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Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:56 am
by abbey
When is it good and what exactly can it negate? Seems like it could be really op but can't really put my finger on what

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:07 am
by nathyiel
Evanesce is like Deterance. So it don't work on everything like Ice Block but it's mobile.

I don't know if we have an actualized list of what it deflect.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:22 am
by Ghanjo
Here's my very short list of places where I know it worked for me:
  • Iron Juggernaut - Prevents damage and knockback from Shockwave
  • Malkorok - The breath attack (didn't test the slams)
  • Spoils - Completely avoid damage from the bombs the mantids throw at you without dropping them (they still explode around you)
  • Garrosh - His slams during transitions
I can also confirm that Cold Snap resets it's cooldown.

Edit: added a few more from raid last night.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:50 am
by Freshpepper
I can confirm that it DOES NOT work on Malkorok's smashes. Or the laser on Blackfuse.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:08 am
by Sturmcantor
Regardless of what it works on I don't think it is a very viable talent - too much of our mobility is tied up in Ice Floes to take it on most fights.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:14 am
by Vellox
My understanding of it is it only blocks abilities actively going out against you, like an AoE pulse (Immerseus, Juggernaut), and not continuous effects (Siegecrafter Laser), some debuffs or cone/ground effects, I still died with it up through Spoils bombs, although our other Mage survived, but then died on the next lot he used it on (logs showed that it wasn't late/early, just died through the effect), so it may have been bugged at that point (first night of 6.0), so I can't confirm that one either way, and can confirm it won't block Malkorok smash.

I think it really needs a tooltip clarification on exactly what kind of effects it works on, "Attacks against you" is far too vague imo.

After dying on Spoils I swapped it out but will do a full run with in on Wednesday and see what happens.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:39 am
by nathyiel
From my understanding of it, Evanesce can only "block" spell that can miss. This spell give Avoidance instead of Immunity so the list of ability it can block on Dungeon and Raid will be limited.
It's more a PvP tool.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:04 am
by Malon
I think that Nath's rule-of-thumb is a good one. For instance, I would use it against a single-target spell, but not an AoE (which, sadly, is most raid damage).

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:10 pm
by Imnick
Well it'll have the same list as deterrence, which does actually include many AOE raid spells.

Spray on Immerseus, Calamity on Protectors, Blind Hatred on Norushen, Swelling Pride on Sha, Whirling Corruption on Garrosh... those are all affected by Deterrence. Shock Pulse on Juggernaut is effected, but the pulsing AOE is not, despite the fact that it does block the pulsing AOE from Whirling Corruption.
And then Aim on Paragons, which you'd assume is obviously aimed at you, pierces it entirely (though that might just be a spell that bypasses immunities completely). It also doesn't work at all on the mines on Iron Juggernaut.
Some posts I've seen say that deterrence works on Spoils' bombs if you drop them on the ground, but not if you just keep the debuff and wait for it to explode! I'd have to ask my guild to see how our hunters usually deal with it.

Basically, there's no hard and fast rules. This ability is completely inconsistent.

We're probably going to just have to write up a per-tier list of what ignores Ice Block and what ignores Evanesce.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:06 pm
by nathyiel
There's a little differenxe between "aimed at you" and that check for hit.
In short, if a spell can "miss" then it will work. But it wob't block unavoidable spell.

So yeah, the list of spell will be quite huge.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:32 pm
by gameorg
Yep, for the new instances we need an own list.

Both spells are very viable. The whirling corruption damage is a good example. U can evanesce one, altered time the next and evanesce the next 1 to help your heals while losing little dps.

In that case iceblock would be a bigger dps loss and a worse talent because of the cooldown. Where iceblock is good to help tanks with the mines at ironjuggernaut or to remove nondispellable dots.

At first i was disappointed (not having iceblock as a mage feels weird) but if u know the encounters well, u can be the class taking the least amount of raiddamage now.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:57 pm
by Imnick
There's a little differenxe between "aimed at you" and that check for hit.
In short, if a spell can "miss" then it will work. But it wob't block unavoidable spell.

So yeah, the list of spell will be quite huge.
Yes that's true, I was just responding to Malon interpreting it as "it's only useful for single target and volley spells" :P
The problem is that it's almost never clear whether a boss spell would be affected by hit chance or not without just trying to use deterrence or evanesce on it anyway.

Re: Evanesce

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:48 pm
by Kver
There's a little differenxe between "aimed at you" and that check for hit.
In short, if a spell can "miss" then it will work. But it wob't block unavoidable spell.

So yeah, the list of spell will be quite huge.
Yes that's true, I was just responding to Malon interpreting it as "it's only useful for single target and volley spells" :P
The problem is that it's almost never clear whether a boss spell would be affected by hit chance or not without just trying to use deterrence or evanesce on it anyway.
That's something that will be figured out pretty quickly though, so I don't really see that as a problem.