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Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:33 am
by zhengma
I'm glad that no one has actually attempted such citation yet, so that it won't look like I'm calling anyone out.

Why I Advocate the Ban:

1. This will send a message (especially to more junior magi, the only group this ban will affect): we welcome less experienced magi, but we respect the willingness to ask why, to relinquish superficial simplicity and easiness for more lengthy, in-depth information and discussion, to do one's homework to the best of his/her ability, to think critically of anything others say. Furthermore, we show hostility and rage to the exploitation of unsuspecting beginners and the refusal of external peer reviews and criticizes.

2. The ban will make threads less likely to get on people's nerves, helping to ensure calm, efficient and constructive discussions.

3. The ban will not hinder any proper discussion, for I can't think of even one single scenario where such citing will be necessary. Citing to criticize/correct might be a plausible assignment for a "Mage TC 101" course, but we typically don't submit the coursework of a 101 course to a public forum.

Just my two-cents, but I'll be grateful for any serious consideration from admins/mods.

Re: Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:27 pm
by Akraen

In all seriousness-- from an admin point of view: sometimes it is very much what we want to limit/remove certain types of discussion. We know all-too-well as mages how misinformation spreads like a wildfire and correct, truthful answers are hard to convey.

Sites like Noxxic do a serious disservice to the community but there is nothing we can do except take as much care as we can to be respectful to people and try to educate everyone.

Sometimes that means we have to repeat ourselves until we question why we want to help in the first place-- but if we didn't, Noxxic would be the only information source!

Re: Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:12 pm
by Mageski
Noxxic is terrible.

^^ That's my stock post any time anyone mentions Noxxic on the forums.

Re: Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:14 pm
by Kver
It's odd how they don't even update their guides at all oO

Re: Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:18 am
by Berlinia
I told them in december 2013 if they can change the part that Frostbolt debuff stacks for 3 times.

Re: Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:54 pm
by Xtenz
It is an extreme disservice.

Eliminating it from a 'good source' is definately warranted. It's also important for us to remember, that as we compile data and produce the numbers a lot of us and others are looking for, it's just as important to splice the advanced guides into an easy to understand presentation with just the basics the Majority will be looking for. Offer both slices, with as much accuracy as we can possibly provide.

Re: Can we officially prohibit citing Noxxic on

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:08 pm
by Komma
It is an extreme disservice.

Eliminating it from a 'good source' is definately warranted. It's also important for us to remember, that as we compile data and produce the numbers a lot of us and others are looking for, it's just as important to splice the advanced guides into an easy to understand presentation with just the basics the Majority will be looking for. Offer both slices, with as much accuracy as we can possibly provide.
I just wish that Noxxic would provide good "basic" info instead of telling Frost Mages to take Cold Snap and Rune of Power. As it stands right now, I feel more comfortable pointing people to Icy Veins instead. There's so much misinformation being spread by them.

As for "prohibiting citations", I don't think that is the right approach to this. I agree with what Akraen said - our goal should be to spread the word on the misinformation they are spreading, why the are wrong, and what is right. We shouldn't make a rule that they shouldn't be mentioned.