7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

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7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

Unread postby snackums Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:55 am

Will people be using T20 4pc + T19 2pc over bis Legendary such as Kilt and Helm?
If so what combination of legionaries do you guys think will be best with the new gear?

I personally feel like Arcane is getting jibbed again, seeing how bis Leggos for fire and frost is bracers/ring
(frost bracers are even more powerful with new artifact traits as well as huge nerf to IV/TV)
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Re: 7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

Unread postby maynord Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:12 am

FWIW I think you could do well with Rhonin's + Cord or Rhonin's + Shard for fights where you can use the extra TWs properly. I'm gonna try it out at least.

Arcane's gonna get jibbed if Blizzard basically don't buff our numbers :P
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Re: 7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

Unread postby Deltoramasta Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:31 pm

With the new Mark of Aluneth trait, I find myself having to use Arcane Barrage a lot less. Because of this I'm not really worried about not having the Kilt; except for heavy AoE encounters.

For those AoE encounters, thinking Spellblade/Tich, I think Kilt would be better than clinging to 2pc T19. Having mana returns when using Arcane Barrage is too necessary for a healthy AoE rotation. 5% more AM chance on AoE isn't that important compared to a hearty mana supply.

For Single Target though, its pretty murky. Rhonin's definitely will be required, seeing as how its our only Mana Conservere legendary not in the tier slots, it is a shame that its RNG upon RNG. Oh well.
For the second slot, Shard/Sephuz for the haste procs. However with the amount of times we will be using Presence of Mind, it makes me worry that we'll burn through too much mana during Overpowered, with no way to restore it outside of Evocation. That could make Cord an option, just for the free damage that does not cause us to expend more mana in a shorter amount of time. And Kil'Jaedens is just...eh.

There is still tuning to be done, but that's my thoughts on it.
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Re: 7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

Unread postby eagsasdf Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:17 pm

I'm kinda getting nervous about this myself, and really hoping the 2p will not work with t20.

The ilvl difference is huge right now between tomb and nh. It's 920 for heroic and 935 for mythic ToS, compared to 890/905 base NH. That being said, the 2p is really amazing for Arcane, but it will require some simming to figure out if sacrificing our best legendary and 30-45 ilvl of stats will be worth it. I'm nervous that it will actually be a gain to wear heroic NH 2p, especially because it synergizes so well with the T20 4p and a few of our legendaries. If that's the case, our gear set is completely locked in to the tier we get and can only adjust neck, rings, bracers, belt, and boots.

The thing is, an ideal set up will probably have us equip a Gnawed Thumb and a Stabilized Energy Pendant because the passive effects of those boost our dps somewhat significantly.

That leaves us with Belt and Shard which are the two highest simming/parsing legendaries outside of kilt. We'll have to go for a bit more mastery in our build.

On fights we can't get two lusts in I'd assume Belt + Sephuz/KJs depending on what other rings/trinkets you have available to you and how well you can use Sephuz/KJs on that fight, and Belt + Bracers for pure ST/high priority damage requirement.
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Re: 7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

Unread postby tar3k Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:52 am

I would say Archmage + Shard for ST boss fights
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Re: 7.2.5 - T20 + T19, What legendaries?

Unread postby maynord Tue Jun 20, 2017 1:28 pm

With the new Mark of Aluneth trait, I find myself having to use Arcane Barrage a lot less. Because of this I'm not really worried about not having the Kilt; except for heavy AoE encounters.

For those AoE encounters, thinking Spellblade/Tich, I think Kilt would be better than clinging to 2pc T19. Having mana returns when using Arcane Barrage is too necessary for a healthy AoE rotation. 5% more AM chance on AoE isn't that important compared to a hearty mana supply.

For Single Target though, its pretty murky. Rhonin's definitely will be required, seeing as how its our only Mana Conservere legendary not in the tier slots, it is a shame that its RNG upon RNG. Oh well.
For the second slot, Shard/Sephuz for the haste procs. However with the amount of times we will be using Presence of Mind, it makes me worry that we'll burn through too much mana during Overpowered, with no way to restore it outside of Evocation. That could make Cord an option, just for the free damage that does not cause us to expend more mana in a shorter amount of time. And Kil'Jaedens is just...eh.

There is still tuning to be done, but that's my thoughts on it.
Yo Deltora, any new thoughts on best legendaries now that sims have been released since your last post? Are you also thinking of going double leggo ring, or will you keep an eye on 2/4pc + Rhonins + leggo rings?

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