I'm both happy and sad. Happy we got looked at. Sad because I like the current Thermal Void/Bone Chilling spec/rotation. It seems they are pushing us more to standing still with Ray of Frost and Glacial Spike. Just did Emerald Nightmare tonight, and its namesake is pretty apt for a ranged. A nightmare of movement.
I wish they would look into the mastery for frost. The way it sits I am at 43% haste, 35% mastery, and 18% crit. This is most definitely not where I want to be but it seems like the gear is Crit/Vers and Haste/Mastery for the most part, barring drops from Cenarius. I can't seem to raise my crit with my haste, but my mastery has been high all expansion. It needs to be reworked somehow.
Back on topic. The TV/BC spec allows for decent movement with Ice Lance spamming. It's not great, but it is something. Now I don't know what the spec will change into with a buff to Ray of Frost and Glacial Spike, and Ice Nova and also with the Ice Lance buff. It honestly seems all so weird to me. I mean, the buff to Ice Lance means TV/BC gets stronger, but is the 28% on Ray and 18% on Spike worth it to switch, along with the Frostbolt buff?
It's a weird buff that I guess gives us a bit more options, which is good. But both specs playstyles differ drastically. One being good for movement, and the other keeping us planted in place. I think reducing the cast time on Ebonbolt/Glacial Spike and making Ray of Frost usable while moving with Ice Floes would be best for the latter spec to bring it more in line with TV/BC.
I guess we will see come Tuesday, but it honestly just seems weird to me.
The frost changes are interesting too. I prefer to play fire but I'll be extremely annoyed if this pushes frost way past fire in damage to a point where I have to change.
Welcome to how Frost mages have felt so far this expansion? I don't know what else to say. I'd prefer all 3 specs to be in the top 12 (along with the other pure classes, Rogue/Warlock/Hunter) but I don't think we will ever see it this way. Either way, I'll be happy if it pushes past or up to fire so I don't have to even consider fire's boring rotation.