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Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:31 pm
by Herpa
If you have the 4 set from Nighthold, Gravity Spiral and legendary legs, is it possible to have a never ending burn phase? Would you need to have a exact amount of mastery aswell in order for this theory to be possible?

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:00 pm
by herpyderpidy
The whole point of the legs is to not have a never ending burn phase by actually using ABar. You most likely would be better with another legendary and a truckload of Mastery.

If you have over 60% Mastery, good legendaries and 4 piece, go ahead and try it I guess.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:15 pm
by a0kalittlema0n
Legs would only help if you ran Charged Up and used it on CD to gain mana.

If you were strictly ST then GS and Rhonin's might be the best bet. It would be possible with OP, but not with TF.

AoE would be near impossible to constant burn IMO, maybe I'm wrong but I think that would be a bit too much to ask mana-wise.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:03 pm
by ddg121
I've been running GS + Rhonin's + 4piece w/ 32/11/28/5 and Metronome, I can safely say, it is impossible for me to come even close to a never ending burn phase, maybe if you stack mastery, but at that point you are diminishing the damage you do during your burst phase it would not be worth it.

On Star Augur during P4, with bloodlust, I burn through 3 bars of mana in less than 2 minutes. On Krosus, I can run out of mana ~4min if I'm straight burning.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:27 am
by Kythos
I've been running GS + Rhonin's + 4piece w/ 32/11/28/5 and Metronome, I can safely say, it is impossible for me to come even close to a never ending burn phase, maybe if you stack mastery, but at that point you are diminishing the damage you do during your burst phase it would not be worth it.

On Star Augur during P4, with bloodlust, I burn through 3 bars of mana in less than 2 minutes. On Krosus, I can run out of mana ~4min if I'm straight burning.
running Temporal Flux or Overpowered?

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:52 am
by ddg121
running Temporal Flux or Overpowered?
Overpowered. Haven't tried Temporal Flux.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:10 pm
by Burstov

Here's my current armory: ... tov/simple" target="_blank

With 2 piece, GS, two haste-increasing trinkets (important from mana-burning POV) I'm pretty damn close to having a permanent burn phase (can pull it off on 80% of fights). I'm pretty confident that with 4-pc I'll be able to burn permanently on all fights in NH.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:29 pm
by Terratag
What sort of numbers are you achieving with your gear and playstyle Burstov?

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 6:17 pm
by Aya

Here's my current armory: ... tov/simple" target="_blank

With 2 piece, GS, two haste-increasing trinkets (important from mana-burning POV) I'm pretty damn close to having a permanent burn phase (can pull it off on 80% of fights). I'm pretty confident that with 4-pc I'll be able to burn permanently on all fights in NH.

It has been discussed earlier that in order to keep up with the haste procs of those trinkets you need insane amounts of mastery. I ran some simulations.

You need around ~18.7k mastery or ~65.7% with those trinkets in order to go permanent burn phase (barrageless more than 50% of the time) if you are able to cast non stop. And that is with GS, Rhonins bracers, 4p t19 bonus and no haste other than that on the staff. That is for single target. AOE would be even harder, and probably not possible, like it was mentioned earlier.

That would also produce lower dps compared to having other secondary stats instead of mastery.

Happy blasting! :)

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:52 am
by Kythos
I feel this concept of barrageless endless burn is tied to Quickening, which we no longer have.

the flip side of this: for those with mana saving legiondarys; 2 or 3 barrage rotations when there is about~30 seconds for AP to come back up ... is the easiest way to not go OOM.

barrage is no longer a taboo, with resonance it packs a punch. perfect for Mythic+, add fights, and mana management.

with some mana legendaries and overpowered spec, 2000/3000 mastery rating is what top mythic parses are at... vs 12000 mastery rating in 7.0/7.1.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:59 pm
by Bigryan
What sort of numbers are you achieving with your gear and playstyle Burstov?
I've been using the same set up for NH and have been getting decent results, largely blue parses but they're pretty bad for my ilvl but I'm willing to blame that on my lack of artifact traits. ... amage-done" target="_blank

Ihavedog in there, but that should be obvious since I'm the only mage lol. Actually any tips people could offer would be appreciated since this is the first time I've ever played a mage.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:35 am
by Steamie
What sort of numbers are you achieving with your gear and playstyle Burstov?
I've been using the same set up for NH and have been getting decent results, largely blue parses but they're pretty bad for my ilvl but I'm willing to blame that on my lack of artifact traits. ... amage-done" target="_blank
For having that gear and ilvl your parses are very bad. Compare it in your ilvl and you have 3 grey parses, 5 green ones and 2 blue ones. Even with your artifact level adding 10% damage (even higher than what you would get at 54 from your 39) you would be nowhere close to decent parses.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:46 am
by Mage
For having that gear and ilvl your parses are very bad. Compare it in your ilvl and you have 3 grey parses, 5 green ones and 2 blue ones. Even with your artifact level adding 10% damage (even higher than what you would get at 54 from your 39) you would be nowhere close to decent parses. ... 90/latest/" target="_blank

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:58 am
by Steamie
For having that gear and ilvl your parses are very bad. Compare it in your ilvl and you have 3 grey parses, 5 green ones and 2 blue ones. Even with your artifact level adding 10% damage (even higher than what you would get at 54 from your 39) you would be nowhere close to decent parses. ... 90/latest/" target="_blank
See this is a good example. Dont know if its just because of 1 try on spellblade and being too few ranged, but could probably up your damage on frost adds if you didnt have to be in soak group. However you are using GS and only casts evocation 6 times. Seems a bit low for GS, no? 4set alone could probably get you to 5 evo casts.

On krosus GS seems huge, abar 7 times hit 6 times (assuming you used it on a add that died before abarr reached). 6 minute fight with 6 evocations, 1 evo per minute. Usually people get in 4 evos on Krosus without GS.
You always had mana also compared to other logs thanks to GS being used every minute, at the end where you use hero and spammed AE hitting 6targets might have netted you the highest dmg on krosus though, dont know how you get that many adds on last platform :P .

But this is a good example to compare if having GS or not is good thanks to perma burn phases.

Re: Theory : Never ending burn phase?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:22 pm
by Bigryan
What sort of numbers are you achieving with your gear and playstyle Burstov?
I've been using the same set up for NH and have been getting decent results, largely blue parses but they're pretty bad for my ilvl but I'm willing to blame that on my lack of artifact traits. ... amage-done" target="_blank
For having that gear and ilvl your parses are very bad. Compare it in your ilvl and you have 3 grey parses, 5 green ones and 2 blue ones. Even with your artifact level adding 10% damage (even higher than what you would get at 54 from your 39) you would be nowhere close to decent parses.
So what should I look into doing differently? As it is I only run out of mana on AoE typically, and that's with casting as many spells as I possibly can.