Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 updated]

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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Frosted Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:06 am

That's with PC, yeah.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Searix Fri Aug 14, 2015 11:37 pm

delay syncing to the ring is DPS neutral.
This is just for the base level ring right? I don't understand how this could be when ring gets leveled

We're losing (2 minutes/1.5 minutes) ~33% uptime, when the ring gives up to 43% bonus damage at max level - the %damage itself is higher by itself ignoring the damage proc at the end. We can also still use it by itself at the end of the fight if it wont pair with the ring.

It has to be something like dps neutral with level 735 ring, up to -> +15% overall dps at 795 (very rough napkin math) pairing it up when we have max level ring
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Frosted Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:14 am

Yeah, that's with the base ring.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby VJP Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:57 am

Is anyone using (or see a benefit to) using the felmouth food still? If not, what are you using?
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby reforge Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:18 am

@VJP Haste food for arcane, Multistrike OR Crit food for Frost depending on where your stats are at.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Frosted Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:24 am

Is anyone using (or see a benefit to) using the felmouth food still? If not, what are you using?
I use felmouth on most bosses.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Rinoa Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:27 am

I also use Felmouth Frenzy on bosses where I don't really AoE, meaning I use it on everything except Hellfire Assault, Xhul'harac and Mannoroth pretty much.

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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby jessy100 Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:49 pm

the guide says that you should keep casting arcane missiles during ur crystal with class trinket. Is there a percentage of mana where arcane blast is better then casting missiles?
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby masteryogurt Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:14 pm

Is Nether Tempest worth casting against a single target? For ex if you spec'd it for aoe fight, but then there's only 1 target in front of you. Worth doing still?
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Rinoa Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:40 pm

Yes, Nether Tempest is absolutely worth casting in single target situations.

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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby masteryogurt Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:17 am

Okay thank you Rinoa.

I have something else I'm wondering, having recently gotten Tome of Shifting Words, wondering the ways it affects the rotation of burn phase.

Do missiles change at all during burn phase when arcane power is hit? Still the same....while in burn/AP hit arcane missiles anytime you get a proc but stop them at 65%? Or is hitting missiles that much a dps loss because of how fast you can get arcane blasts out.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby cloud7928 Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:02 pm

I also use Felmouth Frenzy on bosses where I don't really AoE, meaning I use it on everything except Hellfire Assault, Xhul'harac and Mannoroth pretty much.
Can you tell me why you don't use it on fights like Xhul? I ran a few sims with "Number of Enemies: 2" and fight type "HecticAddCleave" which should be really close to the Xhul fight and Felmouth Frenzy is still ahead of Buttered Sturgeon by around 200 dps. Changing the number of enemies to 1 to get close to the Mannoroth fight shows a bigger difference. Changing food to Sleeper Sushi is only a very small difference too.
Could be that I did something wrong in my sims though.

This is the profile I used:

Code: Select all

level=100 race=human role=spell position=back talents=3311333 glyphs=arcane_explosion/rapid_displacement/cone_of_cold/arcane_language/momentum spec=arcane # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. actions.precombat=flask,type=greater_draenic_intellect_flask actions.precombat+=/food,type=buttered_sturgeon #actions.precombat+=/food,type=felmouth_frenzy actions.precombat+=/arcane_brilliance actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats actions.precombat+=/rune_of_power actions.precombat+=/mirror_image actions.precombat+=/potion,name=draenic_intellect actions.precombat+=/arcane_blast # Executed every time the actor is available. actions=counterspell,if=target.debuff.casting.react actions+=/stop_burn_phase,if=prev_gcd.evocation&burn_phase_duration>gcd.max actions+=/cold_snap,if=health.pct<30 actions+=/time_warp,<25|time>5 actions+=/call_action_list,name=movement,if=raid_event.movement.exists actions+=/rune_of_power,if=buff.rune_of_power.remains<2*spell_haste actions+=/mirror_image actions+=/cold_snap,if=buff.presence_of_mind.down&cooldown.presence_of_mind.remains>75 actions+=/call_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=5 actions+=/call_action_list,name=init_burn,if=!burn_phase actions+=/call_action_list,name=burn,if=burn_phase actions+=/call_action_list,name=conserve actions.movement=blink,if=movement.distance>10 actions.movement+=/blazing_speed,if=movement.remains>0 actions.movement+=/ice_floes,if=buff.ice_floes.down&(raid_event.movement.distance>0|<2*spell_haste) # Regular burn with evocation actions.init_burn=start_burn_phase,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack>=4&(cooldown.prismatic_crystal.up|!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled)&(cooldown.arcane_power.up|(glyph.arcane_power.enabled&cooldown.arcane_power.remains>60))&(cooldown.evocation.remains-2*buff.arcane_missiles.stack*spell_haste-gcd.max*talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled)*0.75*(1-0.1*(cooldown.arcane_power.remains<5))*(1-0.1*(talent.nether_tempest.enabled|talent.supernova.enabled))*(10%action.arcane_blast.execute_time)<mana.pct-20-2.5*active_enemies*(9-active_enemies)+(cooldown.evocation.remains*1.8%spell_haste) # End of fight burn actions.init_burn+=/start_burn_phase,if=target.time_to_die*0.75*(1-0.1*(talent.nether_tempest.enabled|talent.supernova.enabled))*(10%action.arcane_blast.execute_time)*1.1<mana.pct-10+(target.time_to_die*1.8%spell_haste) # Conditions for initiating Prismatic Crystal actions.init_crystal=call_action_list,name=conserve,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack<4|(buff.arcane_missiles.react&debuff.mark_of_doom.remains>2*spell_haste+(target.distance%20)) actions.init_crystal+=/arcane_missiles,if=buff.arcane_missiles.react&t18_class_trinket actions.init_crystal+=/prismatic_crystal # Actions while Prismatic Crystal is active actions.crystal_sequence=call_action_list,name=cooldowns actions.crystal_sequence+=/nether_tempest,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&!ticking&pet.prismatic_crystal.remains>8 actions.crystal_sequence+=/supernova,if=mana.pct<96 actions.crystal_sequence+=/presence_of_mind,if=cooldown.cold_snap.up|pet.prismatic_crystal.remains<2*spell_haste actions.crystal_sequence+=/arcane_blast,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&mana.pct>93&pet.prismatic_crystal.remains>cast_time actions.crystal_sequence+=/arcane_missiles,if=pet.prismatic_crystal.remains>2*spell_haste+(target.distance%20) actions.crystal_sequence+=/supernova,if=pet.prismatic_crystal.remains<2*spell_haste+(target.distance%20) actions.crystal_sequence+=/choose_target,if=pet.prismatic_crystal.remains<action.arcane_blast.cast_time&buff.presence_of_mind.down actions.crystal_sequence+=/arcane_blast # Consolidated damage cooldown abilities actions.cooldowns=arcane_power actions.cooldowns+=/blood_fury actions.cooldowns+=/berserking actions.cooldowns+=/arcane_torrent actions.cooldowns+=/potion,name=draenic_intellect,if=buff.arcane_power.up&(!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled| actions.cooldowns+=/use_item,slot=finger1 # AoE sequence actions.aoe=call_action_list,name=cooldowns actions.aoe+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(active_dot.nether_tempest=0|(ticking&remains<3.6)) actions.aoe+=/supernova actions.aoe+=/arcane_orb,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack<4 # APL hack for evocation interrupt actions.aoe+=/arcane_explosion,if=prev_gcd.evocation actions.aoe+=/evocation,interrupt_if=mana.pct>96,if=mana.pct<85-2.5*buff.arcane_charge.stack actions.aoe+=/arcane_missiles,if=set_bonus.tier17_4pc&active_enemies<10&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&buff.arcane_instability.react actions.aoe+=/arcane_missiles,target_if=debuff.mark_of_doom.remains>2*spell_haste+(target.distance%20),if=buff.arcane_missiles.react actions.aoe+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.arcane_orb.enabled&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&ticking&remains<cooldown.arcane_orb.remains actions.aoe+=/arcane_barrage,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4 actions.aoe+=/cone_of_cold,if=glyph.cone_of_cold.enabled actions.aoe+=/arcane_explosion # High mana usage, "Burn" sequence actions.burn=call_action_list,name=init_crystal,if=talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled&cooldown.prismatic_crystal.up actions.burn+=/call_action_list,name=crystal_sequence,if=talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled& actions.burn+=/call_action_list,name=cooldowns actions.burn+=/arcane_missiles,if=buff.arcane_missiles.react=3 actions.burn+=/arcane_missiles,if=set_bonus.tier17_4pc&buff.arcane_instability.react&buff.arcane_instability.remains<action.arcane_blast.execute_time actions.burn+=/supernova,if=target.time_to_die<8|charges=2 actions.burn+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=target!=pet.prismatic_crystal&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(active_dot.nether_tempest=0|(ticking&remains<3.6)) actions.burn+=/arcane_orb,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack<4 actions.burn+=/arcane_barrage,if=talent.arcane_orb.enabled&active_enemies>=3&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(cooldown.arcane_orb.remains<gcd.max|prev_gcd.arcane_orb) actions.burn+=/presence_of_mind,if=mana.pct>96&(!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled|!cooldown.prismatic_crystal.up) actions.burn+=/arcane_blast,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&mana.pct>93 actions.burn+=/arcane_missiles,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(mana.pct>70|!cooldown.evocation.up|target.time_to_die<15) actions.burn+=/supernova,if=mana.pct>70&mana.pct<96 actions.burn+=/evocation,interrupt_if=mana.pct>100-10%spell_haste,if=target.time_to_die>10&mana.pct<30+2.5*active_enemies*(9-active_enemies)-(40*(t18_class_trinket&buff.arcane_power.up)) actions.burn+=/presence_of_mind,if=!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled|!cooldown.prismatic_crystal.up actions.burn+=/arcane_blast actions.burn+=/evocation # Low mana usage, "Conserve" sequence actions.conserve=call_action_list,name=cooldowns,if=target.time_to_die<15 actions.conserve+=/arcane_missiles,if=buff.arcane_missiles.react=3|(talent.overpowered.enabled&buff.arcane_power.up&buff.arcane_power.remains<action.arcane_blast.execute_time) actions.conserve+=/arcane_missiles,if=set_bonus.tier17_4pc&buff.arcane_instability.react&buff.arcane_instability.remains<action.arcane_blast.execute_time actions.conserve+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=target!=pet.prismatic_crystal&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(active_dot.nether_tempest=0|(ticking&remains<3.6)) actions.conserve+=/supernova,if=target.time_to_die<8|(charges=2&(buff.arcane_power.up|!cooldown.arcane_power.up)&(!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled|cooldown.prismatic_crystal.remains>8)) actions.conserve+=/arcane_orb,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack<2 actions.conserve+=/presence_of_mind,if=mana.pct>96&(!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled|!cooldown.prismatic_crystal.up) actions.conserve+=/arcane_missiles,if=buff.arcane_missiles.react&debuff.mark_of_doom.remains>2*spell_haste+(target.distance%20) actions.conserve+=/arcane_blast,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&mana.pct>93 actions.conserve+=/arcane_barrage,if=talent.arcane_orb.enabled&active_enemies>=3&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(cooldown.arcane_orb.remains<gcd.max|prev_gcd.arcane_orb) actions.conserve+=/arcane_missiles,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(!talent.overpowered.enabled|cooldown.arcane_power.remains>10*spell_haste) actions.conserve+=/supernova,if=mana.pct<96&(buff.arcane_missiles.stack<2|buff.arcane_charge.stack=4)&(buff.arcane_power.up|(charges=1&cooldown.arcane_power.remains>recharge_time))&(!talent.prismatic_crystal.enabled|current_target=pet.prismatic_crystal|(charges=1&cooldown.prismatic_crystal.remains>recharge_time+8)) actions.conserve+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=target!=pet.prismatic_crystal&buff.arcane_charge.stack=4&(active_dot.nether_tempest=0|(ticking&remains<(10-3*talent.arcane_orb.enabled)*spell_haste)) actions.conserve+=/arcane_barrage,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack=4 actions.conserve+=/presence_of_mind,if=buff.arcane_charge.stack<2&mana.pct>93 actions.conserve+=/arcane_blast actions.conserve+=/arcane_barrage head=,id=124160,bonus_id=566 neck=,id=115801,bonus_id=125/539/618,enchant_id=5318 shoulder=,id=124174,bonus_id=567 back=,id=124136,bonus_id=567,enchant_id=5311 chest=,id=124171,bonus_id=561/566 tabard=,id=45574 wrist=,id=124183,bonus_id=567 hands=,id=124154,bonus_id=566 waist=,id=124180,bonus_id=565/42/567,gem_id=127761 legs=,id=124165,bonus_id=43/566 feet=,id=124148,bonus_id=565/567,gem_id=127761 finger1=,id=124635,bonus_id=649/623,enchant_id=5325 finger2=,id=115798,bonus_id=149/539/618,enchant_id=5325 trinket1=,id=124516,bonus_id=566 trinket2=,id=124230,bonus_id=566 main_hand=,id=124381,bonus_id=566,enchant_id=5337
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Rinoa Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:26 am

Using mastery food instead for the increased AoE damage on imps.

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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Embers Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:39 pm

Yes, Nether Tempest is absolutely worth casting in single target situations.
I have about 31% Haste raid buffed as Arcane, so I've thought about using Nether Tempest, but I'm also using Tome. Would it still be worth using at those haste levels even when burning really low with Tome equipped?
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Rettep Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:21 pm

Yes, Nether Tempest is absolutely worth casting in single target situations.
I have about 31% Haste raid buffed as Arcane, so I've thought about using Nether Tempest, but I'm also using Tome. Would it still be worth using at those haste levels even when burning really low with Tome equipped?
Don't misread what Rinoa wrote. It was referred to use it on single target when only 1 target is up in AoE fight e.g. downtime between imp spawns on Xhulhorac. So use nether tempest only in cleave situation i.e Xhulhorac mythic is probably the most optimal fight for nether tempest in HFC.

For single target purposes use UM (if you have tome) or supernova (without tome). However, example of exception: if you go inside on mythic kilrogg use supernova.

EDIT: Deleted the misleading part.
Last edited by Rettep on Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Embers Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:32 pm

Nether Tempest damage is not affected by mana level? I could have sworn it was, and when using it normally (no tome) you'd only burn to like 70ish% depending on how many targets were up at the moment.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Rettep Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:46 pm

You are right. I have got it wrong. I don't play around nether tempest anyway as the minmaxing of it is worth little dmg. However, example how I use it on Xhulhorac. As it is aoe fight, I use orb, so I use nether tempest before burn, then evo->orb->4 stacks and I tempest (before or after AB depending to what mana level I end up after Evo)
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Rinoa Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:51 pm

Nether Tempest snapshots Arcane Charges, but not mana levels.

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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby masteryogurt Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:48 pm

Wondering if I can get a clarification here,
With tome, 4pc, crystal, the way I've been prioritizing burn is blasting into crystal and ignoring AM procs (unless prophecy procs). Then after crystal expires and I have a few seconds remaining on AP I dump any missiles I have up into target. Then when AP experiences I evo. Probably at like 40% or so mana at that point.
*I've been told this is correct. Please let me know if I'm wrong here.

But what about when I'm rolling AO for AoE situations? Is the priority the same?
Even though no crystal....prioritize getting out as many blasts on target as possible with arcane power is up? Ignoring all missiles?
I actually feel this is wrong, and that I should probably occasionally missile, because blasting the ENTIRE AP duration is going to leave you VERY low mana at the end. However, using every missile proc that comes up is also likely wrong, otherwise what's the point of tome then.
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Re: Arcane mage guide for raiding by Dutchmagoz! [6.2 update

Unread postby Wilderness Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:33 pm

You shouldn't be ignoring AM procs while burning on PC, that's a not-insignificant dps loss.

Outside of burning onto PC, which would apply to your situation when you have AO on a fight due to adds/AoE, then the jury is still out as whether its better to basically ignore AM or use some of the AP time on that. If you want a whole lot of information as to why see Komma's "brain dump" on our class trinket here:" target="_blank
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