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Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:02 am
by Fleks
Just because of how stupid the trinket is and because of how bored i am at the moment i thought about how they could have made the trinket a bit fun and heres what came to my mind

Pretty boring but each time we Infernoblast we should just get a flat 5-6s~ cooldownreduce on Combustion which would allow use to Combust every minute with Pc specced which would result in Pc+Ring+Comb burst every 2minutes and a normal Comb in between.
Didnt really think about if that would make fire "only" viable or just too strong but i like the idea

Lets see what your Ideas would be,feel free to post em!

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:21 am
by Glitzerbling
looks ok. but you'd like need to cast ib strictly on cd, to have combustion ready again for next pc. seems a bit of a downgrade to the normal reactive ib usage.

Staying with the flamestrike idea:
procc flamestrike on EVERY inferno blast and give extra dmg scaling with quality of trinket (like 8/12/16%)

going away from flamestrike but sticking with IB (imo good idea):

targets hit by IB take 30/40/50% extra dmg from ignite for next 5 sec. (meh)

IB cant spread ignite anymore, dmg is cut to 50/60/70% and cd removed. (meh)

Inferno Blast applies its own dot dealing 50/60/70% of initial dmg. (meh)

Inferno Blast applies a debuff to the target, so that your Pyroblast has 20/25/30% extra crit chance on it. could replace GSR this way.

hard to think of any non-OP effect, that could replace GSR tbh.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:23 pm
by Cellindre
Inferno blast generates Pyroblast! and Pyroblast! can stack to 2.
This would make it so that every IB generates 1.5 Pyroblast! for each cast.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:36 am
by yungg
pyroblast dot can stack up to 3

pretty boring, but eh. Kinda fits with the theme of fire being a dot class.

maybe targets under the effect of combustion take x% more from crits, or have an x% greater chance to be crit?

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 11:33 pm
by Seatoo
T17 2 or 4 pc T__T

Although I do like the stacking pyro dot idea but it what would be a good #? 3? 5?

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:16 pm
by somajs
In my opinion, the trinket should solve problems fire currently has, like singletarget DPS or DoT spreading:
  • Increase the range of Dragonsbreath to 40y but removes the disorient effect and the damage is increased by X%. (I liked the Dragonsbreath buff, but the range is a problem on some fights...)
  • Each time your Fireball, Pyroblast or Dragonsbreath hits a target, you breath fire, dealing X% of the damage done per second in a 15y Cone in front of you over 3 seconds. (constant additional Dragonsbreath! :D would mainly be a singletarget buff)
  • Increases the damage of your Infernoblast by X%, increases the range your Inferno Blast spreads your fire damage effects by 30y and adds 4 additional targets (there are so many fights where adds are often too far away to properly spread our dots)
  • Increases the damage of flamestrike by X% and the range by 500% (we still dont use flamestrike that often, this could help)
  • Scorch now applys the scorched skin debuff to the target for 20 seconds. Each Fireball, Pyroblast or Inferno Blast does additional X% of the damage done as physical to the target. This does not count towards ignite (simple singletarget buff to not affect our multitarget damage)
  • Enhanced Pyrotechnics effect now does not end when fireball crtical strikes a target and increases the critical strike damage of fireball by X% per stack. (after 10 casts, we never fall off Pyroblast! and we constantly gain dps on fireball, the longer the fight the more damage does fireball and on some fights we just spam fireball in the execute phase)
  • Pyroblast has a X% chance to also cast a Flamestrinke at the current targets location. (to use the current mechanic but put it on a spell we use all the time)
The value of X depends on the trinket quality (nhc, hc, mythic + WF) and how strong it would affect the effect.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 4:35 am
by Komma
I have a hard time justifying any of the ideas you've mentioned. 40 yard spread range on DoTs? Permanently crit capped Fireballs? And this one:
[*] Increase the range of Dragonsbreath to 40y but removes the disorient effect and the damage is increased by X%. (I liked the Dragonsbreath buff, but the range is a problem on some fights...)
A frontal AOE instant cast that hits for 430% spellpower, crits for 860%, can be combo-ed with PC for 989%/1978% spellpower, and you want it to hit harder and farther?! It's so strong that it's become a core rotation spell. The spellpower coefficient is 8x that of Arcane Explosion, and you can reset it with Cold Snap. I cannot see any merits to this idea.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:33 am
by acodem
Tbh, i don't think they will ever change it. The basic idea is not bad, but they could use damage increase on flamestrike, and/or make next flamestrike instant and increased damage with x%, than we can target the proc, and it can be useful on add figths.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:34 pm
by somajs
I have a hard time justifying any of the ideas you've mentioned. 40 yard spread range on DoTs? Permanently crit capped Fireballs? And this one:
[*] Increase the range of Dragonsbreath to 40y but removes the disorient effect and the damage is increased by X%. (I liked the Dragonsbreath buff, but the range is a problem on some fights...)
A frontal AOE instant cast that hits for 430% spellpower, crits for 860%, can be combo-ed with PC for 989%/1978% spellpower, and you want it to hit harder and farther?! It's so strong that it's become a core rotation spell. The spellpower coefficient is 8x that of Arcane Explosion, and you can reset it with Cold Snap. I cannot see any merits to this idea.
It's on a 20 seconds cooldown and can only be resettet every 3 minutes. If you spam Arcane Explosion for 20 seconds you are at ~13 x 54,5% spellpower = 708,5 spellpower not counting mastery or haste and crits. And the range increase was more intended to fix the positioning needed for firemages to use Dragonsbreath on cooldown currently.
Dragonsbreath is not under our top 3 DPS spells and it wouldn't have an enormous impact to increase the damage when you look at fires current sims. Even on 4 targets Dragons Breath is on rank 5 in terms of DPS. A classtrinket like the one we are talking about would push Dragonsbreath max to Rank 3 and wouldn't boost our DPS by 8k which we are behind at the moment on singletarget fights.

40y spread on Dot's would be OP on which fights?
Hellfire Assault: Maybe a litte more DPS, but the mobs are already on a tight spot for spreading, but encounter sucks anyway for fire.
Reaver: No use, maybe on bombs but... no.
Kormrok: No use
Council: Would boost us to current WW Monk level. Not OP but good. Maybe on the Blasemaster Images with 4 more targets.
Killrog: Small adds would not be in range or too short living, no gain.
Gorefiend: Could fuck up people in the belly like current cleave/aoe trinkets already do, probably not usable here.
Iskar: Adds are alread together, maybe we would hit 1-2 more targets which are tanked away from the other adds.
Socrethar: No real DPS gain, even if we would do the ghosts cause they are already on a tight spot
Velhari: No use here cause add is already tanked next to the boss
Zakuun: No use here
Xhul: DPS gain here cause we would hit out of range imps and the jumping adds. Really good, but OP?
Mannoroth: DPS gain here cause we hit more Infernals or Imps. Not really OP but good DPS gain
Archimonde: Could hit more Infernals in the last phase but not really useful here.

So actually 4 fights would be boosted. Is that really too good? Having 4 Fights where fire could do top DPS and on the other 9 we would still do shit DPS?

This is a fun thread and those are only ideas. If you find something OP but you like the idea, just adjust it? We will never see any changes to the trinket for firemages, we all know that.

But I like the idea on making flamestrike instant and giving it a damage increase. Maybe something like "Each time you cast Pyroblast, your next Flamestrike casttime is decreased by 50% and the damage is increase by X%. Stacks up to 2 times".

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:40 am
by nickseng
It's on a 20 seconds cooldown and can only be resettet every 3 minutes. If you spam Arcane Explosion for 20 seconds you are at ~13 x 54,5% spellpower = 708,5 spellpower not counting mastery or haste and crits. And the range increase was more intended to fix the positioning needed for firemages to use Dragonsbreath on cooldown currently.
That's not how it works, though. While you are spamming Arcane explosion for 20 seconds, the mage using Dragon's breath is filling that time with Fireballs and Pyros and what not. It will end up doing more damage.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 5:11 pm
by Kanariya
How about a throwback to old day mechanics? Definitely miss the stacking Ignite, despite how broken OP it was.
  • While your Combustion is active on any target, your Ignite will stack up to 5 times. This Ignite cannot be spread with Inferno Blast.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 9:48 am
by Rinoa
Could you elaborate on how you think Ignite would be stacking?

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:58 pm
by Seatoo
I think he means when it was additive and refershed when the next crit happened without losing the old damage, i.e naxx 40 in vanilla when scorch spam was popular to try and get the first crit?

Other than that I have no clue what he could be referring to

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:37 pm
by Laodi
The simple every hit gets a percentage of his dmg added to the ticks for the next seconds. So
100 dmg hit -> 10 dmg per second for 6 seconds
200 dmg hit -> 30 dmg per second for refreshed 6 seconds
150 dmg hit -> 45 dmg per second for refreshed 6 seconds
Stack that till tomorrow. Ofc with a CD so that this ends after x seconds.

Re: Fire Classtrinket - Post your Ideas

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 8:16 pm
by Rinoa
I see, that's what I had in mind as well. We're on the same page then!