Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
Vorrum, congrats! How many attempts it took from you on 890 ilvl?
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
I did not count my attempts but I want to say between 18-22 attempts.
- Thudderson
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:26 am
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
Hey guys so I FINALLY managed this. Must have had around 80 attempts. Here is how I did it.
Ilvl 910. Legendaries kilt and belovir.
Talents: amp, shim, flow, res, chrono, ero, op
Use flask and versa food
Stats 31% 20% 28% 8% ish trinks whisp and metro
For the love of god turn off the new glyph of arcane momentum - I wiped 10+ times by blinking out of arena.
Fight strat:
Prepot, pop all cd's ae all 3 until jarl at 80-85%. Blink away, poly sig in middle, slow jarl. Try to pull to edge of circle then focus caster. Use barr when runes appear. 2 sets of runes then jarl is chill. Sig will blood soon so be ready (use macro). Save missiles procs for ancestral channel. There is a totally awful overlap around 50% where runes, valkyr, enrage, and blood all happen very close together. You must be ready to sheep sig - if her channel finishes before poly goes off you will die when she comes out of sheep so be vigilant. Once you get through the overlap just ae all 3 and keep running.
General tips:
Use displacement on cd to keep shim charges. So annoying to run out.
Stay away from rune spawns to avoid green goo hiding them.
Use barrier on cd.
Always look for valkyr and if you can stay near to the edge they spawn - curved edge of arena makes it hard to know exact path of them.
Hope any of that helped.
Ilvl 910. Legendaries kilt and belovir.
Talents: amp, shim, flow, res, chrono, ero, op
Use flask and versa food
Stats 31% 20% 28% 8% ish trinks whisp and metro
For the love of god turn off the new glyph of arcane momentum - I wiped 10+ times by blinking out of arena.
Fight strat:
Prepot, pop all cd's ae all 3 until jarl at 80-85%. Blink away, poly sig in middle, slow jarl. Try to pull to edge of circle then focus caster. Use barr when runes appear. 2 sets of runes then jarl is chill. Sig will blood soon so be ready (use macro). Save missiles procs for ancestral channel. There is a totally awful overlap around 50% where runes, valkyr, enrage, and blood all happen very close together. You must be ready to sheep sig - if her channel finishes before poly goes off you will die when she comes out of sheep so be vigilant. Once you get through the overlap just ae all 3 and keep running.
General tips:
Use displacement on cd to keep shim charges. So annoying to run out.
Stay away from rune spawns to avoid green goo hiding them.
Use barrier on cd.
Always look for valkyr and if you can stay near to the edge they spawn - curved edge of arena makes it hard to know exact path of them.
Hope any of that helped.
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
I dub this the Arcane Explosion challenge mode. Using this method arcane explosion will make up a majority of your damage and will reduce the amount of time you have to stay stationary during the fight. If you have the Time and Space trait which I did not have, you can expect to finish this fight a little faster and have an easier time on the Runeseer's shield.
Focus target Arcane Blast
/cast [@focus] Arcane Blast
Focus target Polymorph
/cast [@focus] Polymorph
Runeseer target Arcane Blast
/tar Runeseer
/cast Arcane Blast
Jarl target Slow Macro
/tar jarl
/cast Slow
The Runeseer and Jarl macros are used to change targets during the fight, and the focus macros are for Sigryn. Targeting will be mostly handled by these macros. I recommend to replace your buttons with this macros.
Character and items:
My mage was 908 equipped using Gravity Spiral and Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus.The Trinkets used were Erratic Metronome and Whispers in the Dark, these play a very minor role mostly could be replaced with other trinkets.
Talents: Amplification, Slipstream, Incanter's Flow, Resonance, Chrono Shift Erosion, Overpowered
1. You want to enter the scenario and focus target Sigryn as your will only deal with her with the focus macros.
2. Eat up whatever food your prefer, I used The Hungry Magister.
3. You want to stand on the Jarl's side of the arena for the start of the encounter.
4. Prepot and turn cast Prismatic Barrier.
5. You open the fight by using the Focus target Arcane Blast macro (or just Arcane blast Sigryn), Lust, and Focus target Arcane Blast macro again. You do this to draw her away from the Runeseer because if she is too close she will get hit by your Mark of Aluneth on the Runeseer.
6. Then use the Focus target Polymorph macro to sheep her, this will be the only time you polymorph her outside of her, Blood of Her Father ability.
7. You start on the Jarl side of the encounter to help lure her away from the Runeseer.
8. Tap your Runeseer target Arcane Blast macro while moving and blink closer to the Runeseer.
9. Cast Mark of Aluneth and then get two more Arcane Charges and use Arcane Power. Go into the standard arcane burn rotation and your goal is to be OOM before the Jarl is done throwing axes and is running at you.
10. You want to move when casting Arcane Missiles and while using Presence of Mind to dodge axes.
11. During the start of the fight don't worry about eating too many axes from the Jarl because you want to stand still to get the most out of bloodlust and to burn all your mana. This will change later in the fight.
12. Cast Jarl target Slow Macro after the Jarl activates Berserker's Rage, you want to repeat this every time he uses this ability. You can take a 1 or 2 hits with Prismatic barrier but staying in melee will knock you out. You want to burn all your Arcane Missiles into the Jarl while running away and then use Evocation while also running away.
The rest of the fight:
Until runes stop spawning, you never want to go into the center of the ring unless you are running to a rune or a health orb. From this point on you want to almost always have the Jarl slowed and to have Chrono Shift active. No matter how many Arcane Charges you have keep Chrono Shift up. Kite the Jarl into Sigryn and then into the Runeseer while Spamming Arcane Explosion and maintaining the steps above. If you have Prydaz, don't be afraid to take some melee hits here to get Runes as Health Orbs will spawn while Runes can also spawn. If you miss a rune, it will most likely kill you.
At one point while runes are spawning, Sigryn will cast Blood of Her Father and you need to use Focus target Polymorph to stop her. The first cast will before the first Runeseer's shield and it will end on her during the Runeseer's shield. You want to grab 2 of the 3 runes that spawn and then Polymorth her.
The Jarl near the start of the fight will stop chasing you and start throwing axes again. Later he will use Bladestorm which will pull you toward him instead. Now you want to just avoid all axes by using Arcane Explosion, you can also position yourself so you only hit the Jarl and Runeseer while avoiding breaking your sheep.
Outside of having Blood of Her Father active, Sigryn does almost no damage to you and can be kept at a distance from Arcane Explosion reapplying slow. She is not as fast as the Jarl.
After 2-3 rune spawns, the Runeseer will start casting Ancestral Knowledge and gain a shield. If he finishes the cast, you die. You want to kite the Jarl near the Runeseer while spamming Arcane explosion to get full Arcane Charges. Now you will have to make a judgement call here, Chrono Shift and Slow on the Jarl take priority and if you have enough time to rebuild your charges quickly with Arcane Explosion. Also during the middle of the Ancestral Knowledge, Sigryn will come out of polymorth and start eating some Arcane Explosions. Once you have full Arcane Charges you want to Frost Nova Sigryn and the Jarl a little bit off from the runeseer. You can nova them all together and then cast Mark of Aluneth if it's up on the Runeseer to hit all 3 but that will take practice but it is possible. The Runeseer's shield should already be at least half way down from the Arcane Explosions and you should have some Arcane Missile procs to also help out. You save to use Presence of Mind and Arcane Power for the shield. As the fight goes on, these abilities will stop lining up with the Runeseer's shield. Using Arcane Power to just spam Arcane Explosions also works to knock out the shield, pick up dmg with some cleave, and stay mobile. The shield is basically the only time you need to target the Runeseer until you kill the Jarl.
During the first Runeseer's shield or after depending on how fast you interrupt, Sigryn will start casting Dark Wings which summons a wall of dark val'kyr with a gap. You want to run to the gap and either kite towards the hole or away from it running with or against the direction of the charge, you do this so you never stop moving. The exception being if you have to cast Arcane Blast on the Runeseer's shield. This will be another judgement call during the fight if the Runeseer has casted his shield, if you can Arcane Explosion the Jarl and Sigryn to get Arcane Charges to use Arcane Barrage or get Arcane Missile procs.
You want to prioritize casting Arcane Missiles on the move at the Jarl, the best time to do this is right after you reapply slow on the Jarl. Casting slow will snare him more that just reapplying it with a damaging ability it seemed. After you spend all Arcane Missile charges you want to Arcane Barrage the Jarl and Sigryn. Chrono Shift will take slightly less time to activate being that the Jarl may be closer to you than the Runeseer.
The Runeseer's shield and Sigryn's Val'kyr Wall will speed up the rate they are used during the fight until they completely replace Runes and Health orbs spawning in the center. If you get to this phase you can rest assured that you are getting to the end of the fight.
When Runes in the center stop spawning, you can get quite aggressive keeping all 3 near each other to Arcane Explosion them down. When the Jarl is near death, the Runeseer's shield and Sigryn's Val'kyr Wall will be cast at a very fast pace. After the Jarl dies, you can get really aggressive at keeping Sigryn on the Runeseer to eat cleave from Arcane Explosion.
I ran out of space. Remember to use Evocation on the move! Most likely could change with the release of 7.2.5, just keep an open mind if you don't wanna stand still and cast, think Arcane Explosion!
Focus target Arcane Blast
/cast [@focus] Arcane Blast
Focus target Polymorph
/cast [@focus] Polymorph
Runeseer target Arcane Blast
/tar Runeseer
/cast Arcane Blast
Jarl target Slow Macro
/tar jarl
/cast Slow
The Runeseer and Jarl macros are used to change targets during the fight, and the focus macros are for Sigryn. Targeting will be mostly handled by these macros. I recommend to replace your buttons with this macros.
Character and items:
My mage was 908 equipped using Gravity Spiral and Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus.The Trinkets used were Erratic Metronome and Whispers in the Dark, these play a very minor role mostly could be replaced with other trinkets.
Talents: Amplification, Slipstream, Incanter's Flow, Resonance, Chrono Shift Erosion, Overpowered
1. You want to enter the scenario and focus target Sigryn as your will only deal with her with the focus macros.
2. Eat up whatever food your prefer, I used The Hungry Magister.
3. You want to stand on the Jarl's side of the arena for the start of the encounter.
4. Prepot and turn cast Prismatic Barrier.
5. You open the fight by using the Focus target Arcane Blast macro (or just Arcane blast Sigryn), Lust, and Focus target Arcane Blast macro again. You do this to draw her away from the Runeseer because if she is too close she will get hit by your Mark of Aluneth on the Runeseer.
6. Then use the Focus target Polymorph macro to sheep her, this will be the only time you polymorph her outside of her, Blood of Her Father ability.
7. You start on the Jarl side of the encounter to help lure her away from the Runeseer.
8. Tap your Runeseer target Arcane Blast macro while moving and blink closer to the Runeseer.
9. Cast Mark of Aluneth and then get two more Arcane Charges and use Arcane Power. Go into the standard arcane burn rotation and your goal is to be OOM before the Jarl is done throwing axes and is running at you.
10. You want to move when casting Arcane Missiles and while using Presence of Mind to dodge axes.
11. During the start of the fight don't worry about eating too many axes from the Jarl because you want to stand still to get the most out of bloodlust and to burn all your mana. This will change later in the fight.
12. Cast Jarl target Slow Macro after the Jarl activates Berserker's Rage, you want to repeat this every time he uses this ability. You can take a 1 or 2 hits with Prismatic barrier but staying in melee will knock you out. You want to burn all your Arcane Missiles into the Jarl while running away and then use Evocation while also running away.
The rest of the fight:
Until runes stop spawning, you never want to go into the center of the ring unless you are running to a rune or a health orb. From this point on you want to almost always have the Jarl slowed and to have Chrono Shift active. No matter how many Arcane Charges you have keep Chrono Shift up. Kite the Jarl into Sigryn and then into the Runeseer while Spamming Arcane Explosion and maintaining the steps above. If you have Prydaz, don't be afraid to take some melee hits here to get Runes as Health Orbs will spawn while Runes can also spawn. If you miss a rune, it will most likely kill you.
At one point while runes are spawning, Sigryn will cast Blood of Her Father and you need to use Focus target Polymorph to stop her. The first cast will before the first Runeseer's shield and it will end on her during the Runeseer's shield. You want to grab 2 of the 3 runes that spawn and then Polymorth her.
The Jarl near the start of the fight will stop chasing you and start throwing axes again. Later he will use Bladestorm which will pull you toward him instead. Now you want to just avoid all axes by using Arcane Explosion, you can also position yourself so you only hit the Jarl and Runeseer while avoiding breaking your sheep.
Outside of having Blood of Her Father active, Sigryn does almost no damage to you and can be kept at a distance from Arcane Explosion reapplying slow. She is not as fast as the Jarl.
After 2-3 rune spawns, the Runeseer will start casting Ancestral Knowledge and gain a shield. If he finishes the cast, you die. You want to kite the Jarl near the Runeseer while spamming Arcane explosion to get full Arcane Charges. Now you will have to make a judgement call here, Chrono Shift and Slow on the Jarl take priority and if you have enough time to rebuild your charges quickly with Arcane Explosion. Also during the middle of the Ancestral Knowledge, Sigryn will come out of polymorth and start eating some Arcane Explosions. Once you have full Arcane Charges you want to Frost Nova Sigryn and the Jarl a little bit off from the runeseer. You can nova them all together and then cast Mark of Aluneth if it's up on the Runeseer to hit all 3 but that will take practice but it is possible. The Runeseer's shield should already be at least half way down from the Arcane Explosions and you should have some Arcane Missile procs to also help out. You save to use Presence of Mind and Arcane Power for the shield. As the fight goes on, these abilities will stop lining up with the Runeseer's shield. Using Arcane Power to just spam Arcane Explosions also works to knock out the shield, pick up dmg with some cleave, and stay mobile. The shield is basically the only time you need to target the Runeseer until you kill the Jarl.
During the first Runeseer's shield or after depending on how fast you interrupt, Sigryn will start casting Dark Wings which summons a wall of dark val'kyr with a gap. You want to run to the gap and either kite towards the hole or away from it running with or against the direction of the charge, you do this so you never stop moving. The exception being if you have to cast Arcane Blast on the Runeseer's shield. This will be another judgement call during the fight if the Runeseer has casted his shield, if you can Arcane Explosion the Jarl and Sigryn to get Arcane Charges to use Arcane Barrage or get Arcane Missile procs.
You want to prioritize casting Arcane Missiles on the move at the Jarl, the best time to do this is right after you reapply slow on the Jarl. Casting slow will snare him more that just reapplying it with a damaging ability it seemed. After you spend all Arcane Missile charges you want to Arcane Barrage the Jarl and Sigryn. Chrono Shift will take slightly less time to activate being that the Jarl may be closer to you than the Runeseer.
The Runeseer's shield and Sigryn's Val'kyr Wall will speed up the rate they are used during the fight until they completely replace Runes and Health orbs spawning in the center. If you get to this phase you can rest assured that you are getting to the end of the fight.
When Runes in the center stop spawning, you can get quite aggressive keeping all 3 near each other to Arcane Explosion them down. When the Jarl is near death, the Runeseer's shield and Sigryn's Val'kyr Wall will be cast at a very fast pace. After the Jarl dies, you can get really aggressive at keeping Sigryn on the Runeseer to eat cleave from Arcane Explosion.
I ran out of space. Remember to use Evocation on the move! Most likely could change with the release of 7.2.5, just keep an open mind if you don't wanna stand still and cast, think Arcane Explosion!
Last edited by Tenzarin on Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
I would suggest a target runeseer counterspell macro as well, last thing you want is to be explosioning accidentally target jarl and CS him instead of runeseer. Not sure what the point of your focus arcane blast macro is, as you focused sigryn for polymorph.
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
Only reason for the focus arcane blast is to use it twice on Sigryn at the start, so you can just target the Runeseer the entire time.
Its been like over a month since I did it and it didn't feel like I needed a counterspell target macro for the Runeseer because the only time it mattered was when he had the shield and I would already be targeting him.
Arcane explosion should only choose a target if your drop your targets also, so don't clear your targets.
Its been like over a month since I did it and it didn't feel like I needed a counterspell target macro for the Runeseer because the only time it mattered was when he had the shield and I would already be targeting him.
Arcane explosion should only choose a target if your drop your targets also, so don't clear your targets.
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
I keep getting to the pseudo enrage and im not sure if its a bug or its just taking too long but Jarl is still around 30-40% hp when runes dissapear and i start getting valk walls and rune shields back to back. Everywhere i see says its not a dps race but it seems like that soft enrage is happening way too fast.
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
Question for ya'll, similar to above.
I can pretty consistently make it to the last phase, but being the other mechanics stop I *constantly* have Sig and Jarl just behind me for the whole encounter, and unless I have Frost Nova it's hard to get them off with enough time to burst down Jarl's shield. And then they either whiddle down my health or I don't manage to counterspell because I'm trying to avoid damage so much. (I do Slow + Chrono but that doesn't seem to be enough lol)
I can pretty consistently make it to the last phase, but being the other mechanics stop I *constantly* have Sig and Jarl just behind me for the whole encounter, and unless I have Frost Nova it's hard to get them off with enough time to burst down Jarl's shield. And then they either whiddle down my health or I don't manage to counterspell because I'm trying to avoid damage so much. (I do Slow + Chrono but that doesn't seem to be enough lol)
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
Ok, for the last two postings...
It's not an enrage, it's the normal fight. And yes, it's easyer with good equip, because you can burn the shield so much easyer. I had about 80 trys with 890 and only managed to survive 10 min getting the Jarl to 10%. That was my best. If you play perfect it's defenitly possible but it will take about 14 min to do it. And starting with the Shildstormphase you don't get the healingorbs anymore. But I'm to bad. So I did it weeks later with 913, second try, 7min.
The key to deal with the "shildstorm" is to manage your CDs, your mana and the arcanecharges right. There was a posting about that earler in this Treat. You have multible CDs to break the shild:
- AP
- MoA
- PoM with AB and Charged up
- BL
- Ramp AM; from 900 on that alone will be enough.
- Frostnova and go
- iceblock when you got stuck in Trafic (aka Valkyriebitches)
Everyone of this alone will be enough to break the shild in time when you spam AB with 4 Charges . Thats more than enough to get through that Phase.
Most of the CDs are ready every second shild. You can let him cast and interupt him at the very end of the casttime if you have problems. At this point you can discus if you need an InteruptSeerMacro when you want to AB and slow the Jarl for damagereduction in that time.
As for the Damage you take. It's gettig better with better equip. Prydaz and Belovir with Arcaneshild and 910+ equip let you get hit by the Jarl the whole time the seershild is up without getting damage in the Shildstormphase. Thats when you sheep Sigryn there. At that point you can add the Sheep to the CDs above.
In the end you have to praktice. If your not the superplayer you will need some trys to get used to the mechanics.
In the end it might not be a real DPS-race, but as it's so much easyer with more DPS it's not the whole truth.
Go wiping and have fun, I realy enjoyed it. It's a great Feature. Frost next for me.
It's not an enrage, it's the normal fight. And yes, it's easyer with good equip, because you can burn the shield so much easyer. I had about 80 trys with 890 and only managed to survive 10 min getting the Jarl to 10%. That was my best. If you play perfect it's defenitly possible but it will take about 14 min to do it. And starting with the Shildstormphase you don't get the healingorbs anymore. But I'm to bad. So I did it weeks later with 913, second try, 7min.
The key to deal with the "shildstorm" is to manage your CDs, your mana and the arcanecharges right. There was a posting about that earler in this Treat. You have multible CDs to break the shild:
- AP
- MoA
- PoM with AB and Charged up
- BL
- Ramp AM; from 900 on that alone will be enough.
- Frostnova and go
- iceblock when you got stuck in Trafic (aka Valkyriebitches)
Everyone of this alone will be enough to break the shild in time when you spam AB with 4 Charges . Thats more than enough to get through that Phase.
Most of the CDs are ready every second shild. You can let him cast and interupt him at the very end of the casttime if you have problems. At this point you can discus if you need an InteruptSeerMacro when you want to AB and slow the Jarl for damagereduction in that time.
As for the Damage you take. It's gettig better with better equip. Prydaz and Belovir with Arcaneshild and 910+ equip let you get hit by the Jarl the whole time the seershild is up without getting damage in the Shildstormphase. Thats when you sheep Sigryn there. At that point you can add the Sheep to the CDs above.
In the end you have to praktice. If your not the superplayer you will need some trys to get used to the mechanics.
In the end it might not be a real DPS-race, but as it's so much easyer with more DPS it's not the whole truth.
Go wiping and have fun, I realy enjoyed it. It's a great Feature. Frost next for me.

Mana,need Mana.
Re: Arcane Mage Tower Scenario Tips and Tricks
The Jarl runs faster than SIg. If you want to keep him slow you have to cast slow on him. All arcane spells also slow targets but not as good as slow itself(i think arcane spells do slow might be wrong here). Arcane explosion is a great way to spam it on them. Frost nova is your only tool to stop them from moving so you can cast on the Runeseer, you should save it for the shield everytime.Question for ya'll, similar to above.
I can pretty consistently make it to the last phase, but being the other mechanics stop I *constantly* have Sig and Jarl just behind me for the whole encounter, and unless I have Frost Nova it's hard to get them off with enough time to burst down Jarl's shield. And then they either whiddle down my health or I don't manage to counterspell because I'm trying to avoid damage so much. (I do Slow + Chrono but that doesn't seem to be enough lol)
That is how the fight goes. Here's a quote from me about those mechanics.I keep getting to the pseudo enrage and im not sure if its a bug or its just taking too long but Jarl is still around 30-40% hp when runes dissapear and i start getting valk walls and rune shields back to back. Everywhere i see says its not a dps race but it seems like that soft enrage is happening way too fast.
I know my post about only using arcane explosion is long, it is a little old now, and I have no way to reattempt the fights to check my information but there may be a few pieces of valuable information in there. I did the challenge fight quite ago with only trait 39.The Runeseer's shield and Sigryn's Val'kyr Wall will speed up the rate they are used during the fight until they completely replace Runes and Health orbs spawning in the center. If you get to this phase you can rest assured that you are getting to the end of the fight.
When Runes in the center stop spawning, you can get quite aggressive keeping all 3 near each other to Arcane Explosion them down. When the Jarl is near death, the Runeseer's shield and Sigryn's Val'kyr Wall will be cast at a very fast pace. After the Jarl dies, you can get really aggressive at keeping Sigryn on the Runeseer to eat cleave from Arcane Explosion.
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