Alexstrasza's Fury and Darckli's Diadem

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Re: Alexstrasza's Fury and Darckli's Diadem

Unread postby DyLemma Thu Jan 12, 2017 6:52 pm

That's only because I used combustion/DB on the minions and tentacles before P3 started (we had mages killing minions). Why not just look at sims? It greatly pulls ahead 2+ targets and I don't think it uses it to it's full potential. Everything is situational, how can you say it's "situational". Just because you don't like how it feels, that's not a representation of the talent.
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Re: Alexstrasza's Fury and Darckli's Diadem

Unread postby Unreal Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:16 pm

AF combined with the helm is going to be a monster of a talent in nighthold considering how cleave/aoe heavy the encounters are. I stand by my point though, it's a poor choice if encounter specific designs force you to delay db several times.

In average you'll perform better with AF in an aoe fight, max damage potential stands with FO though, since you can get lucky with db crits.
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Re: Alexstrasza's Fury and Darckli's Diadem

Unread postby jahrastafari Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:02 pm

Your logs show a 91% crit rate on Dragon's Breath on Helya last week (prior to the talent existing). So the next week you got 9% extra crit. That's literally all you gained over flame on.
Logs are probably not looking at that correctly. DB does a crit roll against each individual target hit rather than the entire cast itself. Hitting four targets you can crit on none, all, one, two or three targets. At 91% shown as crit I'm comfortable speculating that it's counting any time the cast crit on any target hit as a complete critical strike for the cast on all targets hit. There's no way this guy is running around with 91% crit.

The actuality the benefit it still going to be the full difference of your crit strike rating vs 100%
Last edited by jahrastafari on Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alexstrasza's Fury and Darckli's Diadem

Unread postby jahrastafari Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:04 pm

That's essentially the same thing. Either extra damage or CD reduction serves the same purpose (more DPS.)
That's absurdly reductionist to the point of being factually incorrect. Replacing 100% critical strike with DB CD reduction changes a talent that scales lower the better your gear gets with a talent that scales better the better your gear gets.

It's a complete 180 in the actual function and forward-looking value of the talent. As your gear improves you're casting a higher DPET DB more often generating more Hot Streaks vs capping out the spell at 100% crit.
Last edited by jahrastafari on Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alexstrasza's Fury and Darckli's Diadem

Unread postby Zenith Thu Jan 12, 2017 10:38 pm

I have the helm and was using this talent for the first 5 fights of Mythic EN, my damage seemed to go up dramatically on Cenarius and Xavius when I switched to Flame On.

I felt way too proc starved using it compared to FO. I agree with not really seeing a use for it without DDD.

Wish Blizz would let DB ignite with this talent or something cool like that, then it would synergize with combustion a lot better (plus more class fantasy :) )

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