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Mage Food Macro AddOn

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 7:13 am
by Cedric
Since the change of the Conjure Refreshment spell, mages can't choose to summon solo or group food at will. This causes a bit of annoyance at putting one food icon on our action bars. MageFood will create a macro in your General Macros tab called MageFoodMac, as long as you have a free slot for one macro, the first time mage food goes into your bags.

Once you get the macro on your action bar, you don't have to mess with it again. Just let that macro stay in your General Macros tab, and it will automatically update itself to the highest level mage food in your inventory if the current one on your bar runs out or is destroyed by you.

This release handles all known levels of food. This also defers in-combat changes until you leave combat.

WoWInterface Link: ... eFood.html" target="_blank

Curse Link:" target="_blank

Re: Mage Food Macro AddOn

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:28 am
by Cedric
By request, I updated version 1.3 to cast Conjure Refreshment if you right-click the macro. Hitting the keybind, left-click, or middle-click will still cause you to eat the current food. I pull the spell name and food names from the server, so this should be language-independent.

Re: Mage Food Macro AddOn

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:14 am
by xkodx
1st off, thank you!

2nd - is there a way to customize the macro? before they changed this stupid thing, I had a perfect macro that would do the following:

if in combat: use healthstone, health potion, bandage
if out of combat: eat

had zero problems till they messed up this spell in legion. i already tried opening /macro and adding my custom strings but that just reset after i used the ability.

please help!!!!