[7.2] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Frosted Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:44 pm

I think a more in-dept discussion/theorycrafting about optimal 5-man play would be nice. Basically you can see a dungeon as a very long (20-30 minutes) boss fight with some aoe phases and single target phases. Too many players seem to think trash pulls arn't important in dungeons and save cooldowns for bosses when in reality in an optimal play situation trash pulls are more important (and harder) by far. Some dungeons are literally 1 huge trash pull untill boss>aoe everything down (quite hard, burst dps is very important so use cooldowns)>kill boss in chill mode without cooldowns, maiby 1 set of cooldowns towards the end of the fight when they come back up>1 huge trash pull untill next boss when played optimally.

At the moment 99% of the mages still seems to be gearing based on a 5 minute 'single target' sim situation, when in reality 99% of the content you do the coming weeks is going to be a big aoe fest with small 1.5 minute single target phases. Some theorycrafting and talent discussion on dungeons would be great!

Also, does anyone have an idea about the BIS trinkets for 5-mans (aka 'AoE situations'). Been running many dungeons, and expect to run a lot more, so optimising for single target seems like a bad idea atm. Was personally thinking the Alchemist Stone+Stormsinger Fulmination Charge would be a good choice in non-demon situations.
The post and data here is mainly aimed at people gearing for raids, where single target damage is by far the most important aspect to be invested in. I agree though, that if people want to do M+ as their main form of progression they would be better suited to run a different suite of simulations, using transient adds more liberally and increasing the fight length, to model their situation better.

Honestly though I'm still pretty confused as to why people want to run Kindling for trash. Cinderstorm is significantly stronger in an AoE setting when Ignite does not have time>>>>ignite_duration to tick (which is where all the AoE power from Kindling comes from). Once you add transient adds into the sim, even getting 4 or 5 cinder impacts (not cinders per mob, but total cinder impacts) is stronger than kindling

I sort of thought along the lines you were here. I said that if we take an 8 min fight and add short duration adds a few times into it, we're sort of modeling the up and down nature of handling trash packs. Doing this results in CiS>>>>>>Kindling, with it being what I said above with only needing 1 cinder impact per mob to be a gain over kindling. I didn't really put a lot of effort into the sim though, so I could probably do something like bank combustion for the add phases and stuff to improve kindling - but it's really an issue of how long they live. If adds are dying fast, ignite doesn't tick full value and so kindling isn't really worth much.
Last edited by Frosted on Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Curnivore Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:48 pm

Kindling would also benefit from a non-stop fight and those 5mans often have forced downtimes diminishing its effect, and since it's only slightly better on the cases it is better, it might not be a good idea in there.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby schmeebs Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:37 pm

problem with CiS is the problem with Barrage and I hate being that guy that misjudges (or is lazy) and pulls a bunch of extra crap in mythics.

Also Kindling seems nice since I have the 850 Moonlit Prism trinket and it lines up nicely most of the time (even though the trinket is probably garbage, haven't had better luck with drops.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby blackstoise Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:42 pm

I have not played mythic+ in beta, so not sure if this would be viable there.

Currently, my group is pulling multiple trash groups and AoEing them down with interrupts on key mobs (Belf racial OP) and AoE stuns as needed. We pull enough that Living Bomb and Conflag become > 50% of my damage, I assume once I get PR, LB + Conflag + PR will contribute the vast majority of my damage.

When in this situation, kindling does NOT seem like a good option. A lot of my casts are going into non-kindling spells, like DB, LB, PF and potentially flamestrike. In such a high target situation, Cider definitely performs amazingly since I can easily get 30+ hits per cast. Cinders seems like an easy choice for the kind of pulls we are doing in mythics, but not sure how well this would work out in mythic+.

Feelycraftily, kindling does seem good if you group plans on doing 3-4 mobs pulls. This was made apparent to me in violet hold, since we could never get enough mobs for LB/Conflag to over take my damage. I tried kindling and had combust up for more add waves making that go by faster.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Xinder Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:16 am

Looks like they nerfed all heirloom trinkets in a hotfix. Wonder how that changes how high it's rated against demons now.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby carrybag Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:01 am

Heirloom trinkets nerf'd significantly. I don't see them being pre-raid BIS anymore. From 1700 to 1102.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby schmeebs Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:33 pm

The Caged Horror trinket isn't part of the sims. Is there a reason behind it or it was just forgotten? Wandering how it compares to the rest. There are some reports that it's a bit buggy also.
I picked up a mythic one last night, it seems ok on multi-mob, nothing amazing. With the heirlooms being nerfed it may be better...
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Woke Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:08 pm

Hey Frosted, looking over the html files of the sims, I noticed you were using the 840 version of the Hellfire trinket. While I understand this is for creating an even playing field between the trinkets for 1 target patchwerk style fights, Would you be willing to test the 850 version as well? Since anyone who gets that trinket specifically will most likely be upgrading it to 850 and not stopping at 840.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby carrybag Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:39 pm

Hey Frosted, looking over the html files of the sims, I noticed you were using the 840 version of the Hellfire trinket. While I understand this is for creating an even playing field between the trinkets for 1 target patchwerk style fights, Would you be willing to test the 850 version as well? Since anyone who gets that trinket specifically will most likely be upgrading it to 850 and not stopping at 840.
You can essentially get every other piece @ 850 aswell. Warforged and titanforged isn't that rare.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Mannifresh Thu Sep 08, 2016 5:33 pm

What is the composition of the rest of your group? I can outburst most of my fellow rogues and locks but they usually overtake me by the time the fight is over because I can't keep my ignite where it needs to be in order to stay with them. Adds are also part of the equation and I do much better with multiple targets.

I've noticed I can have ignite ticking in the 120-125K ranges during the opener but it trickles back down to the 50-60K range for most of the fight outside of our RoP/FO windows.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Frosted Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:27 pm

Hey Frosted, looking over the html files of the sims, I noticed you were using the 840 version of the Hellfire trinket. While I understand this is for creating an even playing field between the trinkets for 1 target patchwerk style fights, Would you be willing to test the 850 version as well? Since anyone who gets that trinket specifically will most likely be upgrading it to 850 and not stopping at 840.
Feel free to investigate ilvl differences. I kept the ilvls static to make the comparisons meaningful - i.e. comparing the strength of the trinkets and their procs directly. Having various ilvls makes this much less meaningful.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Frosted Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:28 pm

In reading everything here I've not really seen set target points for mages.

Currently I have 49% Crit under food buff
10% haste
19% mastery
And around 4 % Vers

Even with having this high of Crit in some times fishing for heating up
Procs up
To 5 cast is this common, bad rng? Should I focus on other stats or keep stacking Crit on every item. All but two 1-2 of my items are primary stat of Crit. Not sure if it's worth even moving stuff around these days.

I've noticed my burst is very high, generally ahead of the other dps by around 4 million damage in the first 10-20 seconds of a boss fight but generally end up lower in the standing towards the end unless there's adds. Not sure if this me being bad with rotations or just some bosses have to much movement to keep things up. Any insight would be awesome.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Frosted Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:30 pm

Caged Horror and Mulligan are in the sim now, so I'll see about updating the OP this weekend. Caged Horror is pretty bad on single target though (not very surprising, it has an abysmally low proc rate)
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Adimera Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:16 pm

With gems being nerfed quite hard,uncommon ones giving +100 to a stat and rare gems giving +150,sockets need reevalution. No patchnotes as of right now,just caught this up from reddit.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby ybong Fri Sep 09, 2016 12:41 am

Darkmoon cards got stealth nerfed as well as the gem nerf, slightly less crit, so might need to resim for it.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Phloozy Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:37 am

What am I missing here? Made crit bracers and they are simming 700 dps lower than crit mastery... Here are the bracers.

https://gyazo.com/88f61e988c1c45e7f9011842d4217dc6" target="_blank

https://gyazo.com/a632c52de1001a23af4ac34964d6fad6" target="_blank
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Falq Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:41 am

What am I missing here? Made crit bracers and they are simming 700 dps lower than crit mastery... Here are the bracers.

https://gyazo.com/88f61e988c1c45e7f9011842d4217dc6" target="_blank

https://gyazo.com/a632c52de1001a23af4ac34964d6fad6" target="_blank
Crit/mastery bracers have socket. If you look on second post of sims posted by Frosted, socket in Wrists are worth approx 25 item levels. You have Obliterum bracers 10 higher already that will leave us in
15 ilvl worth of socket vs some mastery. I think 15 ilvl is still better so it sims right.
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Phloozy Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:46 am

What am I missing here? Made crit bracers and they are simming 700 dps lower than crit mastery... Here are the bracers.

https://gyazo.com/88f61e988c1c45e7f9011842d4217dc6" target="_blank

https://gyazo.com/a632c52de1001a23af4ac34964d6fad6" target="_blank
Crit/mastery bracers have socket. If you look on second post of sims posted by Frosted, socket in Wrists are worth approx 25 item levels. You have Obliterum bracers 10 higher already that will leave us in
15 ilvl worth of socket vs some mastery. I think 15 ilvl is still better so it sims right.
Thats true, but gems were nerfed today
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby skiz Fri Sep 09, 2016 11:22 am

I do miss following trinkets in your fire sims:

- Obelisk of the void (Violet hold)
http://www.wowhead.com/item=137433/obel ... bonus=1826" target="_blank
- Caged horror (Black rook hold)
http://www.wowhead.com/spell=215444/dark-blast" target="_blank

Not sure if implemented:
- chrono shard set (Arcway and shit.)
http://www.wowhead.com/item-set=1294/jo ... rough-time" target="_blank
- Gnawed Thumb Ring (Arcway)
http://www.wowhead.com/item=134526/gnaw ... bonus=1826" target="_blank
- March of the legion set. (Arcway and shit.)
http://www.wowhead.com/item-set=1293/ma ... the-legion" target="_blank

I highly doubt that those sets will be worth a lot. Ring is decent for a lot of content but hard to judge on raid. Trinkets are kind of undertuned compared to decent ones if datamined numbers are correct. But some guys may ask for those sims anyway. Which trinket is imp generator?
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Re: [7.0] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby fylle Fri Sep 09, 2016 1:59 pm

is it possible to get these trinket included in the sims:

http://www.wowhead.com/item=134204/blea ... bonus=1826" target="_blank

http://www.wowhead.com/item=139114/ansh ... bonus=1826" target="_blank

ofc in regard that they roll crit. and maybe warforged/titanforged.

dont know if the proc trinkets are better than the pure int and crit trinkets?

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