Icy Veins weakaura?
Icy Veins weakaura?
Hello, I'm looking for some IV weakaura that shows not the cooldown the but the duration (extending as FoF procs are used). I imagine it would just be a progressbar counting down remaning time. Anyone have something like this?
Re: Icy Veins weakaura?
Is it possible to see Icy Veins duration anywhere at all? Like, cobat log or wacraftlogs, or any adddon
Re: Icy Veins weakaura?
I use this bar, its a part of a complete set I made so you will have to adjust bar dimensions to suit your UIHello, I'm looking for some IV weakaura that shows not the cooldown the but the duration (extending as FoF procs are used). I imagine it would just be a progressbar counting down remaning time. Anyone have something like this?
http://pastebin.com/NafhZ7qT" target="_blank
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