Gift of the Pyromancer: would this idea be too strong?

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Gift of the Pyromancer: would this idea be too strong?

Unread postby Tweezy03 Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:25 pm

19 min ago

I have a quick question maybe some of you could answer. Would it be OP If Blizzard gave fire a talent, Tier ability, or ledgendary that gave us the ability to proc two consecutive pyros after landing a third critical strike in a row? The ability "Gift of the Pyromancer" (the name I'd give it) lol, could only be triggered by landing a critical strike Pyroblast! for the third crit. Once the two pyros given by GoP are consumed the critical strike count to obtain GoP would reset. I was thinking if the two GoP pyroblast critted giving us another Pyroblast! the possibility of that Pyroblast! being able to crit and start GoP over again,would probably be far too strong. But I don't know how rare it is for three Pyroblast! to crit in a row so I'm not sure. Also, GoP drops off and you lose the second Pyroblast if you cast another fire spell in between the first pyro granted by GoP.

If GoP was given by a legendary, the gear could have an extreme amount crit on it. If given by a talent it could also greatly boost crit/damage for X amount of time when GoP is triggered or consumed. This is probably way too much but hey, it's "Gift of the Pyromancer"!

I'm sorry if this idea is way out there or over the top. I don't theory craft and I haven't played for a while so I'm out of touch with the way fire is played now. Also, I posted this on Blizzard's class development forum but no answers. Lol. Thank you and have a good day!

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