Move Kalecgos' Fury Button
Move Kalecgos' Fury Button
I'm using ElvUI - does anyone know how to move the Kalecgos' Fury Button? I tried dragging it onto my bars but I couldn't "pick it up" from the follower section. When I toggle ElvUI anchors, it doesn't light up. Any solutions?
Re: Move Kalecgos' Fury Button
I believe it should be the zone ability anchor.
Re: Move Kalecgos' Fury Button
Thanks, it was the zone ability anchor frame. I found a few scripts on the wowhead to hide/show/move things and modified for this this button (below). To move the frame, paste the 3rd script into your chat box then click the gold frame around the button to move.
Code: Select all
/run ZoneAbilityFrame:Hide()
Code: Select all
/run ZoneAbilityFrame:Show()
Code: Select all
/run local f=ZoneAbilityFrame; f:SetMovable(true); f:EnableMouse(true); f:SetUserPlaced(true); f:SetScript("OnMouseDown", f.StartMoving); f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", f.StopMovingOrSizing);
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