Hey guys, trying to optimize my ignite damage and not sure if I'm executing properly.
So typically I will do the opener and if I get a heating up, I will cast a FB immediately followed by IB. Now if I'm left with just a Pyroblast proc, then I keep casting FB until I get a HU proc alongside the Pyroblast. Then I cast a FB immediately followed by a Pyroblast so as to not waste the proc. After, I will cast Meteor and FB/Pyroblast depending on whether or not I got a proc and then Combust.
Condensed Version:
Pre-cast Pyro
FB (IB immediately after)
FB (Pyroblast, HU)
Pyro (immediately)
Pyro/FB (depending on if I have a proc)
Is there a more optimal way to do this? I have about 30% crit self buffed with the DMF trinket and without a pot or lust, my ignites usually cap out around 5k or so.
Proper Combustion Rotation?
Re: Proper Combustion Rotation?
I don't think there is necessarily a rotation to it, the idea is to have the largest ignite possible when you combust, so you want to do as much damage as you can in a 5 second window. The ideal situation to get a combust that ticks for over 4k would be to get 3 pyro crits in quick succession, with possible a 4th afterwards after you inferno blast again. If you don't know how to chain 3 pyros, I have a vid on my youtube channel demonstrating the technique:
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