Sorcerous Shadowruby testing (Jewelcrafting Damage Neck)
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:33 pm ... by-pendant" target="_blank
At 7/7 upgrades it's
+1094 Stamina
+1311 Secondary stat (Crit for me)
+525 Secondary stat (Mastery for me)
+Prismatic Socket
On use: Cast a random damaging spell at your target (5 min cooldown)
For mages this means it casts:" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank
On a 5 minute cooldown.
The purpose of this thread is to test what affects it and what doesn't.
What I've learned:
-Not on GCD
-Cannot be casted while casting other spells (best macroed to another damage spell, e.g. /use 2 /cast Scorch or in a bigger macro)
-30 yard range
-IS affected by rune of power
-Does not seem to be affected by Combustion
-Skada very buggy with it. Does not sometimes pick up the damage. Will roll fireball into your general fireball damage
-Slight less damage than what the tooltips say, around 5% less damage
Biggest question so far is why it's doing 5% less damage
At 7/7 upgrades it's
+1094 Stamina
+1311 Secondary stat (Crit for me)
+525 Secondary stat (Mastery for me)
+Prismatic Socket
On use: Cast a random damaging spell at your target (5 min cooldown)
For mages this means it casts:" target="_blank" target="_blank" target="_blank
On a 5 minute cooldown.
The purpose of this thread is to test what affects it and what doesn't.
What I've learned:
-Not on GCD
-Cannot be casted while casting other spells (best macroed to another damage spell, e.g. /use 2 /cast Scorch or in a bigger macro)
-30 yard range
-IS affected by rune of power
-Does not seem to be affected by Combustion
-Skada very buggy with it. Does not sometimes pick up the damage. Will roll fireball into your general fireball damage
-Slight less damage than what the tooltips say, around 5% less damage
Biggest question so far is why it's doing 5% less damage