[7.3.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Aerrye Fri Jul 07, 2017 5:07 pm

Just wanted to say thank you for the great content! Super helpful and informative.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby britt2376 Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:05 pm

I have 2 T19 and 2T20....after doing some reading here, would using "IF" be better than using "MI"? or should i stick with "MI" for now?....
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby ezekielyo Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:42 am

Hey Ezekielyo; I wanted to bring up something I've noticed in sims and practice lately.

I've noticed since acquiring the t20 4 piece that IF is becoming more and more desirable over MI for most of the ST fights in tomb. Based on how the t20 4pc bonus works it seems that the passive damage provided from IF is starting to outshine MI; and we're seeing in mythic Tomb that IF is the go-to talent for almost all fire mages. Was wondering why IF hasn't been brought up as much in discussion since its looking to be the top talent for us as we continue in Tomb. Also is pretty juicy getting those 5.6 mil pyro crits on a 5 stack IF bracer proc.

Just wondering if you or anyone else has picked up on this trend.
I have 2 T19 and 2T20....after doing some reading here, would using "IF" be better than using "MI"? or should i stick with "MI" for now?....
Both these statements are true. The tier set contributes to the drop of http://www.wowhead.com/spell=55342/mirror-image" target="_blank usage but the main contented is the http://www.wowhead.com/item=147017/tarn ... =1497:3561" target="_blank trinket. Strictly speaking http://www.wowhead.com/spell=178776/rune-of-power" target="_blank is the "highest dps talent" but since there is so much movement involved in ToS, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=1463/incanters-flow" target="_blank is much easier to play with and only performs slightly worse.

So, you are both correct and I shall add this to the list of things which need updating.
There will be a big update coming including new trinkets/set pieces and talent choices soon!
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby FunnyGuy Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:21 pm

Hey ,

i just realised (because i dont have gloves yet i guess) when you do super high fortified keys you dont use belt on packs.

but arent you using flame patch anyways? its a bit contrary isnt it?

and i still dont know if i should use meteor or kindling on very high tyrannical :)

thx man
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby ezekielyo Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:07 am

Hey ,

i just realised (because i dont have gloves yet i guess) when you do super high fortified keys you dont use belt on packs.

but arent you using flame patch anyways? its a bit contrary isnt it?

and i still dont know if i should use meteor or kindling on very high tyrannical :)

thx man
I've been playing gloves on high tyrannical packs this week as the extra combustions are great. The level is high enough that even the packs last long enough to benefit from the reduced cd.

I've stuck with kindling aswell for pretty much the same reason even when using bracers + belt on bosses. I find having shorter combustions gives me more options when it comes to burst phases on bosses (2nd boss in nelths for example).

I don't use flamepatch, ever. It's annoying to use and LvB does the same job on 3 targets. I don't flamestrike much on higher tyrannicals anyway so FP because even less value.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby skathi Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:49 am

do you think we will see glove+kindling viable in ToS? Currently I don't get any promising sims with T20 4p. Feeling tied to a specific setup with barely any room for change.

in 7.3 with the 2p/4p it looks like viable legos will change which might be a nice change of pace
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby FunnyGuy Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:44 pm

Oh well i thought on high keys Flame Patch is the go to talent because of more cleave fights.
still no option for like halls of valor or NL?

And do you use the 4 piece t20 set for trash?

for bosses i use 2t19 and 4t20.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Volcaneo Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:25 pm

Hi Ezekielyo and thanks a lot for your guide! I've got a question: is there any way to reset cooldown or build charges on Fire Blast? I'm talking about the situation that I've got Heating Up proc, but I am out of charges on Fire Blast or it's on cooldown. What should I do then? Cast Fireballs until I'll be able to cast Fire Blast again? Cheers!
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby ezekielyo Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:00 am

do you think we will see glove+kindling viable in ToS? Currently I don't get any promising sims with T20 4p. Feeling tied to a specific setup with barely any room for change.

in 7.3 with the 2p/4p it looks like viable legos will change which might be a nice change of pace
I don't concern myself with 7.3 yet, everything could change, no point in speculating at this point.

Gloves + kindling work because it allows certain timing windows to be hit. Think Elisande on farm, having combustion up every time she changes phases means big boy burst on 3 targets. It all depends on the timing windows.
Oh well i thought on high keys Flame Patch is the go to talent because of more cleave fights.
still no option for like halls of valor or NL?

And do you use the 4 piece t20 set for trash?

for bosses i use 2t19 and 4t20.
It's simply the fact that you have to ST a lot of mobs on very high keys and LvB does a better job at that. Burst aoe is generally more favourable then sustained aoe and LvB + FS i feel is enough. I also don't like how if the mobs move, all built up damage is lost. Annoying to deal with...

4p t20 is op on trash. Always use it.

I don't use t19 anymore because I have 2 pieces worth 55ilvls on them. If I had high ilvl t19, i would still use them yes.
Hi Ezekielyo and thanks a lot for your guide! I've got a question: is there any way to reset cooldown or build charges on Fire Blast? I'm talking about the situation that I've got Heating Up proc, but I am out of charges on Fire Blast or it's on cooldown. What should I do then? Cast Fireballs until I'll be able to cast Fire Blast again? Cheers!
It was fun making it, glad you enjoyed!

You should simply just keep casting fireball until you either get a lucky double crit and can pyro, or just wait for fire blast to come back up. There are specific situations where you know your next fireball will crit (due to enhanced pyrotechics stacks) so you can chain a PF after the fireball to guarentee a HS proc. Harder to manage if you are not using t19 2p though.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Territum Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:50 pm

http://www.wowhead.com/spell=176670/living-bomb" target="_blank - Applies a dot to the target which on expiry, explodes for aoe damage and adds the same dot to everything around it which also explodes. The damage increases exponentially the more targets are in close proximity of the original bomb target.
This is not terribly relevant but unless I am having a misunderstaning the scaling of LB with number of enemies N is not actually exponential, but squared: N enemies will result in N explosions, each hitting N enemies, thus a total of N*N applications of the explosion damage.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby FunnyGuy Mon Jul 17, 2017 12:58 pm

Yo Ezekiel :)

how do you handle your Phoenix Flames Charges ?

Without Meteor and Belt i find myself very often to do super low damage on packs (1-3 enemies) in between Combustion, so i am using always a PF charge when its ready but then when Combustion is off CD i got 0 (1 at max).

And ofc before boss its the same , i start the encounter with very low PF charges. that hurts my boss damage a lot as well.

But if i bank them for Combustion i do literraly no damage in between :/
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Faxender Mon Jul 17, 2017 1:33 pm

Yo Ezekiel :)

how do you handle your Phoenix Flames Charges ?

Without Meteor and Belt i find myself very often to do super low damage on packs (1-3 enemies) in between Combustion, so i am using always a PF charge when its ready but then when Combustion is off CD i got 0 (1 at max).

And ofc before boss its the same , i start the encounter with very low PF charges. that hurts my boss damage a lot as well.

But if i bank them for Combustion i do literraly no damage in between :/
Good question. I find myself in the same situation especially in M+. I use one PF only if I have 3 stacks (so I have one recharging all the time). I like having at least 2 stacks of PF when I get to the boss than having none.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Toriankel Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:55 pm

Yo Ezekiel :)

how do you handle your Phoenix Flames Charges ?

Without Meteor and Belt i find myself very often to do super low damage on packs (1-3 enemies) in between Combustion, so i am using always a PF charge when its ready but then when Combustion is off CD i got 0 (1 at max).

And ofc before boss its the same , i start the encounter with very low PF charges. that hurts my boss damage a lot as well.

But if i bank them for Combustion i do literraly no damage in between :/
You find yourself doing low damage on packs because we actually do low damage without combustion on small packs. Play frost or accept our fates that fire is not a very good aoe speck under 4+ targets.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Frantik Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:10 pm

Hey Ez in your different builds the icon for the pre-pot is Prolonged Power? Is this just a random icon choice or ppl should use that potion?
Isn't Deadly grace still the more effective potion to use? (and prolonged just a cheaper option)
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby ezekielyo Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:28 am

Hey Ez in your different builds the icon for the pre-pot is Prolonged Power? Is this just a random icon choice or ppl should use that potion?
Isn't Deadly grace still the more effective potion to use? (and prolonged just a cheaper option)
Prolonged does indeed give you overall more dps.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Shapingus Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:54 pm

Great guide, appreciate it!

Probably good to add http://www.wowhead.com/spell=194615/sea-legs to the list of purgeable abilities too. Not a direct damage increase like the others, but never a bad thing to make your party's globals more useful even with the annoyance of purge RNG.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby ezekielyo Sat Aug 12, 2017 5:13 am

Great guide, appreciate it!

Probably good to add http://www.wowhead.com/spell=194615/sea-legs to the list of purgeable abilities too. Not a direct damage increase like the others, but never a bad thing to make your party's globals more useful even with the annoyance of purge RNG.
I'll add it since it's a buff which doesn't give you any dps benefit but still helps out the group. I wasn't planning on adding EVERY steal able buff out there but this one is interesting.
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby sawbossnl Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:10 pm

Wen your using head lego and gloves what tier sets are you using 2/2 or 4 set?
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby Xinder Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:28 pm

Hey Ezekielyo. I posted in the DPS thread last week but you probably hadn't seen the reply. I was the one stating I couldn't get sims to use the belt as best no matter what I tried simming. Below are the results of those sims.

Here's a top gear sim I just ran trying to get the belt to be picked as best. Still can't get it.
https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/ ... u5jiB5XAmf

Here's the nightly build and kindling used instead meteor: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/ ... JPgd263ZN7
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Re: [7.2.5] Fire Mage Compendium, by Ezekielyo

Unread postby ezekielyo Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:37 pm

Hey Ezekielyo. I posted in the DPS thread last week but you probably hadn't seen the reply. I was the one stating I couldn't get sims to use the belt as best no matter what I tried simming. Below are the results of those sims.

Here's a top gear sim I just ran trying to get the belt to be picked as best. Still can't get it.
https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/ ... u5jiB5XAmf

Here's the nightly build and kindling used instead meteor: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/ ... JPgd263ZN7
You will have a lot of crit in this build which makes the shoulders much better since they favour HS procs, I presume ring is also trying to maximise the shoulder procs.

That being said, remember that the majority of sim data is mainly based around a ST fight, patchwerk, 5 minute fight. This is hardly ever applicable in an actual raid and is why you will see people using IF instead of RoP even though RoP is technically more dps. Getting the most of the legendaries/talents is what makes them valuable, not what the sim churns out.

That being said, if you dropped crit in your gear, you will probably see belt rise above shoulders.

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