Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

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Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Kver Wed May 28, 2014 11:02 pm

This guide was originally written as a means to demonstrate the fire is anything but simple, and that there are less than straightforward ways to play and build it. With the release of patch 5.4.8 and the maximum upgrade level being increased to 4/4 we see a large increase in stats once again, and we now end up in a situation where 14.1k haste is relatively easy to reach. As a corollary, there was a need for new gearing strategies that cater to the ever shorter duration of boss fights. This new version of the guide attempts to outline those new strategies. Some of the entry-level discussion has been removed, but the theory remains intact.


Standard build
Hit to cap > Crit > Haste > Mastery
This is the conventional build. It focuses on as much instant pyro damage as possible. By capitalising on haste you reduce the global cooldown and increase your cast speed, increasing the DPET of your pyroblasts by a lot and making it easier to keep up the 2 piece by generating more pyroblasts in a smaller time frame.
This build rocks on single target and spread out multi target, and is slightly better at movement due to the ability to finish casts and cast faster evocations, but loses out on AoE and stacked cleave damage.
This is the build I would advise to most players because it is simply unfeasible to go for that much haste at lower gear levels.

The Haste Cap Build
Hit to cap > Crit > Haste to 14100 > Mastery > Haste
This build assumes that by keeping up the 2 piece bonus, combined with meta gem and bloodlust, you can invest some of your haste in mastery instead. At 14.1k haste having 5 stacks of the 2 piece buff gives you 50% haste. Combustion’s increased damage and the increased ignite values of spells are stronger than the increase haste gives past 50%, due to instant casts no longer scaling with haste beyond that point. In addition, haste increases mastery’s relative potency.

2 * 1 = 2
A 2.2 * 1 = 2.2
B 2 * 1.2 = 2.4
Assume that the first variable is haste and the second value is mastery. In both scenarios A and B an absolute value of ‘0.2’ has been added, however due to the relative value of the ‘0.2’ compared to the original value, the increase is largest in B.

The short fight boom boom build
This build comes in two flavours; little haste and less haste.

9623: This is a combustion breakpoint for meta gem + bloodlust + 2 stacks of 2 piece, giving you 25 additional combustion ticks during your opening combustion, and +15 during only either meta gem or bloodlust. This build is designed for people with a BBoY who play incredibly short fights(Under 3 minutes) and can profit from a massive opening combustion.

11.6k: This is a build for fights between 3 and 4 minutes, and works without BBoY. It still relies heavily on combustion damage but it has more staying power due to higher haste making it easier to keep the 2 piece rolling without burst haste.

Both of these builds assume that you have a large amount of critical strike rating, and your fights are relatively short. Due to the abundance of mastery it, naturally, works incredibly well on AoE fights and in cleave situations.

Something to help you choose and think

What do the two other secondary stats do?
Haste does a multitude of things: it increases your cast speed, the frequency at which DoTs do damage(“ticks”), it reduces the global cooldown and it increases your mana regeneration(Irrelevant for Fire).
The strength of haste lies in the combination of casting speed and the global cooldown reduction: together these two increase the rate at which you can pump out pyroblasts, making it easier to keep up the 2-piece set bonus, which in turn gives you more haste. Once you hit 50% haste(in any situation) your global cooldown is capped at 1.0 second, reducing the marginal increase of haste.

While it is tempting to look at simple DPET calculations to justify stacking haste, there is more to Pyroblast’s haste scaling. These calculations generally assume that the DoT runs its full course, which is almost never the case. For example: you cast a pyroblast, which leaves an 18 second DoT. 2 seconds later you cast another pyroblast, overwriting that DoT with another 18 second DoT. Ultimately, you only gain 1 extra tick from this, and you have effectively “wasted” 16 seconds of the DoT. This does not matter for your DPS, because you will never delay a pyroblast cast for the DoT, but it matters tremendously for defining the efficiency of haste, because it means that haste’s value is diminished the more often you cast a pyroblast.

Mastery is simply a flat out damage increase in the form of a 4 second DoT(Ignite) which scales linearly. The ignite can be spread to other targets with inferno blast, making mastery very strong on cleave. Because combustion is based on ignite damage, this automatically makes mastery stronger for combustion as well.

In 5.4.8 fight duration plays an ever larger role. The shorter the fight the higher the relative time spent with a) bloodlust and b) an ideal lineup of procs and (raid) cooldowns, and thus the higher the amount by which mastery pulls ahead. The longer a fight, the more haste you will want.

Advanced stuff
Warning: some of these should only be used if you know why you’d use them. I invite people to think about what I describe here and come up with a conclusion of their own.

5 stack camping - It is incredibly important to maintain the stacks of the 2 piece buff. It is called Potent Flames and gives 750 haste per stack up to a maximum of 5 stacks. I highly advise you to track this buff; you will want to keep it up especially on higher stacks. This means that you will sometimes cast a pyroblast first, and then evocation or living bomb directly afterwards. Do NOT go out of your way; don’t delay evocation or bombs, and never cast scorch as a primary nuke to keep it up. Keep in mind that the pyromaniac buff lasts 3 seconds longer than the mage bomb.

Pyro gambling - If your 2 piece is on 5 stacks and almost running out, you can opt to “gamble” for a pyro proc by using an inferno blast proactively to effectively “win” a global. The downside is that if the fireball doesn’t crit you lose DPS and the 5 stacks. However, the presence of a large intellect proc reduces the risk. You’ll need to decide for yourself when you think this is worth it.

Advanced bonus GCD pull:
The idea is that by using a speed boost to move towards the boss you can reduce the travel times of pyroblast to make 5 pyroblasts hit within 4 seconds. You will need a large speed boost to practically end up inside the boss, and you will have to use combustion right away. You can use Alter Time to teleport you around as well: Alter Time halfway towards the boss, run away from the boss when you cast pyroblast, when Alter Time resets you will be closer to the boss, now keep running towards the boss while shooting out pyroblasts. This is not a guaranteed victory, but if it works you can theoretically throw massive combustions.
Start decently far away -> pyro pyro pyro -> AT -> engineering boots -> pyro pyro ->combustion right away.
Alter Time
[speed boost]

I am sure that there are many other ways of doing this, and it is quite difficult to understand at first. Think of it like this. If one spell has a 2 second travel time, and the 2nd spell has a 1 second travel time, they'll hit at the same time, because while spell 1 is flying you cast spell 2, and if spell 2 has a 1 second cast time, they both end up having 1 second remaining travel time.

Advanced mage armor pull
Theory: the final average 450k damage from a PoM pyro proc is smaller than the large % increase to ignite and combustion. You will have a very high crit chance due to trinkets, and 2 guaranteed crits due to the 4 piece buff. Before the pull, make sure you have mage armour on already. Do a pull as you normally would by getting buffs, entering AT, spamming pyroblast, then reset AT, cast pyro, pyro, PoM Molten Armor, combustion, continue with the normal rotation.
Make sure that you keep running towards the boss, the closer you are the easier it gets.

Use the following macro for combustion, this is an alternative, easier one, which comes at the cost of 1 PoM pyro:

Code: Select all

/castsequence reset=5 presence of mind, molten armor, combustion
You’ll need to press it three times in order to cast all of them, an alternative approach is to just mash it. With this macro you simply walk towards the boss, casting all your pyroblasts and pressing that macro once you are done.

Mage armor = 3000/400 = 7.5% base mastery (even more with pboi, rating*1.09 for example). Let's assume a PBoI is present and take 8% mastery.

(Mastery % + MA%) / mastery % -1 = combustion damage increase. Example: ((20+8)/20 - 1) = 40%
Average pom pyro damage = pom pyro damage * (crit chance / 100). Example: 650 * (80/100) = 520

To be worth it in this example, combustion needs to do at least 520k more damage to make up for the loss of the PoM pyro spent on Molten Armor.

520k / Amount of combustion ticks. Example: 520k / 47 = 11k per tick, so divide by 1/2/3/4/5 for 1/2/3/4/5 targets. The more targets, the stronger Mage Armor gets.

So in total you need a 11k*5 = 55k higher ignite. In this example we assumed 800k damage per pyroblast(Which is very high, BiS levels), you would get a 2.((800k*3+520k)/4)*0.2 = 328.5k ignite. The mage armor increase here would give 328.5*0.4=131.4k extra ignite.

This does not account for the loss of the crit from molten armor during your pyroblasts, but with the crit recommended in this guide and trinkets and 4 set up(As you are supposed to) this is negligible for RNG.

Combustion delay
In a fight that lasts longer than 240 seconds it is a large DPS gain to delay your combustions until a trinket proc. This is due to the large bonus to pyroblast damage, the increased crit chance on pyroblast, and the increased crit chance on combustion. You are not using less combustions than you would if you used them on cooldown, but you make both your combustions and pyroblast torrents significantly stronger. If a fight lasts shorter than 240 seconds, cast combustion on cooldown, otherwise you will "waste" a combustion by losing out on one.

Credit for the next quote goes to Dutchmagoz
Scenario 1: Use everything on cooldown.

90 CMB 1
115 PBOI

180 AT
180 CMB 2

230 PBOI

270 CMB 3

345 PBOI
360 AT --- Should line up 99% of the time.
360 CMB 4

450 CMB 5 --- This is the only time scenario 1 gets more combustions off.

Scenario 2: postpone combustion for each PBOI

115 CMB 1
115 PBOI

230 CMB 2
230 PBOI
230 AT

345 CMB 3
345 PBOI

460 CMB 4
460 PBOI
460 AT

Conclusion: Scenario 2 automatically wins in all timeframes except > 390 seconds < 500 seconds. In the timeframe of 400-500 seconds, the extra combustion from scenario 1 needs to outdamage the bonus damage of 3 PBOI boosted combustions. We also get a much stronger second AT with scenario 2.
Scorch build

I'm looking for people to test out this theory. Change the following thing in your rotation:
Always use Scorch unless the Meta Gem and/or Bloodlust are up, then switch to Fireball.

Using Scorch over Fireball is an 18% DPET loss, which needs to be made up for by more DoT ticks, higher 2 piece uptime(Especially on 5 stacks) and more Pyroblasts. This is only a few pyroblasts(No more than 10 on a 4.5 minute fight), not counting the increased amount of casts and ticks due to the 5 stacks of 2pc.

There have been a few ranks with incredibly high DPS that indicate that it becomes very easy to keep the 2 piece up for a very long period of time, and that the increased number of pyroblasts is indeed massive. However, a few world ranks are not conclusive enough, so I would like to urge anybody who is interested in this to send me logs of Malkorok parses(Difficulty doesn't matter) where they use this rotation.

Closing remarks
Special thanks to Dutchmagoz for being my main source of information whenever I had doubts. In addition I would like to thank Blugatti, Dmages and DeathDefier for providing feedback on the different haste builds. Thanks Celestalon for ruining my guide by giving us extra itemlevels.

If you have any questions, feel free to pass by on #alteredtime on irc.quakenet.org

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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Thu May 29, 2014 10:03 am

I've been expirimenting with some BiS sets, and for truly BiS, immerseus helm + tier chest is the best offpiece combination.

Quick comparison to the nowadays *considered* BiS offpiece: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing" target="_blank

Keep in mind, this is only for pure BiS. You're better off using tier helm + spoils chest until 580+.

About haste caps. With the extra ilvls and added kill speeds of the latest mini patch, a lot of discussion about different haste caps have come up.

There's two main breakpoints to go for with really fast kill times: 11.663 and 14.150 haste.
The first ons (11.663) is very good for very fast kill times. Especially as a troll, though still valuable for non trolls. During bloodlust and meta gem, you get +27 ticks, +2LB ticks with 2 stacks of 2pc, and +8 combustion ticks without any haste procs, and +16 with just meta.

14.1k is discussed in the main thread.
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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Kver Thu May 29, 2014 2:49 pm

How do you feel your 2 piece stacks are holding up at 11663 haste? That is one of the reasons I suggest 14.1k, though extra crit helps as well.

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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Thu May 29, 2014 3:53 pm

How do you feel your 2 piece stacks are holding up at 11663 haste? That is one of the reasons I suggest 14.1k, though extra crit helps as well.
I think keeping 2pc up with 11.6k haste is quite hard to do outside of bloodlust. The goal with the build is kinda that the boss is already like 60% hp by the time bloodlust is done. Sustained dps is definately below 14.1k or even 16k haste, so it's all reliant on your opening burst and second combustion to be a huge portion of the entire fight length.
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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Kver Thu May 29, 2014 4:07 pm

Yeh, that makes sense. I suppose having a lot of metagem procs helps massively, but that is quite difficult to factor in. It's not something I'd play while progressing, especially not on Garrosh.

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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Dmages Thu May 29, 2014 5:40 pm

Well it does work on garrosh even on the 9.3k haste breakpoint the amount of good combustions you can get throughout the fight. For example I was getting average of 280k ignites for each of my combustions if not even higher most of my AT combusts were above 400k ignites. The mastery build though did limit me to being focussed more on the bursts rather than consistent dps
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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Kver Thu May 29, 2014 5:44 pm

Well it does work on garrosh even on the 9.3k haste breakpoint the amount of good combustions you can get throughout the fight. For example I was getting average of 280k ignites for each of my combustions if not even higher most of my AT combusts were above 400k ignites. The mastery build though did limit me to being focussed more on the bursts rather than consistent dps
I think the main issue is that the combustion damage needs to be incredibly high in order to make up for the amount of pyroblasts you lose in a fight.

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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby DeathDefier Fri May 30, 2014 12:56 pm

I ran with 11.6k on Garrosh this week and since we had a new kiter we had a quite a few wipes to go through and see how the swings were from attempt to attempt. I felt like my Garrosh only damage was still pretty strong, even with the long length. Here's the log of Garrosh damage only http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/yQ1 ... &target=68" target="_blank note: we do the afk strat in transition 2.
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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Komma Fri May 30, 2014 6:08 pm

I've been using the haste cap build a mage alt lately (~itemlevel 580). There are a few things I noticed...

The exact haste cap depends on your amp trinket, since the 2T16 haste bonus is pre-amplified. With a 588 PBoI it goes all the way down to ~14100, but if you don't have a HWF PBoI or your amp trinket isn't fully upgraded, you might want to aim slightly higher. It's pretty minor though, since a 3% amp difference on the 5*750 =3750 haste is only roughly 113 haste.

I can't help but wonder if the theory behind it is actually sound though. Outside of bloodlusted openers, I don't spend a huge proportion of each fight surfing at 5 stacks. I'm not very good with fire, so I bet more experienced mages with more crit will have a better time keeping high stacks, but I still question whether the uptime is comparable to say the meta proc even with perfect play. We don't gear around the meta proc too much as fire, so why is 5-stack 2T16 significant enough to work around?

We need some DPET + buff uptime breakdown for evidence, and I have suspicions that we will find very different results from our 14.1K haste recommendations.
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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Garrod Fri May 30, 2014 11:40 pm

After spending the last week progressing on Heroic 25Garrosh(and finally killing him last night) with a 25-man essentially built from scratch, I found that I was getting better mileage out of the 11663 haste build than the 14.1k haste build. Faster add death in the P1 transition, higher P3 and P4 damage. Only place I really lagged behind was P2 damage.
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Re: Kver's Guide to Advanced 5.4 Fire

Unread postby Kver Sat May 31, 2014 11:41 am

I will admit that it was created based on the uptimes of people like Dutchmagoz, that's why it's an advanced build. However, until the 4/4 upgrades reduced fight duration even more the general consensus was to stack haste all the way. Naturally the shorter the fights are the stronger mastery will be. If you sit in the 2nd Garrosh transition then you will come out with cooldowns and trinkets, so naturally combustion damage will pull you ahead.

If you get higher p4 damage then that is just RNG :P

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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Kver Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:49 pm

Updated the original guide with new 5.4.8 stuff.

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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Komma Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:13 pm

After talking to Dutch, I finally understood that the 11663 BP comes from "13163 (2 tick LB BP) - 1500 (2 stack 2T16)". This isn't accurate though, because the 2T16 buff is affected by PBoI amp. The correct formula should be "13163 - (1500 * (1 + PBoI amp %))", which turns out to be 11518 haste with 588 PBoI.
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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Komma Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:24 am

With simc now having a "workable" prototype (http://altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic ... 1724#p1724" target="_blank), some interesting results have appeared.

The new sim suggests that the optimum for single target, ~7.5 minute fights lie at a 12K/9K split of haste and mastery. While shorter fights favor mastery, the duration is already long enough to get 2-3 AT Combustion combos off, so longer fights are unlikely to favor haste. It seems like 14.1K haste build is unlikely to be optimal.
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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:33 am

After a lot of testing with the finalized simc version (http://altered-time.com/forum/viewtopic ... 1783#p1783" target="_blank) and personal testing we've found the best haste to be somewhere between 10k and 12k.

I will personally be going with 10350 or 10695. The first one being a combustion breakpoint with 2+ stacks of 2pc (with hc wf pboi), the second one the same while also including a LB breakpoint with 3+ stacks of 2pc (with hc wf pboi)

Keep in mind, this has mostly been tested on 18k+ crit levels, though frosted found similiar results already at 16k crit.

The "testing" that has been done were a lot of reforge plots all the way down from 8k haste up to 16k haste. The DPS turned out the highest at 10k-12k haste. The higher the crit the closer to 10k generally speaking.

10695 seems to be the best dps option with HC WF PBOI and 18k+ crit for longer fights.

In a ~200 sec fight duration, 9138 haste (with hcwf pboi) seems best so far.

Quick overview for my personal gear:

10350: 450sec : 478219 dps - 200sec : 527303 dps - combustion with 2 stacks
10695: 450sec : 478229 dps - 200sec : 527147 dps - lb with 3 stacks
9138 : 450sec : 478127 dps - 200sec : 528812 dps - combustion with 2 stacks
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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Komma Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:55 am

Pyro gambling - If your 2 piece is on 5 stacks and almost running out, you can opt to “gamble” for a pyro proc by using an inferno blast proactively to effectively “win” a global. The downside is that if the fireball doesn’t crit you lose DPS and the 5 stacks. However, the presence of a large intellect proc reduces the risk. You’ll need to decide for yourself when you think this is worth it.

Code: Select all

# "Kver's gambit" actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=set_bonus.tier16_2pc_caster&buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.down&buff.potent_flames.stack>=4&buff.potent_flames.remains<action.fireball.execute_time&buff.potent_flames.remains>gcd&(action.fireball.in_flight|action.pyroblast.in_flight)
588 SimC BiS fire sample profile, 250K iterations, 450 second single target, error bar: 95.1 DPS

513846 --> 514141 (295 DPS Increase)

It works!

(Unlikely to be worth it unless you have >55% crit)
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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Komma Thu Jun 19, 2014 1:21 am

Looked into scorch build fire as per Kver's request.

505984 100.0% Mage_Fire_T16H

That's roughly 8K less than original. Roughly 136 scorches were casted, 10 additional pyros, 99 less fireballs. 2T16 uptime 89.14%->91.15% (+2.01%), 5 stack 2T16 56.08%->60.93% (+4.85%). Of note is that due to 11K base haste, unlike 14.1K haste builts, scorch would not GCD cap without a meta gem or bloodlust.

Below is the APL ran for this test. This code will not work correctly on release versions of SimC. Code hacks are required due to scorch not having a travel time by default.

Code: Select all

mage="Mage_Fire_T16H" level=90 race=troll role=spell position=back professions=tailoring=600/engineering=600 talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#eZ!0...11 glyphs=combustion/counterspell spec=fire # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable, # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. actions.precombat=flask,type=warm_sun actions.precombat+=/food,type=mogu_fish_stew actions.precombat+=/arcane_brilliance actions.precombat+=/molten_armor actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats actions.precombat+=/rune_of_power,if=talent.rune_of_power.enabled actions.precombat+=/jade_serpent_potion actions.precombat+=/mirror_image # Executed every time the actor is available. actions=counterspell,if=target.debuff.casting.react actions+=/cancel_buff,name=alter_time,moving=1 actions+=/cold_snap,if=talent.cold_snap.enabled&health.pct<30 actions+=/time_warp,if=buff.alter_time.down actions+=/rune_of_power,if=talent.rune_of_power.enabled&buff.rune_of_power.remains<cast_time # Cancelaura AT if PBoI procs actions+=/cancel_buff,name=alter_time,if=buff.amplified.up&buff.alter_time.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains-buff.alter_time.remains>109) actions+=/run_action_list,name=combust_sequence,if=buff.alter_time.up|pyro_chain # Start AT-POM-Combustion combo if CDs are up; Wait for trinket proc if player has PBoI actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_alter_combust,if=buff.amplified.up&cooldown.alter_time_activate.up&cooldown.combustion.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>95|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains+20>time_to_die) actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_alter_combust,if=buff.amplified.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.up&cooldown.combustion.up # Start regular POM-Combustion combo if CDs are up; Wait for trinket proc if player has PBoI actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_pom_combust,if=buff.amplified.up&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>45&cooldown.combustion.up&cooldown.presence_of_mind.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>95|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains+20>time_to_die) actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_pom_combust,if=buff.amplified.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>45&cooldown.combustion.up&cooldown.presence_of_mind.up # Cast RoP/Evoc/MI only when player does not have both HU, Pyro proc and fireball mid flight - this causes Proc munching actions+=/rune_of_power,if=talent.rune_of_power.enabled&(buff.alter_time.down&buff.rune_of_power.remains<4*action.fireball.execute_time&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight))) actions+=/mirror_image,if=buff.alter_time.down&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight)) actions+=/blood_fury,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/berserking,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/arcane_torrent,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/jade_serpent_potion,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<45 actions+=/use_item,slot=hands,if=buff.alter_time.down&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>50|target.time_to_die<12) actions+=/run_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=5 # Camp for HU/Pyro procs in preparation for combustion combos actions+=/run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.amplified.up&trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains<action.fireball.execute_time actions+=/run_action_list,name=single_target # Pyro-chain combustion sequence actions.combust_sequence=start_pyro_chain,if=!pyro_chain actions.combust_sequence+=/presence_of_mind,if=talent.presence_of_mind.enabled&buff.alter_time.down # Unload all instant pyros during AT actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=execute_time=gcd&buff.alter_time.up actions.combust_sequence+=/alter_time,if=buff.alter_time.up&action.pyroblast.execute_time>gcd # Unload all HS Pyros first actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up # Early combustion if meta gem is about to fade and only POM left actions.combust_sequence+=/combustion,if=buff.alter_time.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>150&buff.tempus_repit.up&buff.tempus_repit.remains<gcd # The next two line uses POM pyro if it is expected to grow the ignite. To do this, it retrieves tick timing for ignite, calculates estimated damage from POM pyro and the potential instant pyro, and compares the ignite from those pyros against the ignite tick size. actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.presence_of_mind.up&buff.pyroblast.down&(travel_time<=dot.ignite.remains-2*(dot.ignite.ticks_remain-1)|((crit_damage*crit_pct_current+hit_damage*(100-crit_pct_current))*0.01*mastery_value>=dot.ignite.tick_dmg)) actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.presence_of_mind.up&buff.pyroblast.down&(gcd+travel_time<=dot.ignite.remains-2)&(crit_damage*crit_pct_current+hit_damage*(100-crit_pct_current))*0.01*(0.0125*crit_pct_current+1)*mastery_value>=dot.ignite.tick_dmg actions.combust_sequence+=/combustion actions.combust_sequence+=/stop_pyro_chain,if=pyro_chain # Initiate AT-POM-Combuistion sequence actions.init_alter_combust=run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.pyroblast.down|buff.heating_up.down|!(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight) actions.init_alter_combust+=/blood_fury actions.init_alter_combust+=/berserking actions.init_alter_combust+=/arcane_torrent actions.init_alter_combust+=/jade_serpent_potion actions.init_alter_combust+=/use_item,slot=hands actions.init_alter_combust+=/presence_of_mind,if=talent.presence_of_mind.enabled actions.init_alter_combust+=/alter_time # Initiate regular POM-Combustion sequence actions.init_pom_combust=run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.pyroblast.down|buff.heating_up.down|!(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight) actions.init_pom_combust+=/start_pyro_chain,if=!pyro_chain # Proc building sequence - Generate HS+HU with Pyro camping actions.proc_builder=pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.up&(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight) actions.proc_builder+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.nether_tempest.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>6) actions.proc_builder+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.living_bomb.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3) actions.proc_builder+=/frost_bomb,if=talent.frost_bomb.enabled&(!ticking&target.time_to_die>cast_time+tick_time) actions.proc_builder+=/inferno_blast,if=(buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.up)|(buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.down&!(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight)&!action.pyroblast.in_flight) actions.proc_builder+=/scorch,if=cast_time>=gcd actions.proc_builder+=/fireball actions.proc_builder+=/scorch,moving=1 # Standard AoE sequence actions.aoe=inferno_blast,if=dot.combustion.ticking actions.aoe+=/flamestrike actions.aoe+=/blizzard # Standard single target sequence actions.single_target=inferno_blast,if=dot.combustion.ticking&active_enemies>1 # Use HS procs before they run out actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.pyroblast.remains<action.fireball.execute_time # Intentionally sustain 2T16 4 stack or more actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=set_bonus.tier16_2pc_caster&buff.pyroblast.up&buff.potent_flames.stack>=4&buff.potent_flames.remains<action.fireball.execute_time # Pyro camp during regular sequence; Do not use Pyro procs without HU and first using fireball actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.up&(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight) actions.single_target+=/nether_tempest,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.nether_tempest.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>6) actions.single_target+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=talent.living_bomb.enabled&((!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3) actions.single_target+=/frost_bomb,if=talent.frost_bomb.enabled&(!ticking&target.time_to_die>cast_time+tick_time) actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.up # Mini-pyro chain on last few seconds of BBoY/Wooshoolays actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.amplified.up&(cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>0|(buff.amplified.up&trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>0))&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.up&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.remains<3*gcd&execute_time=gcd actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=(cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>0|cooldown.combustion.remains>0)&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.up&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.remains<3*gcd&execute_time=gcd actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.down&!(action.fireball.in_flight|action.scorch.in_flight) actions.single_target+=/scorch,if=cast_time>=gcd actions.single_target+=/fireball actions.single_target+=/scorch,moving=1 head=hood_of_swirling_senses,id=105420,upgrade=4,gems=sinister_primal_160crit_160hit_180int,reforge=mastery_haste neck=untainted_guardians_chain,id=105465,upgrade=4,reforge=hit_crit shoulders=chronomancer_mantle,id=99401,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_120int,enchant=200int_100crit,reforge=haste_mastery back=xingho_breath_of_yulon,id=102246,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_60int,enchant=lightweave_embroidery_3 chest=chronomancer_robes,id=99400,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_180int,enchant=80all wrists=bracers_of_sonic_projection,id=105626,upgrade=4,enchant=180int hands=chronomancer_gloves,id=99397,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_160exp_160crit_120int,enchant=170haste,addon=synapse_springs_mark_ii waist=miasmic_skullbelt,id=105569,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_320crit_320crit_120int,reforge=hit_haste legs=chronomancer_leggings,id=99399,upgrade=4,gems=320crit_320crit_120int,enchant=285int_165crit,reforge=mastery_hit feet=toxic_tornado_treads,id=105537,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160hit_60hit,enchant=140mastery,reforge=mastery_haste finger1=signet_of_the_dinomancers,id=105606,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_60haste,reforge=mastery_crit finger2=petrified_pennyroyal_ring,id=105443,upgrade=4,reforge=hit_mastery trinket1=black_blood_of_yshaarj,id=105648,upgrade=4,reforge=haste_crit trinket2=purified_bindings_of_immerseus,id=105422,upgrade=4 main_hand=immaculately_preserved_wand,id=105594,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_60int,enchant=jade_spirit off_hand=revelations_of_yshaarj,id=105650,upgrade=4,gems=160exp_160crit_60int,enchant=165int,reforge=mastery_crit # Gear Summary # gear_strength=80 # gear_agility=80 # gear_stamina=42105 # gear_intellect=28426 # gear_spirit=80 # gear_spell_power=16509 # gear_expertise_rating=1920 # gear_hit_rating=3187 # gear_crit_rating=20096 # gear_haste_rating=10028 # gear_mastery_rating=10056 # gear_armor=18472 # meta_gem=sinister_primal # tier16_2pc_caster=1 # tier16_4pc_caster=1 # back=xingho_breath_of_yulon,enchant=lightweave_embroidery_3 # hands=chronomancer_gloves,heroic=1,addon=synapse_springs_mark_ii # main_hand=immaculately_preserved_wand,heroic=1,elite=1,weapon=wand,enchant=jade_spirit
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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Kver Thu Jun 19, 2014 10:59 pm

I see, interesting. So movement really barely hurts fire, even less than the previously assumed 90%.

It were as it be it were

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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:27 am

Not quite like that, but yea pretty close. Scorching the entire time makes use out of higher 2pc uptimes than only scorching for movement, which kind of takes the bad sides of both worlds. not more 2pc uptime and not the higher DPET from fireball. Obviously it still generates pyros and does okay damage, so we're probably still performing quite good DPS on the move, especially if we get good rng.
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Re: Kver's Updated Guide to Advanced 5.4.8 Fire

Unread postby Abraxis Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:36 am

Quick overview for my personal gear:

10350: 450sec : 478219 dps - 200sec : 527303 dps - combustion with 2 stacks
10695: 450sec : 478229 dps - 200sec : 527147 dps - lb with 3 stacks
9138 : 450sec : 478127 dps - 200sec : 528812 dps - combustion with 2 stacks
First of all, specialthanks to everyone involved for all your amazing work with simcraft and testing!

I don't get how to get to these hastevalues.
Which hastebuffs did you consider to have up, when choosing this values?

At the first week of upgrades i mentioned the 11663 hastevalue in MMO-C. But with increasing stats, shorter and shorter killtimes and all your testing/analysis i think it's defenitely worth to drop some haste as well as you.

But why 10350 and not 10163?

With 10163 you hit extraticks at 2 (combustion) and 4 (combustion, LB, NT) stacks of 2pc considering no other hastemodifiers and i don't get which extraticks 10350 will hit additional.

Simming my own mage with 10163 i got:

496375 DPS (450s) -- 554570 DPS (200s)

Simming my own mage with 10350 i got:

496349 DPS (450s) -- 554418 DPS (200s)

Of course the difference is close to nothing, but i would like to know, why i should spent those extra 187 rating in haste over mastery?

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