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25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:58 am
by Dtwar
First if I just haven't seen any, have their been any 25 mage raids of like ToT or T14.
If not i think it would be pretty cool after watching the hunters do this to have mages try it. I am sure we have more than enough geared mages to try it out and see if we can do it.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:32 am
by Trustbucket
And you are trying to make this happen on EU or US?
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:40 am
by zhengma
First if I just haven't seen any, have their been any 25 mage raids of like ToT or T14.
If not i think it would be pretty cool after watching the hunters do this to have mages try it. I am sure we have more than enough geared mages to try it out and see if we can do it.
So, we let the Water Elementals hold aggro in turn, and bandage for raid-wide damage, right?
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:26 am
by Trustbucket
I would think save mirror image for the pull, when you get aggro mirror image then if you still have aggro then you Ginvis and let the next person pop images. Would burst the boss down well before all the images are used.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:54 am
by zhengma
I thought about it a bit further. If no one has a stance/presence that generates much threat, the aggro will almost purely be determined by DPS. Those who are holding aggro can just cease DPS for a while to pass it on to a different person.
Does MI's taunt work on Boss and other elites? I know it works on rares such as Zandalari Warscout.
We can Evocate/potion/bandage, but those bosses with heavy raid-wide AoE will still be much tougher to handle.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:36 pm
by Trustbucket
Mirror image throws your threat into the images, and it does work for bosses. I have had a couple clutch kills on progression because of how much time it delays having the boss hit all of the images after the tank is dead. I'm sure we wouldn't need to bandage it would be much better to just nuke the bosses and in our gear, I've barrier should be more than enough to keep us up as long as the boss doesn't keep hitting us.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:41 pm
by Akraen
I'm 589 with a 588 focusing crystal and a healing cloak. With MI, GI, and Shadowmeld, I often tank all sorts of things. These combinations of survival tactics along with things like Glyph of Iceblock, an army of mages could probably do anything.
Requires a certain set of skills though. I'd love to host one in the US.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:15 am
by zhengma
A quote from my "PvE in a Nutshell" speech in a training session I did to the recruits as a Raid Leader in my ex-guild:
There are 3 roles in WoW PvE, the basic duties of which can be summarized as:
- To be one that the mobs don't like but can't kill;
- To hurt the mobs while not hurting oneself; and
- To keep both the HP of the team and the mana of oneself from depleting.
(P.S. Do you mind me putting this into my signature? Hope it's not misleading or something)
In an all-magi raid, the third line is irrelevant. Hurting the mobs goes without saying. Not hurting oneself in the process is very unlikely in Tier 11 onward, but we can always Evocation/RoP/Glyph of IB/potion/bandage/Life Spirit. According to the tone of Akraen, the "can't kill" part is achievable.
The hardest part, therefore, will be the "don't like" part, which is especially true to bosses that immune to Frost Nova and WE Freeze. To ensure the mob likes a designated person the least, that person must out-DPS everyone. Some "hold your hand" may also be necessary. That sounds very... Vanilla to me.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:03 am
by Xtenz
Im sure its more than doable with some smart tactics of defensive CDs. Its more of a matter of putting the group together.
Like someone else mentioned, the biggest prob would be raid wide damage, but with glypghed evo, I dont see it as a brick wall.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:10 am
by Dtwar
When the Hunters did T14, all of the bosses lasted at the most 20-30 seconds. So there should only be a few bosses were we will have to worry about raid wide damage.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:21 am
by Trustbucket
I'd love to host one in the US.
Lets make it happen
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:17 am
by zhengma
I'd love to host one in the US.
Lets make it happen
I'd surely love to give it a shot.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:57 pm
by Mageski
I participated in an all bear raid a while back. Ysera's gift going off on 21 bears was a bit silly.
Re: 25 Same Class Raids
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:26 pm
by Garrod
Count me in if this goes anywhere.