[7.1.5] Fire mage guide for Legion, by Rinoa

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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Sturmcantor Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:22 am

Any word on how the Aug 22nd nerf to Critical Mass affects Fire overall? Will this work as a buff while leveling / Dungeon Geared and nerf with Raid Gear? Any clues?
If your char sheet crit chance post change is 32.5% or less it's a straight buff to all spells against an equal level target. Against a dungeon boss (+2 lvls from you) 34.5% or less is a buff, against a raid boss (+3 lvls) 35.5% is a buff.

Edit: As pointed out below, crit suppression is gone in Legion. So ignore this.
Last edited by Sturmcantor on Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby driz Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:00 am

Any word on how the Aug 22nd nerf to Critical Mass affects Fire overall? Will this work as a buff while leveling / Dungeon Geared and nerf with Raid Gear? Any clues?
If your char sheet crit chance post change is 32.5% or less it's a straight buff to all spells against an equal level target. Against a dungeon boss (+2 lvls from you) 34.5% or less is a buff, against a raid boss (+3 lvls) 35.5% is a buff.
so in h:hfc are you saying 35.5 or less is a buff.. im sitting at 45.75.. i may just be misunderstanding though.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Sturmcantor Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:16 pm

Any word on how the Aug 22nd nerf to Critical Mass affects Fire overall? Will this work as a buff while leveling / Dungeon Geared and nerf with Raid Gear? Any clues?
If your char sheet crit chance post change is 32.5% or less it's a straight buff to all spells against an equal level target. Against a dungeon boss (+2 lvls from you) 34.5% or less is a buff, against a raid boss (+3 lvls) 35.5% is a buff.
so in h:hfc are you saying 35.5 or less is a buff.. im sitting at 45.75.. i may just be misunderstanding though.
Not taking into account the buff to our AoE/proc damage, yes. In HFC it can be a buff at much higher levels of crit - I am personally sitting at right about 50% crit now and napkin math has it at somewhere from a tiny nerf to a tiny buff for me depending on how much AoE is involved on a fight due to class trinket.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby skiz Wed Aug 24, 2016 7:44 pm

Any word on how the Aug 22nd nerf to Critical Mass affects Fire overall? Will this work as a buff while leveling / Dungeon Geared and nerf with Raid Gear? Any clues?
If your char sheet crit chance post change is 32.5% or less it's a straight buff to all spells against an equal level target. Against a dungeon boss (+2 lvls from you) 34.5% or less is a buff, against a raid boss (+3 lvls) 35.5% is a buff.
Why do you list 3 numbers? 32.5, 34.5, 35.5?
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Mortiferus Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:17 pm

Any word on how the Aug 22nd nerf to Critical Mass affects Fire overall? Will this work as a buff while leveling / Dungeon Geared and nerf with Raid Gear? Any clues?
If your char sheet crit chance post change is 32.5% or less it's a straight buff to all spells against an equal level target. Against a dungeon boss (+2 lvls from you) 34.5% or less is a buff, against a raid boss (+3 lvls) 35.5% is a buff.
Why do you list 3 numbers? 32.5, 34.5, 35.5?
Your stat sheet critical strike chance is suppressed 1% for each level that your target is above you. Heroic/Mythic dungeon bosses are always 2 levels above you, and raid bosses are always 3 levels above you. Hence, the breakeven points (that is, the critical strike chance at which the 5% baseline buff to crit offsets exactly the nerf to the critical mass multiplier) will vary depending on the level of your target. The most useful numbers to know are for fighting same-level mobs, for fighting dungeon bosses, and for fighting raid bosses; hence the numbers she or he provided.

To find the breakeven point for same target mobs:
Let x represent your pre-change character sheet crit chance
1.3x = 1.1(x+5)
x = 27.5

To find the breakeven point against raid boss mobs:
Let x represent your pre-change character sheet crit chance
1.3(x–3) = 1.1(x+5–3)
x = 30.5

The post-change stat sheet crit will simply be 5% added to the value of x.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby skiz Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:57 am

http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topi ... 4#post-274" target="_blank

crit suppression should be gone unless I've missed something.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Mortiferus Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:50 am

http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topi ... 4#post-274

crit suppression should be gone unless I've missed something.
Well, I feel like an idiot. Thank you for pointing this out!
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Pejro Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:50 pm

Hi guys,
thank you for this guide it's very useful.But i have a little question about our opener.I understand when our pyroblast doesn't crit.I would like to know what shoud i do when pyroblast crits.The guide says precast pyro>RoP>combustion.What to do after combustion?cast FB and then pyro?I have read somewhere that i should cast combustion with hotstreak up.But if i cast combustion after RoP i still have just heating up.My opener is like this(when it crits) pyro>RoP>scorch>combustion 0.1s before scorch cast ends.Thank you for your time and advice.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Fruitcakeronin Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:51 am

Hey guys, I'm new to mage and I've been having so problems with my AoE rotation. I'm following what this guide says to the best of my ability, but my damage seems to be low and trash packs in Mythic dungeons. Can someone give me a more detailed AoE rotation guide? Single Target is no issue for me.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Rinoa Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:40 am

Edited the guide a bit. Cut out a lot of Warlords of Draenor stuff, added some Legion stuff.

I'll keep adding things as I see fit over time.

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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby undsk8 Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:46 pm

Edited the guide a bit. Cut out a lot of Warlords of Draenor stuff, added some Legion stuff.

I'll keep adding things as I see fit over time.
Thanks a lot for your hard work and this awesome guide.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Zyrachiel Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:45 pm

Any thoughts on this macro I put together?

Code: Select all

/castsequence reset=60 Combustion,Phoenix's Flames,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Flame On,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Phoenix's Flames,Pyroblast,Rune of Power,Phoenix's Flames,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast
I tested it at level 100 with just 419 haste (which is what you get from Felo'melorn and Heart of the Phoenix) and the only hiccup was waiting roughly 0.5s for that very last fire blast. I imagine that won't be a problem with literally any haste on gear. Otherwise it works wonders, just need all the charges for your abilities ready and precast the first Rune of Power.
Do note that Combustion ends roughly before the second Rune of Power is cast, but then you continue to ride the Pyretic Incantation train through most of the second RoP.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Curnivore Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:55 pm

It munches with Pyromaniac and possibly with Controlled Burn (if we ever need that) and one could claim that it's bad practice getting used to those "substances" because you might have to adjust to change.

PS. This has been also discussed extensively at the start of the thread so look there by using the search function for the thread with the word "castsequence".
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby jimme Mon Aug 29, 2016 6:28 pm


So what talents will you guys be using during leveling? I didnt get beta so I never had a chance to try.

Here are my thoughts:

15: Firestarter. At ilvl 745 i'm hoping that the initial fireball will do a large percentage of dmg to mobs.
30: Shimmer. If only for that 2nd charge.
45: Incanter's flow
60: Controlled Burn?
75: Ice Floes
90: Flame Patch (will be running class trinket) otherwise Unstable Magic.
100: Cinderstorm?
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Xaazier Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:23 pm

I ran on beta to 110 with
Pyromaniac / Conflag (Firestarter might be nice for leveling but I never tried it)
Shimmer -
IF - probably going to do rune of power for bursting masses of mobs down instead
CB - will do flame on instead
Flame patch (class trinket lasts to 109 and Id still use it at 110 if it didnt become disabled!)
Cinderstorm, kindling would be ok if you dont have Nithramus or replace low ilvl Nith early. Cinder didnt get used on much trash packs but I will use it more often on live to get a feel for it.
Why is meteor damage still split? bleh
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Brimstone Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:21 am

Ok, I really did read the guide, but I still have a noob question...while casting outside combustion, I proc the hotstreak while casting fireball....but when that (fireball and Pyro!) procs another Pyroblast!, do I hold it with the next fireball cast, or do I let it go immediately, hoping to get a heating up proc to go along with the next fireball?
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby whisperingsage Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:07 am

You hold it to cast with the fireball. Outside of combustion, every pyroblast shold be on the end of a fireball cast. If you get lucky enough, you'll get a chain of fireball+pyro combo that procs another HS.

The only time you might just let it fly is if you have two blast charges, but that depends on sims.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Xiloscienna Tue Aug 30, 2016 11:02 am

You hold it to cast with the fireball. Outside of combustion, every pyroblast shold be on the end of a fireball cast. If you get lucky enough, you'll get a chain of fireball+pyro combo that procs another HS.

The only time you might just let it fly is if you have two blast charges, but that depends on sims.
"every pyroblast shold be on the end of a fireball cast" - is it necessary/helpful to use a nochanneling-makro with the pyro, if the proc came while i am casting the fireball? So the channeling of FB would not break... ???
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby Traenok Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:47 pm

Hey All

I had a question about the rotation. This is just from playing about 90 mins, getting Fel Melorn and doing a few quests.

I'm curious as why the rotations till calls for Fire Blast to be used over Phoenix Fire(Flames? cant remember atm). Both are instant cast with 100% crit chance. But Phoenix Fire has higher damage.

I'm assuming it has to do with fire Blast being able to be used during a Fireball cast, thus not giving up the global cool down. Thanks for the guide and info.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Guide to Legion Fire

Unread postby whisperingsage Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:34 pm

That's one of the reasons, but blast being off the gcd makes it easier to get off more pyros during combustion. There's also the fact that with pyretic incantation, PF benefits from the crit damage buff a lot more, so you want to use it towards the end of the chain.

PF also has a larger recharge time, so outside of combustion you want to save charges and use the lower recharge blast instead. But of course you never want to sit on three charges of PF either.

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