Hey all!
I would like to reserve a part of this weekly news roundup to announce that our staff has officially gained a new member! A very warm welcome to Soggs! He will continue to help people with his brilliant advise on various topics in the Help forums, and I am sure that he will prove to be an amazing moderator.
Now, to continue with actual news, Dutchmagoz has written a fire mage guide for 5.4.8, which not only introduces people to the essential elements of fire mages but also explains how they should optimise their gear properly. The guide can be found here and is definitely worth a read!
There is, as always, news from the Alpha front. This week a new wave of invites went out, increasing the amount of players present in the alpha. Both Frosted and Komma have given some interesting feedback based on their initial experiences as fire mages!
Our content creation team is still looking for a gifted and interested mage who can write news articles from a mage perspective. If this sounds fun to you, then send me a message!
~The Altered Time staff
A new moderator, a new fire guide, lots of new stuff!
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