Unread postby Iceshatter
Mon Nov 28, 2016 7:05 pm
Just reposting this here, my reply to this post on MMO-C.
I disagree with this post, not by its intent, but by its content. Most of us know all that already and it's misleading that these obvious issues raised by the OP are enough to change developers' minds.
As a returning player (~40 days ago) I had to pass numerous gameplay checkpoints before even reaching the point where I can (or should) worry about the artifact, gear or changes to damage output. Please take this into consideration, as many mages are returning players and not everyone had the luxury of playing consistently from early August.
These checkpoints, in no particular order, are:
- social (re)integration
- eliminating general rustiness inherent to long periods of absence
- learning new dungeon layouts, trashpack and boss locations, new timings and cooldown usage.
- learning boss fights before even entering raids
- gathering resources, harder now than ever, considering prices skyrocketed.
Kudos to Blizzard for enabling us to gear up outside raids. That's one of the things that could've been a huge issue in previous expansions.
However, and this is directly tied to the original post, the problem is not the nerfs themselves, but the impact they'll have on the real mage community out there, in the real game world, outside of "Blizzard's perfect bubble of how-things-are-because-we-pretend-they-are-so".
1. Legendary items
Returning players are lucky to have one legendary. So why bring a mage that does 330k (that played his eyes out to even get there), when you can grab a 400k mage with 2 BiS legendaries?
2. Experience
A mage with dozens of runs under his/her belt has a significant advantage when it comes to proper positioning, burn timings, mob switching etc.
3. Artifact power and off-spec gear
Anyone that played from launch, even considering the "catch-up mechanisms", has huge AP and off-spec advantages over new or returning players.
4. Players prefer taking the easy way
Why bother compromising a raid/mythic+ by introducing and exceptional player, when an average one with experience and legendaries will perform significantly better?
You can see how the above four points, by themselves, can end up in a closed loop:
--> not getting a raid slot because your DPS is shit --> greatly reduced chances of getting legendaries and learning the fights -->
Now add to this all the changes Blizzard plans for 7.1.5, when we'll have to switch to either Frost or Arcane, probably Arcane.
- All the AP we struggled to grab for fire (to even be remotely competitive) is down the drain.
- All the gear we struggled to grab for fire (to be even remotely competitive) is down the drain.
- We have to learn a new spec while still struggling to learn the fights (due to tight raid slots).
- That legendary or two (if we got lucky) are probably for fire. Down the drain.
- The patch comes at the worst possible time - between two big raids - meaning we can't even use fire to gear up and prep for Nighthold.
To reiterate, I'm not saying the OP is wrong, I'm saying that anyone who went into Mythic 5+ knows all that already. What they need is to take into consideration the player base that's outside the 3% they seem to be so fond of. I'm not spending additional two months just to be finally ready to play the game on a competitive PVE level with barely one character, let alone more than one.
I perfectly understand that this is an MMO where time sinks are a thing, but this is beyond retarded.