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SpellSteal alert/addon

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:07 pm
by Jhesian
SpellSteal alert/addon

Sometimes when fighting a group of mobs several targets may have buffs like void shell or stone bulwark.

Obviously the mob i am targeting i can see the buff appear on the target frame and i immediately spellsteal it.
However i don't see the buff on the mobs i am not targeting.

Is there any spellsteal addon or spellsteal alert for mobs that i am not targeting?
I downloaded the spellstealer from curse but that only adds a spellsteal monitor for my current target.
I need notifications for mobs i am in combat with but not currently targeting or focusing.

Re: SpellSteal alert/addon

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 10:27 am
by Chev
My suggestion would be something like tidy plates. Normally it is configured to show your debuffs such Mage Bombs on targets but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing the option to set up a list of buffs / debuffs which you could configure to be a list of spells which are steal-able.

Re: SpellSteal alert/addon

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:05 pm
by Calo
ElvUI also shows this by default on mobs if you have target bars enabled if i'm not mistaken.

Re: SpellSteal alert/addon

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:57 pm
by Killget
The Addon : We Dont Wipe has an option to show when an enemy has a spellstealable buff.

I guess you could remove all of the Spell Rotation ques from the options and only leave the spellsteal alert on

Re: SpellSteal alert/addon

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:44 pm
by Jhesian
Mmmm thx ill check these out
I alrdy have Elvui and the buffs arnt showing on the nameplates. I am playing around with the filters.

Anyone have a list of ALL the steal-able buffs in WoD 5mans and raids?

So far:
Stone Bulwark
Void Shell
Reactive Earth Shield
Molten Core
Rejuvenating Serum
Rapid Tides
Slaver's Rage

Re: SpellSteal alert/addon

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:41 pm
by Kyrox
Get weakauras, import this aura:" target="_blank. Should work for all stealable buffs.