Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

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Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Muffelmage Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:35 am

Hello Folkz,
after getting the Boots and Sephuz I finally got a DPS Legy Pyrotex Ignition Cloth. I was really shocked when I saw the Sims Frosted created in his guide and did not want to believe that Blizzard added a new legendary which is again so so bad. I started to figure out a way of getting some benefit out of this gloves like skilling either kindling or RoP to not having MI cooldown out of sync with Combustion. But no combination gave me a DPS gain. I was still doing more ST dmg with MI and Meteor, just ignoring the Pyrotex effect and wait for MI to become ready again.

Did anyone of you guys figure out any situation/talent combination/rotation to get a significant dmg increase of this legy?
Last edited by Muffelmage on Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Vyshaan Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:09 am

You probably have 1 min combustion cd with those and kindling...i dont get how that wouldnt be dps increase....blizz should make that as good as bracers imo
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Makz Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:26 am

Unfortunately even if you keep combustion at 1 min, it has been nerfed so hard(Rune too and that synergy is what gave you great dps spikes), that outside of stats you wont see a big increase.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Muffelmage Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:33 am

Unfortunately even if you keep combustion at 1 min, it has been nerfed so hard(Rune too and that synergy is what gave you great dps spikes), that outside of stats you wont see a big increase.
I can confirm that regarding my DPS Tests on a dummy as well as some ST LFR Bosses.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby dioneslol Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:59 am

saddly its useless, I say that with tears because it was my fifth legendary and I have prydaz, shepuz, belovir's and helm
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Pank Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:52 pm

Well we are getting a new trait for combustion duration from 10s to 18s if I'm not mistaken. Most probably that will make the gloves rise in value. What about the usage in mythic+ ? Cuz every semi serious mage is probably swapping gear between two sets of gear anyways from trash to boss ( mastery to haste ). On pure st bracers and koralons are just sadly too strong over other legs sadly.. that's probably the main issue of fire.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Eyliria Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:54 pm

saddly its useless, I say that with tears because it was my fifth legendary and I have prydaz, shepuz, belovir's and helm
Look at it this way, the only shitty one left are the boots.

All gravy after that.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Acris Fri Feb 17, 2017 11:28 am

This is also my only dps legendary and the only useful thing about it is That i can delay combu while MI is out to wait for a whisper in the dark proc without losing dps
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby dioneslol Fri Feb 17, 2017 12:19 pm

saddly its useless, I say that with tears because it was my fifth legendary and I have prydaz, shepuz, belovir's and helm
Look at it this way, the only shitty one left are the boots.

All gravy after that.
Trinket is pretty bad too :(
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Eyliria Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:23 am

saddly its useless, I say that with tears because it was my fifth legendary and I have prydaz, shepuz, belovir's and helm
Look at it this way, the only shitty one left are the boots.

All gravy after that.
Trinket is pretty bad too :(
It's usable as a stat stick.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Sarat0ga Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:59 pm

Having myself the same legendary and therefore the same problem, I'm digging a bit tying to get get something out this glove. The below is only the result of a theory I was thinking of, I havn't tested it yet, I havn't confirm it would have good result, but I'll appreciate any feedback of those who prefer to try than to whine on the missing bracers (I miss them too, but at 2 legendary no lost hope ;)).

The glove mean to reduce our combustion CD for 6 sec per Phoenix's Flame (PF), so to get the best out of it we should:
-Avoid using PF out of combustion downtime.
-Get the most out of combustion having all PF and FireBlast (FB) available for combustion.

Combustion is a 2min CD. PF has 45 sec CD. To use a maximum of PF between each combustion and have them up for the next combustion, we can theorically use it 5 times and we will have to monitor closely the combustion timer for key point.

Let's show an exemple over time. L'et's assume we have all 3 FB, all 3 PF and manage to get a Hot Streak, spamming/preincanting pyro/FireBall, having less FB available would only shorter the combustion phase.

Combustion ->pyro->FB->Pyro->FB->Pyro->FB->Pyro->PF->Pyro->PF->pyro->FB->pyro->PF->Pyro

We have no more instant cast. Our 3 PF gave us 3x6 sec on our next combustion which makes it available at 1'42''. We start our "sustain phase" FireBall (FBL)->FBL->HU?=FBL->FB->Pyro/No HU?=FBL

At this time PF will start to come off cooldown.
-If we use 1, combustion will be available at 1'36'' (our previous 1'42 - 6 sec)
-In an ideal situation if we use 2 of them, Combustion will be up at 1'30'', and our PF would be up again exactly 1'30'' after we use them the first time (2CD of 45''=1'30'') provided we can use it immeditely when available.
That's where the 5 times limit comes up, if we use PF a sixth time Combustion would be available at 1'24'' and our PF would be definitely recharging when combustion is availabel again.
You may choose to use the two PF anyway and report the small delay on activating the next combustion.

Stop using FB, and try to reach HS state only with FBL getting ready for next combustion.

Stop incanting on HS and keep it up for combustion, you may fill in the time with dragon breath, or LB, or move or do whathever makes you in better position to unleash your fire hell!!!

Combustion ->pyro->FB->Pyro->FB->Pyro->FB->Pyro->PF->Pyro->PF->pyro->FB->pyro->PF->Pyro (remind you something?!?)

Any constructive feedback welcome. I hope that's not completly dumb and would provide some results. But I think refrain from using FB/PF too late and too much is the key.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby broedrost Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:01 pm

I think the fact that it totally fucks up MI-lineup makes this legendary a real luckluster and I was so sad when I got it
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Oz1222 Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:34 pm

I think the fact that it totally fucks up MI-lineup makes this legendary a real luckluster and I was so sad when I got it
Why not just use rune then? It tends to sim higher with the leg. hands because if the issue of lining up MI with combustion.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby kaNEt Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:52 pm

i have it on the bank

1. if u try to run kindling+hands u will never have enough instants to do something useful with that combustion spam
2. its better to use tier on hands
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Lahrast Sun Feb 19, 2017 6:40 pm

i have it on the bank

1. if u try to run kindling+hands u will never have enough instants to do something useful with that combustion spam
2. its better to use tier on hands
i really hope they'll get better with the 7.2 patch and i can pair them up with the belt for a viable kindling/comb spec (or bracer for that matter... i fear the new traits will make them EVEN stronger :/)
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby kaNEt Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:57 am

i have it on the bank

1. if u try to run kindling+hands u will never have enough instants to do something useful with that combustion spam
2. its better to use tier on hands
i really hope they'll get better with the 7.2 patch and i can pair them up with the belt for a viable kindling/comb spec (or bracer for that matter... i fear the new traits will make them EVEN stronger :/)
i got kolaron, norganonn, prydaz, pyrotex and from 1 week ago also shard (pretty obv i run belt+shard) but im still praying to the rng god everyday for the bracers.

belt is good if the boss is farmed, but im pretty sure that if i get bracers i would start playing prydaz+sunking at progress hours.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Spookytooth Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:00 am

bracers r not what you want on non-farm/messy pug bosses (belt is much better for that).. too often tank pulls boss away or you have to stay in the poop to get off a cast. sims keep telling me use gloves for mythic+ btw I guess cause it's number of combustions over total dungeon time that matters there and I don't have helm or trink.
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby Lahrast Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:28 am

bracers r not what you want on non-farm/messy pug bosses (belt is much better for that).. too often tank pulls boss away or you have to stay in the poop to get off a cast. sims keep telling me use gloves for mythic+ btw I guess cause it's number of combustions over total dungeon time that matters there and I don't have helm or trink.
i actually switched them in this id for bracers (for bosses) on +13 an higher so i could get 2 combustions per boss, works like a charm - i might even stick with them (or gloves/bracer for bosses) for m+, volcanic with bracers is just a freaking nightmare
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby dioneslol Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:49 pm

saddly its useless, I say that with tears because it was my fifth legendary and I have prydaz, shepuz, belovir's and helm
Trinket is pretty bad too :(
It's usable as a stat stick.
Fuck my life :( just got the trinket

It is pretty bad, it uses a lengo slot, I could get an item that gave me 40k dps, 80k dps, 60k dps but I got an item that gives pretty much nothing because I lose a better stat stick (prydaz)
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Re: Pyrotex Ignition Cloth

Unread postby philthy Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:30 pm

Is the trinket really that bad? I woulda thought that with the on use and stats that its actually pretty good. I been running the lust ring and bracers but I dont get much benefit from the ring in progression bc we dont typically lust on pull. Was kinda hoping for helm, belt or trinket.

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