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Two rings leggos - stats?
Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 8:55 pm
by testacular
Soo, after some time I got my last possible arcane spec lego loot - the archmage ring.
Therefore, I can now run two rings.. BUT....
My stat priority completely switched (mastery went high, I was using Kilt before). And even SimCraft cant pull more DPS out of two rings (compared to Shard + Kilt).
So my question is - how much mastery (%) do you guys play with this combo? And what other stats do you aim for.
On top if that, is the difference betweem two rings versus shard + kilt that massive? Sadly I cannot sim this myself as I just lack the gear pieces for that.
Also I gather the rotation will be a lot different since dumping charges no longer grants mana. But I can figure this out np.
Just the stats are puzzling if even simcraft cant make more of it and everyone is going hype about that ring combo.
Re: Two rings leggos - stats?
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:31 am
by seoh
Mastery is more valuable because, as you said, you don't regain mana when you barrage. Also, you probably don't have much mastery since you've been playing with kilt. I can't say how much mastery you want to get without being feelcrafty, but the stickied post has the reforge plot for haste and mastery which is quite useful. When I was running double ring for ST, I put on arcano because arcano simmed better. It also reflected what I've experience which is that arcano tends to be viable still if you have 3 stats weighted above int (had some discussions with a bm hunter and a warlock about 860 arcanos and when it beats their other trinkets, if ever). Mastery still remained valuable, so the best advice is just sim and optimize.
As for the question if it is better, I gathered from my own simming and from the discord etc that double ring requires TSM and 4p/2p. Personally, I have yet to loot a TSM (and am more and more sad each week), but Kilt+Soul beats double ring until I get TSM. Then double ring a small % better. That being said, double ring is much less forgiving, and I'd argue that the warcraft logs that show most top parses using Kilt+Soul signals that double ring might be a little impractical to play in reality. Of course, this might change over time.
Re: Two rings leggos - stats?
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:19 am
by testacular
Thanks for the reply - it pretty much confirms my suspicions.
BTW I even have TSM and still it sims lower than Kilt+Shard, haven't tried Kilt + Soul TBH.
Guess I will be sticking to Kilt rather than overhauling my whole stats yet again in this expansion.
Re: Two rings leggos - stats?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:53 pm
by Skigam
i believe kilt + soul sims higher than kilt + shard for single target... at least it does for me.
Re: Two rings leggos - stats?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:02 pm
by Naustis
i believe kilt + soul sims higher than kilt + shard for single target... at least it does for me.
Yeah it does. But they are close.
Re: Two rings leggos - stats?
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:04 pm
by gurudox
Double ring is fun, but requires really careful mana management, and admittedly I've gotten sloppy due to playing with Kilt for so long, so it's not super easy to do on all the ToS bosses.
From what I can tell, double ring is really beneficial for fights that have clear DPS phases and pause phases. Maiden and KJ are probably the better examples in ToS, and Avatar is so-so. The DPS breaks due to mechanics allow you to regen mana a bit (or a lot), balanced with heavy burn phases.