Fire Or Frost???

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Fire Or Frost???

Unread postby uritchmage Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:52 am

Should I try to learn how to play frost? I own all the legendary fire except for the best single-slot (wrist and waist) slot, I'm using the legendary head and new finger of 7.2.5 but I do not have a good dps in single target, I'm behind in relation to Other guild dps however for frost I would use the two rings (shard of exodar and soul of the archmage). I tested it on simcraft (I know little about it) and it gave a minimal difference between the two, which is my best choice?

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Re: Fire Or Frost???

Unread postby magictricks Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:12 am

if theres no difference between frost and fire for you then i would play fire as 1, you know the spec better and 2, you can still get frost gear while playing fire until it's better to go frost.

If you can try and get frost fire and arcane to a place where you can switch specs every fight.
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Re: Fire Or Frost???

Unread postby Karanthir Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:38 am

Since you have the ring and you don't have good fire legendaries, I would honestly suggest u try arcane, if you want to help your guild with ST dmg.

If you really don't want to, stay fire and wait for frost legendaries :)
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Re: Fire Or Frost???

Unread postby Katsumi Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:57 am

if theres no difference between frost and fire for you then i would play fire as 1, you know the spec better and 2, you can still get frost gear while playing fire until it's better to go frost.

If you can try and get frost fire and arcane to a place where you can switch specs every fight.
Don't do that. Focus on one spec until you parse reliably above 90% ilvl or you'll end up being shit at three specs at the same time. Unless you don't care about that, but in that case you should just play whatever you have the most fun with.
Since you have the ring and you don't have good fire legendaries, I would honestly suggest u try arcane, if you want to help your guild with ST dmg.

If you really don't want to, stay fire and wait for frost legendaries :)
I highly doubt that the legendaries would make up for the difference between the specs in their current state and arcane is behind the others on most fights.

Should you switch to Frost? You certainly have the legendaries for it. If you have Shard of Exodar, you could pair it with the KJ trinket, Prydaz or Belovir and play GS Frost. Each of those are strong legendary setups. But if you like to play fire, play fire. There are several fights in ToS in which Fire is on par with or even surpasses Frost.
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Re: Fire Or Frost???

Unread postby tar3k Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:49 pm

Learn frost/arcane with fire. but only pick one as a main spec to level and after you reach 90% parse you level the other one.

personally my main spec is fire and i leveled arcane to 53 just to be a back-up ST. i don't have legendaries for Arcane rather than Shard+Cord (not that effective) and in fire i miss the bracers for ST.

I have seen a lot of discussions around having bracers+waist with 4pT20+2pT19 for ST. Check Imfiredup and Dylemma on youtube they both pull good numbers with fire in HC. Remember that this might change in mythic progression.
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Re: Fire Or Frost???

Unread postby Falq Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:18 pm

Learn frost/arcane with fire. but only pick one as a main spec to level and after you reach 90% parse you level the other one.
I would really not agree on that. As far as I know Fire and Arcane are comparable. Id say either learn Fire AND Frost because they vary a lot, or if you wanna be good at everything but best at anything go for Arcane since it have good aoe/st but looses on ST with Frost and AoE with Fire

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