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First world mage problems

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 10:07 pm
by ManicMage
All three mage specs seem so fun and awesome this expansion.

Fire is doing great in sims and plays so much better than previous expansions in my opinion.

I have always had a love for arcane and Aluneth talks to you and that's amazing.

Even frost looks way more engaging now and even though it's a spec I previously disliked I find myself wanting to try it out now.

I can't possibly farm enough AP for all three though and still stay competitive within my guild.


Re: First world mage problems

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:02 am
by nathyiel
The answer is Artifact Knowledge.
It greatly increase Artifact Power up to 2400% (afyer 43 days of research) and it bound to character.

Re: First world mage problems

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:35 am
by Osinin
Early on keeping 3 at a 'high' level is tough. But keeping 2 relatively close is very doable.

There is a table floating around of showing how you can keep a 2nd artifact only a couple of days behind your main spec.

Found it: ... _timeline/" target="_blank