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AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 6:29 am
by Komma
Ask Mr Robot released a beta version of their own simulation software today, so I took some time to check it out. You can find their announcement at ... web-based/" target="_blank .I found a number of issues with their Mage modelling, mostly with mechanics that are more subtle and less well understood by non mages. I told Zoopercat I'd list my findings, so I'm making this thread. If anyone else is playing with the simulator, feel free to post issues to this thread.

Unfortunately I didn't have too much time to look at all the specs. I mostly focused on Arcane logs, and spent a little bit of time examining Ignite in Fire logs. All in all, it looks like an ambitious project that could bring some good things. It will quite a bit of work before issues are ironed out and we can be confident in the accuracy of its output.


- Doom Nova exploding from Prismatic Crystal is failing to hit Prismatic Crystal itself.

- Unstable Magic is triggering Doom Nova when it shouldn't.

- Arcane Missiles is applying Arcane Charges on cast begin, when it should be end of channel instead. This bug causes AM to benefit from an extra Arcane Charges.

- Temporal Power (4T18) is lasting for 20 seconds, when it should last for pet duration. Each buff should be tracked independently, instead of a single stackable buff. As a result, Temporal Power in AMR is being refreshed to an absurd number of stacks before finding a 20 second window to fade off:

- Temporal Power stacking should be multiplicative, not additive.

- Arcane Blast GCD with ToSW is not being reduced below 1.0 seconds. The Arcane Blast GCD according to the wiki is also wrong. In practice, there is a (1.5 * 0.8) = 1.2 second base-before-haste GCD cap before ToSW is applied, which is due to the Arcane Blast perk. Further haste cannot reduce GCD below 1.2 * (1 - ToSW).
See ... 727#p17727" target="_blank for details.

- Presence of Mind is not applying to an Arcane Blast casted immediately after it.

- Arcane Missiles seems to be missing travel time.

- Temporal Hero attacks such as Jaina's Frostbolt are missing travel time.

- Nether Tempest has both a DOT and an AOE component. Both hit the main target. The AOE component is failing to hit the main target.

- Arcane Orb is not being used when talented (?).

- 4T17 (Arcane Instability) proc rate does not benefit from Haste, unlike AMR's wiki suggests.

- Mirror Images are whitelisted to proc AM. This is incorrect - it does not proc AM. On the other hand, all other offensive spells such as Nether Tempest, Arcane Orb, Supernova, Frost Nova, and Cone of Cold should be whitelisted.

- Evocation is not benefiting from Nether Attunement, and giving less mana than it should.


- IB's Ignite spreading mechanism is triggered, before applying its own Ignite damage to the main target. In other words, if you spread ignite from A to B, they should not have the same Ignite sizes after you cast.

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 7:19 am
by zoopercat
Hey Komma, thanks for posting this, we really appreciate the effort. So Swol wanted to return the favor and recorded himself fixing these items, so I thought I would share them. It's a closed beta right now, but if someone is really interested in checking it out, I can setup a login for you. Otherwise, we'll have an open beta later this month.
- Doom Nova exploding from Prismatic Crystal is failing to hit Prismatic Crystal itself.
Swol's intro & a quick fix of Doom Nova
- Unstable Magic is triggering Doom Nova when it shouldn't.
- Arcane Missiles is applying Arcane Charges on cast begin, when it should be end of channel instead. This bug causes AM to benefit from an extra Arcane Charges.
Fix (easy)
- Temporal Power (4T18) is lasting for 20 seconds, when it should last for pet duration. Each buff should be tracked independently, instead of a single stackable buff. As a result, Temporal Power in AMR is being refreshed to an absurd number of stacks before finding a 20 second window to fade off:
Fix (advanced)
- Arcane Blast GCD with ToSW is not being reduced below 1.0 seconds. The Arcane Blast GCD according to the wiki is also wrong. In practice, there is a (1.5 * 0.8) = 1.2 second base-before-haste GCD cap before ToSW is applied, which is due to the Arcane Blast perk. Further haste cannot reduce GCD below 1.2 * (1 - ToSW).
See viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1964&p=17727#p17727 for detail
Fix (advacned)
- Presence of Mind is not applying to an Arcane Blast casted immediately after it.
Fix (easy)
- Arcane Missiles seems to be missing travel time.

- Temporal Hero attacks such as Jaina's Frostbolt are missing travel time.
Fix (easy)
- Nether Tempest has both a DOT and an AOE component. Both hit the main target. The AOE component is failing to hit the main target.
Fix (medium difficulty)
- 4T17 (Arcane Instability) proc rate does not benefit from Haste, unlike AMR's wiki suggests.
Required a rotation addition (easy)
- 4T17 (Arcane Instability) proc rate does not benefit from Haste, unlike AMR's wiki suggests.

- Mirror Images are whitelisted to proc AM. This is incorrect - it does not proc AM. On the other hand, all other offensive spells such as Nether Tempest, Arcane Orb, Supernova, Frost Nova, and Cone of Cold should be whitelisted.

- Evocation is not benefiting from Nether Attunement, and giving less mana than it should.
Fixes (easy)
- IB's Ignite spreading mechanism is triggered, before applying its own Ignite damage to the main target. In other words, if you spread ignite from A to B, they should not have the same Ignite sizes after you cast.
Fix (easy)

And the full, un-segmented video is here:" target="_blank

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:44 pm
by Komma
Thanks! It was pretty interesting looking at how he set some of them up. Also seems like some things I flagged were false positives (ie. regarding doom nova). Sorry about that!

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 4:58 pm
by SwolBC
I think the doom nova one was because the reporting in the log was confusing. We improved it a little bit so that the spells hitting prismatic crystal are more obvious in the log.

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 1:02 pm
by Curnivore
I'm impressed they have code autocomplete on a web platform.

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 11:14 pm
by zoopercat
Hey WarcraftMages :) That was actually really challenging for our developer (yellowfive), but fun. He says there are other websites who have done it, but they tend to be full code editors, rather than a bunch of single text inputs that need the same functionality. Javascript didn't make it easy, but you can beat it if you try hard enough (quoting yellowfive).

I passed this along to him, it's fun when people notice the 'extras' he spends a lot of time on that are nice, but not necessary :)

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 7:26 am
by Kver
Very nice. You don't think we can borrow your developer for a bit can you? :P

Re: AMR Simulator Stuff

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:49 pm
by zoopercat
Hey a few of you had contacted me to get into the private beta several weeks back. I wanted to drop in to let you know that the open beta is now ready at" target="_blank. Any of the accounts I made you for the private version hav been deleted, and you can now use your regular accounts.

I have some help videos and stuff here:" target="_blank

Hit me up if you have questions on our discord, forums, or I will keep an eye out on this thread too.

Discord:" target="_blank
Forums:" target="_blank