all

/run for k, v in pairs({ST_Exploded=43800,Hall_Exploded=43799,Hall_Daily=43828,SU=43791,ST=43789,HI=43788,VA=43790,AZ=43787}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
Im having a difficult time finding the sheep in stormheim, so i ran this, and it said i had completed the Hall_Exploded but not the Hall_Daily (nor the ST_Exploded). Which daily is this? Does it mean i exploded somebody elses sheep?
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby voidom Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:50 pm

Using above macro sometimes i have "Hall_Daily: Yes", but nothing happens at all. I really confused about that step.
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Re: Mage Hidden Artifact Appearances

Unread postby Tao Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:10 pm

Hall_Daily is the "Sheep Summon Daily Roll" quest. I had to shorten the names or else the macro had been to big for the game (limit is 255 chars).

The daily roll triggers the first time you enter the class hall after logging in. This trigger has a really small chance to spawn the sheep that you have to explode. When you logout, this quest is reset.

Once you exploded the sheep in the class hall, the quest for this completes. The daily roll will never trigger again when you are past this. When you completed this, you have to search for the sheep in Stormheim.

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