Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Hotti Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:59 pm

Our logs are private so its not possible for me, but i can asure you, that a macro like:
/use draenic potion of intelligence
/use fruit basket
/cast arcan blast
will guarantee you a 20 sec trinketuptime on pull, if you start it at ca. 2sec pulltimer. just looked it up in our logs and they have all 20 sec trinket uptime for me on pull.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Chiv Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:41 pm

Can you guys show some logs of that happening? I've never seen AT/zerking/Ice Floes proccing RPPM trinkets. I also question whether the Fruit Basket works.
Image 20 secs block at beginning

and also buff fades 8 seconds into combat then goes up again



if thats what you were asking for
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Valounette Fri May 01, 2015 12:30 am

Can you guys show some logs of that happening? I've never seen AT/zerking/Ice Floes proccing RPPM trinkets. I also question whether the Fruit Basket works.
You can verify this yourself on a dummy Komma.

Although there is no reset mechanic on dummies, you can cast Arcane Barrage from long range, and then any of those instant-cast ogcd's before the Arcane barrage hits the dummy, and they will proc trinkets 100%, assuming you haven't recently proc'd them (a few minutes out of combat).

We don't need the boss rppm reset to confirm that it works, the only information we need is that we can proc the trinkets while in combat with the dummy, but before hitting the dummy (which, if it was a boss, would cause the reset thereafter).

We already know that the boss will reset trinkets to reactivate them a second time; what people need to practice/confirm is the pre-pull, which works on a dummy.

I'll repeat:

On a dummy, Arcane barrage, immediately smash Ice floes etc, and you'll get the trinket procs before the Barrage projectile hits
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Komma Fri May 01, 2015 12:48 am

Errrr....Arcane Barrage itself will proc trinkets with the cast. What's the test meant to show?

EDIT: To clarify, the whole reason this trick works right now, is because Blizzard changed trinekts to proc on spell cast instead of spell impact. This means that "ABar -> cast whatever" doesn't work, because ABar would proc the trinkets. Fruit Basket used to work because it counted as a spell cast that could trigger trinkets, right before engaging in combat. My impression was that this got fixed. Ice Floes and Alter Time on the other hand are non-offensive spells with no targets, so they shouldn't be flagged to trigger RPPM trinkets - unless Blizzard royally screwed up again.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Bashlow Fri May 01, 2015 1:59 am

Logs from yesterday, dunno why Howling Soul is showed as a healing buff :) ... &source=14" target="_blank ... &source=14" target="_blank

Double procs always up on the pull

A hotfix said that fruit basket got fixed, but its still working as (un)intended :geek:
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby DeathDefier Fri May 01, 2015 1:18 pm

Definitely had this working consistently tonight. Used fruit basket from max range at 2 seconds, did my normal prepot arcane blast, and had double crit and haste back to back on the pull almost every time.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby gameorg Fri May 01, 2015 6:24 pm

Logs from yesterday, dunno why Howling Soul is showed as a healing buff :) ... &source=14" target="_blank ... &source=14" target="_blank

Double procs always up on the pull

A hotfix said that fruit basket got fixed, but its still working as (un)intended :geek:
iam fairly confident that for some time fruit basket didnt work. Gonna test it again. Maybe they forget about it when they applied a patch to put the hotfix into that version aswell.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Bashlow Sat May 02, 2015 12:17 pm

I can link logs from the last 4-6 ids where it always worked for me. Sometimes it maybe didnt because of other reasons, but the basket Pull worked since day one for me
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Alzer Sun May 03, 2015 11:19 am

You are all misunderstanding why you are actually getting double rppm trinkets proc on pull.

Fruit Basket does itself does NOT procc trinkets, however, it does put you in combat (and like before it doesn't put the raid in combat).
What this means is that your trinkets can procc from anything during the time between you entering combat and the raid entering combat, this matters because pretty much anything will procc your trinkets, most importantly Incanter's Flow.

So what happens is that instantly after you /use fruit basket, you will be put into combat and you will gain the buff "Incanter's Flow", gaining this buff will procc your trinkets prepull.

Just try on a dummy, remove your Incanter's flow talent and any other wierd buffs you might have, spam /use fruit basket for 10 minutes, it won't procc a single time. Specc Incanter's Flow and you will procc it instantly.
Alternatively you can stand afk next to a dummy that you are in combat with, your trinkets will keep proccing randomly when your Incanter's flow changes stack.

What I have been doing when using RoP is using Greater Invisibility prepull, then while in invisibility using fruit basket. This will put me in combat, right after I'm put in combat, I will gain the 90% damage reduction for 3 seconds buff, just gaining this buff will procc my trinkets.
Not recommended if you will be needing your GI in the next 1.5 minutes!

There are probably other ways you can make it work, for example my shadow priest friend does it like this:
/use pot
/use Fruit Basket
/cast Fade - fade is not on the GCD and will proc the trinkets as he is in combat from the basket.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Bashlow Sun May 03, 2015 12:32 pm

So why am I proccing double trinkets on Gruul with RoP by using the common fruit basket macro ? ... &source=14" target="_blank ... &source=97" target="_blank

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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Alzer Sun May 03, 2015 12:54 pm

So why am I proccing double trinkets on Gruul with RoP by using the common fruit basket macro ? ... &source=14" target="_blank ... &source=97" target="_blank

My guess is that you are using Ice Floes for your initial AB cast to position yourself?
Gaining the Ice Floes buff / casting Ice Floes will procc your trinket.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Bashlow Sun May 03, 2015 2:09 pm

So why am I proccing double trinkets on Gruul with RoP by using the common fruit basket macro ? ... &source=14" target="_blank ... &source=97" target="_blank

My guess is that you are using Ice Floes for your initial AB cast to position yourself?
Gaining the Ice Floes buff / casting Ice Floes will procc your trinket.
No I dont, you can see it bellow in my logs that I am not using floes on the pull
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Alzer Sun May 03, 2015 3:39 pm

Just went to my guild blackhand save (as a mage you can just invis past the trash mob and blink through the gate to access blackhand).

Used only Fruit basket on him for 10 minutes without proccing trinkets.

Then I tried the macro (i.e my prepot is tucked in) instead, and I got some proccs.

So somehow the intellect potion is proccing trinkets after you get in combat, but it doesn't count as you being in combat (since you can pop a second potion later).

In contrast, using fruit basket on the boss then popping your int pot will preprocc your trinkets, but prevent you from using it again in the fight.

However, I didn't seem to preprocc my trinkets with the same consistency as when I have IF.

Maybe someone with more knowledge can shed some light on how the macro interaction works.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby DeathDefier Wed May 06, 2015 9:38 am

Just try on a dummy, remove your Incanter's flow talent and any other wierd buffs you might have, spam /use fruit basket for 10 minutes, it won't procc a single time. Specc Incanter's Flow and you will procc it instantly.
Just tested it and it's definitely proccing with rune of power and nothing else going on. Is there anything else you see that I have that would be causing it?" target="_blank
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Wilderness Wed May 06, 2015 5:06 pm

When you enter combat, even if you're standing in your RoP already, does the RoP buff refresh itself? If so, that might be why it would proc from RoP.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby DeathDefier Wed May 06, 2015 11:45 pm

In the video I don't have a rune of power placed, just talented.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Alzer Thu May 07, 2015 5:27 am

Just try on a dummy, remove your Incanter's flow talent and any other wierd buffs you might have, spam /use fruit basket for 10 minutes, it won't procc a single time. Specc Incanter's Flow and you will procc it instantly.
Just tested it and it's definitely proccing with rune of power and nothing else going on. Is there anything else you see that I have that would be causing it?" target="_blank
That is weird, I can't replicate this. Simply using fruitbasket over and over again on Blackhand/dummy doesn't procc my trinkets unless I use my prepot with the basket.

And no, simply standing in your RoP doesn't count as gaining a buff once you enter combat, moving into the RoP after using fruit basket doesn't work either. I think the Incanter's Flow buff counts as you "casting" the buff on yourself once you enter combat, whereas RoP is just another arbitrary buff "cast" by someone else, in this case the environment.
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby Portablez Fri May 08, 2015 10:47 am

I found this macro to work

/use Fruit Basket
/cast Ice Floes
/cast arcane blast

Is there any problem with that? conceptually is there any reason not to ice floes" target="_blank | | @Portablezu
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby zizeta Sun May 10, 2015 11:54 am

I found this macro to work

/use Fruit Basket
/cast Ice Floes
/cast arcane blast

Is there any problem with that? conceptually is there any reason not to ice floes
Might aswell throw in a pot before the fruit basket since your making a makro :) i also use a ice floes in my macro, since there is so much talk about if it works or not to only basket i play it safe with the extra cast
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Re: Precast ABarrage instead of AB?

Unread postby taroboba Sat May 30, 2015 8:39 pm

Since last night, I've noticed that prepotting and casting arcane barrage before pull no longer preprocs trinkets. Has anyone else noticed this? Was there some sort of stealth patch?

Fruit basket seems to work some of the time, but I can't get barrage to preproc on bosses or dummies.

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