[TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:02 pm

Very nice! Hopefully we can get some more useful conclusions out of it as well then and really toy with different weights and gear sets.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:31 am

Cleanup and optimizations. This is more or less ready to be converted into code.

Current score: 503190+-189.86DPS

Code: Select all

mage="Mage_Fire_T16H" level=90 race=troll role=spell position=back professions=tailoring=600/engineering=600 talents=http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent-calculator#eZ!0...11 glyphs=combustion/counterspell spec=fire # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable, # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only. actions.precombat=flask,type=warm_sun actions.precombat+=/food,type=mogu_fish_stew actions.precombat+=/arcane_brilliance actions.precombat+=/molten_armor actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats actions.precombat+=/rune_of_power,if=talent.rune_of_power.enabled actions.precombat+=/jade_serpent_potion actions.precombat+=/mirror_image # Executed every time the actor is available. actions=/cancel_buff,name=alter_time,moving=1 actions+=/cold_snap,if=talent.cold_snap.enabled&health.pct<30 actions+=/conjure_mana_gem,if=mana_gem_charges<3&target.debuff.invulnerable.react actions+=/time_warp,if=buff.alter_time.down actions+=/rune_of_power,if=buff.rune_of_power.remains<cast_time # cancelaura AT when PBoI gives you the finger actions+=/cancel_buff,name=alter_time,if=buff.alter_time.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains-buff.alter_time.remains>109) actions+=/run_action_list,name=combust_sequence,if=cooldown.combustion.up&(buff.alter_time.up|cooldown.counterspell.remains>0) # AT Combustion requirement: PBoI proc actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_alter_combust,if=cooldown.alter_time_activate.up&cooldown.combustion.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>95|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains+20>time_to_die) # Regular Combustion requirement: PBoI proc actions+=/run_action_list,name=init_pom_combust,if=cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>45&cooldown.combustion.up&cooldown.presence_of_mind.up&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>95|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains+20>time_to_die) # Don't cast RoP or MI with HU and a fireball mid flight - causes pyro munching actions+=/rune_of_power,if=buff.alter_time.down&buff.rune_of_power.remains<4*action.fireball.execute_time&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!action.fireball.in_flight) actions+=/mirror_image,if=buff.alter_time.down&(buff.heating_up.down|buff.pyroblast.down|!action.fireball.in_flight) # Use racials and item buffs if boss is about to die actions+=/berserking,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/arcane_torrent,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<18 actions+=/jade_serpent_potion,if=buff.alter_time.down&target.time_to_die<45 actions+=/use_item,slot=hands,if=buff.alter_time.down&(trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>50|target.time_to_die<12) actions+=/run_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=5 # Proc camp in preparation for trinket + combustion combo actions+=/run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains<action.fireball.execute_time actions+=/run_action_list,name=single_target # Pyro-chain combustion sequence actions.combust_sequence=/presence_of_mind,if=buff.alter_time.down # CS hack: Use as a flag to trigger pyro dumping actions.combust_sequence+=/Counterspell,if=buff.alter_time.up # Unload all pyros during AT actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=execute_time=gcd&buff.alter_time.up # Use all HS Pyros first actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up # TODO: Calculate chance of 2 remaining instant pyros, expected contribution to ignite, and compare against ignite tick size # actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=execute_time=gcd&(travel_time<dot.ignite.remains-(dot.ignite.ticks_remain-1)*2) # actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=execute_time=gcd&(traveL_time+gcd<dot.ignite.remains-(dot.ignite.ticks_remain-2)*2)&((crit_damage*crit_pct_current+hit_damage*(1-crit_pct_current))>=dot.ignite.tick_dmg) # Early combustion if meta gem is about to fade and only POM left actions.combust_sequence+=/combustion,if=buff.alter_time.down&cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>150&buff.tempus_repit.up&buff.tempus_repit.remains<gcd # POM Pyro; If cannot land before ignite tick, compare POM pyro avg ignite contribution against ignite tick size actions.combust_sequence+=/pyroblast,if=buff.presence_of_mind.up&buff.pyroblast.down&(travel_time<=dot.ignite.remains-2*(dot.ignite.ticks_remain-1)|((crit_damage*crit_pct_current+hit_damage*(100-crit_pct_current))*0.01*mastery_value>=dot.ignite.tick_dmg)) actions.combust_sequence+=/alter_time,if=buff.alter_time.up&action.pyroblast.execute_time>gcd # Zerk if meta gem drops and AT isn't up # actions.combust_sequence+=berserking,if=buff.alter_time.down&buff.tempus_repit.down actions.combust_sequence+=/combustion # Initiate AT POM Pyro-chain actions.init_alter_combust=/run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.pyroblast.down|buff.heating_up.down|!action.fireball.in_flight actions.init_alter_combust+=/berserking actions.init_alter_combust+=/jade_serpent_potion actions.init_alter_combust+=/use_item,slot=hands actions.init_alter_combust+=/presence_of_mind actions.init_alter_combust+=/alter_time # Initiate regular POM Pyro-chain actions.init_pom_combust=/run_action_list,name=proc_builder,if=buff.pyroblast.down|buff.heating_up.down|!action.fireball.in_flight # CS hack actions.init_pom_combust+=/Counterspell # Proc building sequence - Building HS+HU with Pyro camping actions.proc_builder=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.up&action.fireball.in_flight actions.proc_builder+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=(!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3 actions.proc_builder+=/inferno_blast,if=(buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.up)|(buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.down&!action.fireball.in_flight&!action.pyroblast.in_flight) actions.proc_builder+=/fireball actions.proc_builder+=/scorch,moving=1 # Standard AOE sequence actions.aoe=/inferno_blast,if=dot.combustion.ticking actions.aoe+=/flamestrike actions.aoe+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=(!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3 actions.aoe+=/arcane_explosion # Stand single target sequence actions.single_target=/inferno_blast,if=dot.combustion.ticking&active_enemies>1 # Use HS procs before they run out actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.pyroblast.remains<action.fireball.execute_time # Intentionally sustain 2T16 4 stack or more actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.potent_flames.stack>=4&buff.potent_flames.remains<action.fireball.execute_time # Regular sequence: Pyro camping actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.up&action.fireball.in_flight actions.single_target+=/living_bomb,cycle_targets=1,if=(!ticking|remains<tick_time)&target.time_to_die>tick_time*3 # Mini-pyro chain on 7+ stack BBoY actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=buff.pyroblast.down&buff.heating_up.up actions.single_target+=/pyroblast,if=(cooldown.alter_time_activate.remains>0|trinket.stat.intellect.cooldown_remains>0)&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.up&trinket.stacking_proc.intellect.remains<3*gcd&execute_time=gcd actions.single_target+=/inferno_blast,if=buff.pyroblast.up&buff.heating_up.down&!action.fireball.in_flight actions.single_target+=/fireball actions.single_target+=/scorch,moving=1 head=chronomancer_hood,id=99398,upgrade=4,gems=sinister_primal_160crit_160exp_180int,reforge=haste_mastery neck=ashflare_pendant,id=105539,upgrade=4,reforge=hit_crit shoulders=chronomancer_mantle,id=99401,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_160crit_160exp_120int,enchant=200int_100crit back=xingho_breath_of_yulon,id=102246,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_60int,enchant=lightweave_embroidery_3 chest=mantid_viziers_robes,id=105592,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_160crit_160exp_320crit_180int,enchant=80all wrists=bracers_of_sonic_projection,id=105626,upgrade=4,enchant=180int hands=chronomancer_gloves,id=99397,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_160crit_160exp_120int,enchant=170haste,addon=synapse_springs_mark_ii,reforge=haste_mastery waist=miasmic_skullbelt,id=105569,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_320crit__320crit_120int,reforge=hit_haste legs=chronomancer_leggings,id=99399,upgrade=4,gems=320crit_320crit_120int,enchant=285int_165crit feet=toxic_tornado_treads,id=105537,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160hit_60hit,enchant=140mastery finger1=petrified_pennyroyal_ring,id=105443,upgrade=4 finger2=signet_of_the_dinomancers,id=105606,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_60haste,reforge=mastery_crit trinket1=purified_bindings_of_immerseus,id=105422,upgrade=4 trinket2=black_blood_of_yshaarj,id=105648,upgrade=4,reforge=haste_crit main_hand=arcweaver_spell_sword,id=105550,upgrade=4,gems=160crit_160exp_60int,enchant=jade_spirit off_hand=juggernauts_power_core,id=105521,upgrade=4,gems=320crit_60int,enchant=165int,reforge=haste_hit # Gear Summary # gear_strength=80 # gear_agility=80 # gear_stamina=42105 # gear_intellect=28426 # gear_spirit=80 # gear_spell_power=16509 # gear_expertise_rating=1760 # gear_hit_rating=3342 # gear_crit_rating=20833 # gear_haste_rating=12856 # gear_mastery_rating=6131 # gear_armor=18480 # meta_gem=sinister_primal # tier16_2pc_caster=1 # tier16_4pc_caster=1 # back=xingho_breath_of_yulon,enchant=lightweave_embroidery_3 # hands=chronomancer_gloves,heroic=1,addon=synapse_springs_mark_ii # main_hand=arcweaver_spell_sword,heroic=1,elite=1,weapon=sword_2.20speed_5180min_9622max,enchant=jade_spirit
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Sun Jun 15, 2014 2:21 am

I have attached the new Fire APL profile, along with simulation results.

The current profile+APL sims in at 512946+-146.4 DPS. If I'm not mistaken, this puts it right behind Arcane on simc sample charts. Reforge plots were used to optimise the haste/mastery value of the profile. Here are the final secondary values of the profile: 20777 crit rating, 11883 haste rating, 9170 mastery rating. All values are after PBoI amplification.

With this profile, we can probably start answering some questions in the mastery and haste debate for fire now.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Methusula Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:56 am

This is fantastic, and seems to be very much in line with what we are actually seeing, both in dps comparisons to Arcane, and what we are seeing from top Mages regarding haste and mastery levels. Thanks for all the hard work guys!
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:57 am

TL;DR: Fire simc is now fixed for 5.4.8

It is my pleasure to announce that the new Fire APL has been committed to simulationcraft code base, and will be included in the upcoming 548-5 release. :D As of right now, the 588 default gear sims for 514001+-95 DPS, which puts it roughly tied with Arcane on a 450 second patchwerk fight. This puts it at 3rd-4th place on the current simcraft chart rankings. As a result, all 3 mage specs are now in top 6 of the chart.

It's been a long journey, but we went from Fire being bottom-of-the-table broken several weeks ago, to getting all 3 mage specs simulated reasonably accurately. The Fire module was definitely hardest to fix by far. We'd like to thank everyone who was involved, gave suggestions or advice, helped build gear profiles, or simply stuck around in IRC to hear us when we ranted about simc wasn't making sense. :oops:

I personally would like to thank Frosted for doing most of the coding work, alongside working on the WoD mage module. I'd also like to thank the admins, just for giving us a place to get this done.

Here's hoping for good theory results coming out of this. :)

Code commit for the fix: https://code.google.com/p/simulationcra ... f9bc22efdc" target="_blank
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:56 pm

A thing that's bugged in the latest release and should be fixed later today: Invocation, is not supported yet. So for now, use RoP if you're wanting to use the -5 release.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Frosted Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:39 pm

A thing that's bugged in the latest release and should be fixed later today: Invocation, is not supported yet. So for now, use RoP if you're wanting to use the -5 release.
Komma has quickly fixed this. Hopefully we can get it pushed through ASAP. Sorry :(
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:15 pm

A thing that's bugged in the latest release and should be fixed later today: Invocation, is not supported yet. So for now, use RoP if you're wanting to use the -5 release.
Fix has been issued. Please wait for 548-6 (within a few days).

Next time I'll test on actual mage profiles first, so I can look less like a doofus.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:04 pm

All fixes are in! Please give it a run and give feedback on any bugs or issues found.

http://www.simulationcraft.org/download.html" target="_blank
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Boomop Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:39 pm

Played around with it. Looks really good. Ran it a bunch of times and it gives very similar results and stat weights every time without the wild swings the previous Fire models gave.

Awesome work!
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:06 am

It's always when you're in the middle of cooking or some other mundane activity, that you realize something you made is broken.

I'd like to announce that the current APL does not use unglyphed combustion properly. I'll think a bit on how to fix it.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Insoluble Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:53 am

I'm getting odd results where my current AMR setup is the best. I plug in the suggested stat weights in AMR from the results page for when I imported straight from armory, SC suggested Haste > Crit > Mastery. I continue to test each suggested weights as I plug them in and export them from AMR and I eventually end up with SC suggesting Mastery > Crit > Haste.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:12 am

The stat weights you get are for your specific case exactly at that gear. So if you're close close to a breakpoint it will tell you haste is best (because for your gear the next 1k points or haste give you most dps), however, you can't apply those weights from the "start" (amr weights) because that's not what those weights were for.

In general, just go crit, and run a reforge plot for haste/mastery. This gives the best results.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Vog Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:58 am

Here's some ideas that may be worth testing, not sure how to program most of these in SimC though:
-Start fight with Mage Armor, hardcast glyphed Molten Armor after Combustion
-Start fight with Frost Armor, hardcast glyphed Molten Armor after Combustion
-Stay in AT for the full duration to get maximum uptime on buffs, similar to Arcane
-Delay AT until you get an optimal amount of BBoY stacks
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:18 pm

I'm getting odd results where my current AMR setup is the best. I plug in the suggested stat weights in AMR from the results page for when I imported straight from armory, SC suggested Haste > Crit > Mastery. I continue to test each suggested weights as I plug them in and export them from AMR and I eventually end up with SC suggesting Mastery > Crit > Haste.
That sounds like a issue with error bars and number of iterations. Your crit rating (~15.7K) is a bit lower than most of the testing we've done, so it's possible you got different results. In gemeral, SimC seems to suggest "some combination of Crit and Haste for 2T16 uptime, and then mastery for opener strength".

Here's some ideas that may be worth testing, not sure how to program most of these in SimC though:
-Start fight with Mage Armor, hardcast glyphed Molten Armor after Combustion
-Start fight with Frost Armor, hardcast glyphed Molten Armor after Combustion
Some Chinese mage on NGA forums (their premier WoW discussion forums) already suggested and tested this. Glyph of Armors' cast time reduction has not been implemented, so that would require fixing first.
-Stay in AT for the full duration to get maximum uptime on buffs, similar to Arcane
This is most definitely a loss due to ignite mechanics. Also, this does not reflect realistic use of AT for fire.
-Delay AT until you get an optimal amount of BBoY stacks
This is in progress. Individual buff/item checking for BBoY, KTT, Legendary Meta, along with their duration and conditions, is proving to a huge pain to code effectively and efficiently.

I've been talking to some CN mages, and they've offered some ideas on how we might do the opening burst better. I'll compile them into some ideas when I figure out how to express them without writing a full program of some sort.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:16 am

I made a post on NGA forums seeking feedback on the 548-6 SimC fire APL, and had some pretty nice responses from high end Fire mages. Given their 8 itemlevel advantage and the language barrier, there are many things they do differently from US/NA mages in general. From my limited sample size, I noticed a lot of them play scorch-based, mastery-heavy fire builds. Some go as far as to give up all haste (reaching nearly 4-5K haste rating), use 2T16+3HWF gear setups, going full crit>mastery>haste build.

Obviously this is a SimC APL thread, so the main goal there was to see how the APL could be improved, and build on this interaction to improve WoD APLs. Aside from some minor bugs (Glyph of Armors unimplemented, unexpected POM Pyro crit situations), the most dominant feedback I got was that they wanted a more optimized opener that utilizes the meta gem and black blood better. Seeing as this is a very complicated problem, I'll just link one of their posts and do a translation note on what we might do:

Source (Chinese): http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=715915 ... 7195Anchor" target="_blank
1. Pyro camp setup to maintain HU + Pyro proc.
2. On meta + BBoY procs, check whichever has shorter duration.
3. When remaining time on shorter buff is 5-6 seconds, finish last cast-time spell (usually fireball). If PBoI procs, immediately initiate pyro chain combustion sequence. Prioritize having enough time to apply Combustion with a meta gem proc, and then try for as high as possible BBoY stacks.
4. In case of KTT, simplify above scenario with no optimization for BBoY stacks.
5. If PBoI does not proc, compare expected fight duration. If fight duration contains even number of PBoI procs, skip alter time and do simplified POM pyro chain opener.
6. Cancel aura on PBoI as necessary if forced to use AT opener and PBoI procs during AT.
I'd like to invite fellow mages to consider this opener, and see if they agree with it being optimal.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Frosted Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:14 am

"5. If PBoI does not proc, compare expected fight duration. If fight duration contains even number of PBoI procs, skip alter time and do simplified POM pyro chain opener."

People seem to be asleep in IRC, so I'll post my concerns on this and why I do not think it belongs in any APL we write, now and in the future.

I think that the Fire APL currently is complicated, but that complication serves a purpose - it mirrors the types of decisions we (mages, not just heroic raiders) make in game. In doing so, it gives us an accurate way of analyzing the spec. Adding something like this isn't a fire gameplay thing - it's a raid environment thing. Realistically, you don't know how long a fight is going to be because you calculated it at the get go - you know because you've pulled the fight for 4 months, your raid is super consistent, and so experience tells you what you can expect. This is not fire gameplay. This cannot be taught in a guide. Allowing this type of CD gaming to effect DPS/stat weights will move the sim away from trying to get the best DPS through emulating the best way to play fire, and towards trying to get the best DPS possible by abusing the fact that it's a program, and we basically know every parameter and can take advantage of them all. The point is to simulate the game, not to game the simulation.

The potential fallout of this is that we're no longer seeing the strengths of mastery/haste/crit/tier bonuses due to how Fire actually functions. We're now looking at some odd pseudo-raid like Fire gameplay, which only applies to a very select group of people. This means we'll be giving anyone who downloads SimC and uses it an inaccurate assessment of their character, the strength of their stats, and their potential patchwerk DPS.

"6. Cancel aura on PBoI as necessary if forced to use AT opener and PBoI procs during AT."

Would be interested in seeing the results of this.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:22 am

Will think a bit more about the CD usage vs fight time issue.
"6. Cancel aura on PBoI as necessary if forced to use AT opener and PBoI procs during AT."

Would be interested in seeing the results of this.
This is already live.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Frosted Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:34 am

Will think a bit more about the CD usage vs fight time issue.
"6. Cancel aura on PBoI as necessary if forced to use AT opener and PBoI procs during AT."

Would be interested in seeing the results of this.
This is already live.
The post made it sound like it wasn't, my bad.
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Re: [TC] SimC Fire Mage APL

Unread postby Komma Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:13 pm

So the issue with the meta gem got shot down really quick when I realized that there's no way to detect if a player has the meta gem, in the APL. Since we can't just assume everyone has one, and making custom functions to detect this would be more pain than gain with 6.0 on the horizon, the idea has been dropped.

That's not to say nothing has happened though. A few minor changes were made (https://code.google.com/p/simulationcra ... 95fde2bb76" target="_blank). Here's a summary:
1. POM pyro checking before combustion, and handling pyro procs from POM pyro crits, are now fixed.
2. Added something I dubbed 'Kver's gambit' - using an IB when a fireball/pyro is in the air, if you don't have a Pyro proc and need one to sustain 2T16.
3. Mana gem usage. Not that it really matters.
4. A generic LB fix where explosion was doing less damage than intended.

Overall seems to put the BiS profile at ~520K.
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