Hey all,
Fairly new to arcane and I seem to be struggling to maintain good dps using the no-barrage method. Is there nothing I can do during the conserve phase to keep the APM up? Im only 855iL with ~50% mastery, but I have 2 relics in the AM proc chance increase trait. Even after only refreshing quickening when its about to fall off I still struggle to keep my mana up at a decent level. Is this playstyle perhaps more gear reliant? I do not have any legendaries currently.
Hey there! So there are a couple of elements to this playstyle that I feel are noteworthy:
-It relies on having a decent amount of mastery to start, but a higher amount to perform at better levels
-Timing is everything
With mastery, I've been hearing that your entry to this is around 40/41%. I sit around 58~% and I have plenty of regen possiblities, so I don't fret about running out of mana during the Throttle phase. If I stop around 60% and play it right, I end up with around 80~% when I enter my next HQ Burn phase.
However, this is where the next part takes hold. Timing
IS everything with this method.
Yea I have good mana regen, but I swear, forbid I have to handle a mechanic, and am just slightly out of range, or something isn't proc'd just right. I lose my stacks.
Here's a prime example:
You're fighting Ursoc, and get chosen to be the charge target! Ok, so you run to the designated safe-zone. However, it's a smidge out of range because it was setup wrong,.. So you think, what can I do? Well, I don't have an AM proc so I can't just move to the max distance and then refresh Q stacks... I can't blink in to refresh because I risk killing myself and causing problems for the raid... There aren't any adds nearby that I can refresh off of... the timer keeps ticking though
That's the problem you run into. You have to consider all of these actions within a matter of a second or two for reaction purposes.
While I must say, I do enjoy the damage the Throttle can do,.. I do not enjoy the frailty that it is. A single slip up can cost you 30-40 stacks of Quickening, and when that happens, you're basically reset back to a LQ Burn or a LQ Conserve phase. Both of which SUCK if you were lining up for a prime burn time on a boss.
So yea, I'm going to dabble with some other ideas, as well as check my logs versus some of the higher ranking Arcane magi that report to WarcraftLogs.com. I want to find the best way to be consistent, and quality. I've never been a fan of walking a risk/reward line for everything that you do.