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6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:23 am
by Searix
Not sure if these are any good but it's probably worth taking a look at them

With this patch dungeon items can be 725 item level, then +10 ilvls makes it 735, *this may be wrong*, and all values are estimated bc i cant find a site that properly supports them, so with that in mind:


For fire, ... us=642:760, ... us=642:760 and ... us=642:760
may be BiS

735 Coagulated Genesaur Blood: +230 int, +3700 (56%) multistrike for 10 seconds (0.92 RPPM).

735 Xeri'tacs Unhatched Egg: +350 stamina, +3700 (63%) mastery for 10 seconds (0.92 RPPM)

735 Fleshrender's Meathook: +300 int, +3000 (33%) haste for 20 seconds, 2 min cooldown.

735 Kyrak's Vileblood Serum: +450 stamina, +3000 (51%) mastery for 15 seconds, 1.5 min cooldown.

Few int/mastery, int/crit, versatility trinkets i excluded that obviously don't make the cut.

These obviously have to be super strong to overtake mythic hfc trinkets, but a few of these seem like they might be able to. Would be interesting to hear the theorycraft, specifically with which trinkets these would replace, because these effects are *strong*

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:29 am
by Komma
All dungeon trinkets are heavily underbudget, regardless of itemlevel scaling. I don't think they'll post any challenge to the current HFC trinkets at all.

The heirloom trinket on the other hand, might prove interesting. Intellect with triple secondaries is quite a potent combo.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:38 am
by nathyiel
Another things in favor of the new heirloom trinket is the damage increase against demon.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:17 pm
by Curnivore
That +haste one looks fun for arcane.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:28 pm
by magictricks
33% haste with the ring and AP/PC sounds very nice tbh.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:31 pm
by Curnivore
Even the multistrike one might be cool since the effect is massive.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:28 pm
by magictricks
Can you farm mythic dungeons for loot or is it 1 loot oer boss a week?, seems like just getting it to drop would be very difficult.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:37 pm
by Wilderness
Can you farm mythic dungeons for loot or is it 1 loot oer boss a week?, seems like just getting it to drop would be very difficult.
You can only get loot once per week. And Blizzard has made statements that the higher your ilvl the lower the chances of getting a 725 item. We don't know what that means in terms of drop percentages, but even if these end up being really good you're probably still going to have to get lucky to get it.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:30 pm
by Curnivore
the higher your ilvl the lower the chances of getting a 725 item

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:43 pm
by Wilderness
Nevermind, I misread the patch notes. They were talking about the chances of the items themselves being progressively lower, for some reason I thought it related to your own ilvl.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:14 pm
by Caimion
The heirloom trinket on the other hand, might prove interesting. Intellect with triple secondaries is quite a potent combo.
I didn't know off the top of my head, so according to WoWhead (I know, not the best source), the following HFC mobs are typed as 'Demon':

Archimonde - not Archimonde, but Deathcallers, Overfiends, Dreadstalkers, and Infernals are demons
Mannoroth (incl. Imps, Doomlords, and Infernals)
Xhul'Horac - not Xhul itself, but Imps & Akkelion are demons
Tyrant Velhari
Fel Lord Zakuun

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:26 pm
by Wilderness
I don't think Archimonde himself is classified as a demon in game.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:44 pm
by Curnivore
It sounds too inconsistent. I expect nerfs. Or the trinket not working.

NA is live. Does it work?

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:08 pm
by Caimion
I don't think Archimonde himself is classified as a demon in game.
Oops, you're right! Fixed my post.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:00 am
by Searix
im wondering if the mastery on use trinket would be good for aoe packs since the mastery affects prophecy of fear

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:39 am
by nathyiel
The heirloom trinket should work. They do an equivalent with Garrosh in Soo. They give an heirloom weapon totally OP that go through the whole leveling.

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:22 am
by Zelendria
im wondering if the mastery on use trinket would be good for aoe packs since the mastery affects prophecy of fear
At the cost of removing class trinket?....

Apart from having bad +Int it's the fact as Arcane you have to remove either PoF or class trinket to use one. Or for Frost removing a trinket with over twice the amount of Int on it and a strong proc.
It's a shame there isn't a big crit trinket for Fire, but otherwise they look generally quite bad.

Is there a link to the heirloom trinket?

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:26 pm
by Zayele
Orb of Voidsight

This seems quite strong, and works in raids. The strength version has a very high uptime without killing blows, so I don't doubt this does as well (in the realm of 40-50%, I believe).

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:43 pm
by Roggendorf
Orb of Voidsight

This seems quite strong, and works in raids. The strength version has a very high uptime without killing blows, so I don't doubt this does as well (in the realm of 40-50%, I believe).
Confirmation of the above: ... ity=201410" target="_blank

The damage boost to demons appears to now apply to many HFC bosses. (They hotfixed archimonde last night to count as a demon as well.)

Re: 6.2.3 - Quick look at new trinkets

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:24 pm
by TheHeretic91
I'm really interested to see if any of the heirloom trinkets are going to be BiS, though I'd be surprised if they turn out to be better than Mythic PoF or class trinket.

I can see them outdamaging the heroic version of those items, however.