Do i trust pawn

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Do i trust pawn

Unread postby sawbossnl Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:26 pm

I use simc and copy paste the pawn string for fire and frost but do i realy have to trust pawn all the time ?
do i need to keep simc myself everytime i switch out a piece of gear ?
:) just wondering but i some time see 4% upgrade and than i wonder if its realy a upgrade.
So if you say i have to keep simcrafting myself every time i get a piece that might be beter cuase pawn says so why do i need pawn than ?
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Re: Do i trust pawn

Unread postby nickseng Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:30 am

So if you say i have to keep simcrafting myself every time i get a piece that might be beter cuase pawn says so why do i need pawn than ?
You don't, really. Never been a fan of the addon, myself. Also, Pawn is pretty useless when it comes to factoring things like proc, setbonus, etc.
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Re: Do i trust pawn

Unread postby ardomur Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:08 pm

Sadly, you have to Sim yourself. Pawn just takes the stats and makes a basic calculation (Crit on the Item, lets say 800 x what Pawn has as your Crit lets say 12,5 = 10.000dps and compares it to the other item).
The Problem with this is, if you get a benefit of certain Haste or Crit Brakepoints, so while it IS better for you to purely get +800 Crit over getting +800 Haste, it doesn't mean that it is worth to trade 800 Haste for 800 crit. If you Sim yourself with 800 less Haste than before, you might be losing damage.
So maybe for you crit sims higher as Haste, because you have a ton of it, but if you lose that Haste, it gets higher value because you have less of it.
Its good for a quick glance, if Pawn says its -10%, i wouldn't really bother simming it, but aside from that, it's not that great.
(at one point Versatility simed pretty high for me, but trading 1000 Haste/Crit/Mastery for Vers and simming again had Vers as dead last again...)
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Re: Do i trust pawn

Unread postby Maywtf Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:28 am

To get the best results, you should re-sim the stat weights every time you swap-out a piece. Of course it would be pretty troublesome and annoying, so there are some alternatives you can utilise. If the stats are quite apart from each other in value, nothing much will change, unless you reach a soft-cap for that stat (ex. crit-cap for Frost TV). On the other hand, when the stat values are closer, you can expect one stat gaining value as you get the other. This pieces of knowledge will let you get away with not simulating every piece, but you should still do it as often as you can.

A complete alternative to stat-weights are machine learning algorithms that will figure out the best stat composition for your configuration. I have made a lot of experiments with these, I started last year with a topic here and we're achieved great results. As opposed to stat-weights, compositions don't change with every time you swap out an item, as long as you change a trinket, artifact relics or legendaries (which is still much better than stat-weights).

The topic is found here, but I didn't update it for 7.2 yet: ... f=2&t=3458
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Re: Do i trust pawn

Unread postby Katsumi Wed Apr 12, 2017 3:40 pm

Could you? I still think it's the way to go. ;)
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Re: Do i trust pawn

Unread postby Maywtf Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:02 pm

Could you? I still think it's the way to go. ;)
I will prepare the batch this evening. Simulating all of it will take some time though. If everything goes well it should be ready by the end of the week. I will make a separate thread for this too.

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