[7.1.5] Fire mage guide for Legion, by Rinoa

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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Mortos Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:58 am

In the past I've always known scorch as pointless to cast from what guides have told me anyway. So is it actually useful now?
Its not that Scorch is useful on every moment
it is that During Combustion you have 100% Crit for 10 Sec
and you want to get as many Pyroblasts as you can during those 10 Sec

Ideally you want to only Cast Fireblast (off GCD) and Pyroblast!
Obviously this is not possible ause you will have only 2 Fireblast procs (this is way Flame On is taken, to get another 2 Fireblasts for the Combustion time)
Coming Legion we will have Pheonix Flame as well, which is an Instant Spell
3 Pheonix Flames + 4 Fireblasts (with Flame On) + 8 Pyroblast! proc will be 12 GCDs so it should usually be all the casting you will be able to do

But we do not have Pheonix Flames today
so we must have filler, Scorch is 25% faster then the Fireball so people believe it will be better
I have no idea i the Sims agree or not
but it sounds correct, 4 Fireblast + Flame On + 5 Pyro! is 6 GCD , if you will add Fireball+Pyro! while the scorch might let you Scorch-Pyro!-Scorch and you will have a Pyro! for when the Combustion ends (or with enough Haste even inside the Combustion)
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby skiz Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:57 am

In the past I've always known scorch as pointless to cast from what guides have told me anyway. So is it actually useful now?
Actually, nothing has changed on scorch. Fireball > scorch. No matter in which situation.

Scorch is awesome if you run into timing problems, such as:
- Can't get Fireball off during Combustion, but scorch.
- Can fit 2 scorches, 1 pyro or 1 fireball, 1 pyro into combustion
- Need proccs for Nithramus
- etc.

The advice to just scorch during combustion is mostly working.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Guttz Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:05 am

edit: fixed the opener, replaced video

1.precast rune of power
2. cast scorch to procc doom nova, use combustion + fire blast at the end of the scorch cast
4. cast cinderstorm to trigger doom nova (gamble)
5. pyroblast - fireblast - pyroblast - flame on - fireblast - pyroblast - fireblast- pyroblast - scorch - pyroblast - cinderstorm (to trigger doom nova again) - scorch - pyroblast - rune of power ....

https://gyazo.com/56c82a494bc9edf12bf10d6d46b2684e" target="_blank

haste seems to be somewhat important to get that last pyro while rune of power is up. My racial aswell.

https://gyazo.com/7d7bf1b187027b1d9836e4150ae7388b" target="_blank

First off... LOVED the vid! Thanks for sharing this with us. Holy shit though dude haha how did you time that shit so good? Like the scorch is so short but you managed to combust right towards the end of the cast and then IMMEDIATELY fire blast for a Pyro proc... Any macro or something along those lines? Because that was insane timing like I didn't even see a heating up proc lmao. Was legit scorch combust INSTANT PYRO PROC lol
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Smaiki Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:03 am

Most of last night I was running to about half mana during the longer boss fights on mythic using ToSW with 19% unbuffed haste. It is still using mana for sure so if you have a higher haste level or get more procs I could see you still running out of mana BUT I did not on the bosses we ran last night. Hellfire High Council took like 6 minutes too because a bunch of dummies were dying to mechanics so I don't see you running oom, my 2c anyway.
Which bosses did you run with ToSW and Flame Patch?
We just postponed our raids in hope of bugs being hotfixed. :D
I'm wondering if it's still that strong with the bug not dealing damage while casting another spell. I mean, you would almost only benefit from Flame Patch while Combustion is up (thus using as many instants as possible), while moving or in the GCD of Hot Streak (out of Combustion) or intentionally not casting Fireball.

Maybe I will look through some logs as you can now already see the talents and trinkets used on the ranking page. Nice feature!
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/8 ... class=Mage" target="_blank
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Astaine Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:32 am

Well its still incredibly strong, all you do is when running flame patch, its best to not attack at points during the fight. When you have several flame patches down its better to just sit there and do nothing. Save up a flame on, and spam blast 4 times, get some procs then wait for a bit, then continue on with your rotation.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby somajs Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:47 am

Maybe this helps some of you because you can actually /castsequence the Combustion Phase:

Code: Select all

#showtooltip Combustion /castsequence reset=120 Combustion,Scorch,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Flame On,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Scorch,Pyroblast,Rune of Power
This is out of my mind, I hope I did it in the right order. It's propably not the most perfect Combustion Phase but it will do the trick and take some stress out of it, so you can focus on learning to use all the other new things. Depending on your haste, you might add another Scorch + Pyroblast at the End.

Regarding the Combustion Macro, since you want to use Combustion while already casting, I don't think you can use the Potion while casting, so the Macro won't work. I macroed it with Rune of Power.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Curnivore Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:44 am

That sounds wrong depended on Heating Up procs, it could use different versions, but a good idea out of this is to have a sequence for the very reproducible sequence after the first Hot Streak.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby somajs Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:08 pm

The main purpose is the opener, other combustion phases can have problems with this when you don't have 2 Fire blast + Flame on up or as you alrady said you start with Heating Up active.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Pathe Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:51 pm

Hey guys, is there a new SimC version that supports the pre-patch or is everything already integrated in:
"SimulationCraft 6.2.3, release 2
Released on 08 Feb 2016"

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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Fleks Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:55 pm

1. Pyroblast precast--> Cinderstorm (to procc trinkets)
2. Bloodlust and cast Fireball (if your raid uses ring slightly delayed) or Scorch (if they use it instantly) till you have a Pyro
3. Rune+Cd´s -> Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Flame On, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Fire Blast, Pyroblast, Scorch, Scorch, Pyroblast, Scorch, Pyroblast (move a bit for this Pyro or you might hardcast it.), Fire Blast, Pyroblast

This should be the Opener with the most Pyros inside Comb and Ignite ticks were between 110k and 170k

Edit: Assuming you play without Pyromaniac of course
In the past I've always known scorch as pointless to cast from what guides have told me anyway. So is it actually useful now?
Scorching there simply gives you one Pyro more during Combustion otherwise nothing changed so Fireball > Scorch
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Frosted Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:55 pm

edit: fixed the opener, replaced video

1.precast rune of power
2. cast scorch to procc doom nova, use combustion + fire blast at the end of the scorch cast
4. cast cinderstorm to trigger doom nova (gamble)
5. pyroblast - fireblast - pyroblast - flame on - fireblast - pyroblast - fireblast- pyroblast - scorch - pyroblast - cinderstorm (to trigger doom nova again) - scorch - pyroblast - rune of power ....

https://gyazo.com/56c82a494bc9edf12bf10d6d46b2684e" target="_blank

haste seems to be somewhat important to get that last pyro while rune of power is up. My racial aswell.

https://gyazo.com/7d7bf1b187027b1d9836e4150ae7388b" target="_blank

alternative opener without mark of doom gamble:

There is no reason to scorch to get doom nova.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Frosted Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:16 pm

Has anyone infos about the optimum distance for Cinderstorm to the target? i think it missed in max range...
Celestalon said they between converge 29-33yrds.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Frosted Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:17 pm

Hey guys, is there a new SimC version that supports the pre-patch or is everything already integrated in:
"SimulationCraft 6.2.3, release 2
Released on 08 Feb 2016"

http://downloads.simulationcraft.org/?C=M;O=D" target="_blank
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Curnivore Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:47 pm

I found another issue with the castsequence strategy in general. Pyromaniac may be munched so it can't be left unattended. But, it does remain an interesting area of research.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Mejn Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:39 pm

So we are not precasting pyro anymore ? Basically prepot - rune, combustion and do opener ?
One more question - I have prophecy WF and Socket, I guess to go with socket one ?
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Hillo Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:58 pm

When I see trinket lists, it says SMP, but it obviously means 6/6 upgraded.

Currently I am using PoF (normal 2/2) and tome (heroic 2/2)

I was wondering, would SMP (0/6 or like 2/6) be better than the PoF or Tome?

I cba to spend money right now before legion to upgrade SMP.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Nex Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:54 pm

Guys for all of your trinket questions, you have to understand that you have to sim it yourself.
AT's main purpose is not to do everything for you, nobody will sim your character for you. Just download SimC and do it yourself...
There's even a guide on this very forum on how to use SimC if you are not familiar with it.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Evandis Thu Jul 21, 2016 8:00 pm

Maybe this helps some of you because you can actually /castsequence the Combustion Phase:

Code: Select all

#showtooltip Combustion /castsequence reset=120 Combustion,Scorch,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Flame On,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Scorch,Pyroblast,Rune of Power
This is out of my mind, I hope I did it in the right order. It's propably not the most perfect Combustion Phase but it will do the trick and take some stress out of it, so you can focus on learning to use all the other new things. Depending on your haste, you might add another Scorch + Pyroblast at the End.

Regarding the Combustion Macro, since you want to use Combustion while already casting, I don't think you can use the Potion while casting, so the Macro won't work. I macroed it with Rune of Power.
I was very successful mashing your castsequence macro, although I altered it slightly:

/castsequence reset=180 Rune of Power,Time Warp,Scorch,Berserking,11,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Flame On,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Fire Blast,Pyroblast,Scorch,Pyroblast,Scorch,Pyroblast,Rune of Power,Scorch,Pyroblast

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxsE5ezuPHU" target="_blank (using class trink instead of doom nova)

You can also get alot of flame patch damage using meteor instead of cinderstorm since you are hardcasting less.
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby skeksis Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:19 pm

Most excellent! Thank you!
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Re: [7.0] Rinoa's Pre-Patch Fire Guide

Unread postby Ranglos Thu Jul 21, 2016 10:15 pm

have you given any thought on racials or are they so close now its moot point?

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