Fire Mages are alive again (Updated for 6.2.3)
Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 12:05 pm
Hi, this is my first post (simple guide) on Altered Time, I hope it will help some of you guys out there who wants to spec fire in 6.2.
Who am I? I'm just an ordinary player who loves to play fire since WotLK, I currently raid for Play For Uber in the Taiwanese server, guild progress is 13/13M.
As all of you know, fire received a major nerf with the T17 2-piece bonus remake, and at the current state it seems like it's not viable anymore. But actually if the fight duration is short (under 5 minutes), fire still has a chance to stand toe to toe with arcane, and far better than frost.
How is it possible? With the current gear from HFC, fire no longer needs 2 crit trinkets, you can achieve 100% crit chance against your Prismatic Crystal if you have around 718~720 itlv. with only 1 crit trinket proc. Now, to make fire viable you need a big combustion, to do this, you'll need the Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia as your 2nd trinket.
With the Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia, fire no longer needs to have full Mastery enchantments to have a big Combustion like post T17 2-piece nerf. Having around 47% crit chance together with the upgraded Sandman's Pouch, you can achieve 100% crit chance against your Prismatic Crystal every 2 min, along with the legendary ring, they sync extremely well together. If you don't have 47% crit (without 125 crit food buff), just use the Thunderlord enchant on your weapon, and if yes use the Bleeding Hollow one instead.
To build a big combustion you need Prismatic Crystal, and the basic rotation you want to do is:
Prepot at 3
Precast Pyroblast at 3 (it's a must now, as you might have a chance to summon T18 2-piece phoenix which gives you 6% haste and damage)
Boss pull
Cast Fireball until Heating Up procs
Cast a Fireball again with a Inferno Blast right afterwards to turn the Heating Up proc into Pyroblast! proc.
Now if you don't have a Heating Up proc together with the Pyroblast! proc just cast Fireball until you have it.
After having Heating Up proc and Pyroblast! proc, put your Prismatic Crystal down and use your legendary ring
Now, your rotation will be different depending on if you have Time Wrap/Blood Lust or not
If you have TW/BL
After putting down the Crystal
Fireball -> Pyroblast -> Fireball -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Combustion -> Inferno Blast -> Dragon's Breath w/ Cold Snap -> Dragon's Breath
If you don't have TW/BL
Fireball -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Combustion -> Inferno Blast -> Dragon's Breath w/ Cold Snap -> Dragon's Breath -> Blastwave -> Blastwave
With around 720 itlv. and with the legendary ring buff, the combustion should tick around 75k~82k per tick (crit), and your legendary ring should deal around 800k~1.2M damage with this rotation on pull.
That's the basic rotation for having a nice Combustion.
Let's go a bit more in depth, to decide which crit trinket you want to equip.
>If your raid uses the legendary ring with no delay, which means using it every 2 min
>If your raid delays the legendary ring but the fight duration is more than 6.5 min
Go for the upgraded Sandman's Pouch (715 itlv.)
>On special occasion such as Iron Reaver, Iskar, Gorefiend, Zakuun take the Mythic Goren Soul Repository instead
The reasons are simple,
>Heroic and Mythic Iron Reaver: at around 2 min after pull he will start dashing around and you won't have a chance to IB your Combustion from your Prismatic Crystal onto the boss
>Mythic Gorefiend: Your raid will most likely use the legendary ring at the start of every phase 2, Sandman's Pouch can only sync with it at pull and at the first phase 2. *Side Note: Use your combustion rotation on the boss at phase 2 to get the 100% damage increase instead of using it on your Crystal, you can place the Crystal afterwards for a second burst with Dragon's Breath and Blastwave*
>Heroic and Mythic Iskar: Use your Crystal at pull, save your Combustion for phase 2 as the legendary ring will be used there. For Myhtic Iskar, Kindling will be a better choice. (Thanks to Alzer for the heads up)
>Mythic Zakuun: Depending on your raid, the fight duration will be in between 3.5 ~ 4.5 min. or even faster, so using Goren trinket will be the safest choice for you as you need your burst when the boss reaches 30%.
Gear choices are:
Head: T18 or Archimonde
Neck: Xhul
Shoulders: T18
Back: Hellfire assault one or Kilrogg
Chest: T18 if you use the Head Archimonde if not then Kilrogg
Bracers: Tyrant
Gloves: T18
Waist: Archimonde or Zakuun
Legs: T18
Feet: Zakuun
Ring 1: Socrethar or Tyrant one with socket
Ring 2: Legendary Ring
Trinket 1: Sandman's Pouch 715 or Goren Soul Repository 700
Trinket 2: Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia
Weapon: Archimonde or Gorefiend
Enchatments: All crit
Important talents:
Cold Snap for bosses you know you won't die easily, farm runs and stuff like that.
Blastwave for most of the fights except Hellfire Assault and Xhul, take Living Bomb for these two.
Rune of Power for Iron Reaver and Zakuun, rest Incanter's Flow.
Always Prismatic Crystal. Only exception is Heroic Hellfire Assault, take Kindling there, mobs die way too fast.
Combustion and Dragon's Breath Glyph is a must
Inferno Blast Glyph is a must on Hellfire Assault
The rest get whatever you want
That's pretty much all I could think of for now, I hope it will help some of you guys. Will add more in the future.
If there are any suggestions or questions feel free to post them below, I'll reply them asap.
6.2.3 Section
Some small updates for 6.2.3
First of all, sorry for being away for awhile, was kinda busy.
Second of all, thanks to the people who are kind enough to answer questions in the comments below.
Your Prismatic Crystal burst rotation should differ depending on whether you have Blood Lust/Heroism/Berserk.
With one of the buffs I mentioned above, your burst rotation on the Prismatic Crystal should be changed to
Fireball-> Pyroblast-> Fireball-> Pyroblast-> Pyroblast-> Pyroblast-> Combustion-> Inferno Blast-> DB(Cold Snap)->
DB-> Blastwave-> Blastwave
You can achieve this when you have around 25% haste (with raid buff) together with Blood Lust/Heroism/Berserk.
Without the buffs mentioned above, stick to the Fireball-> Pyro-> Pyro-> Pyro burst.
New Gear choice list
Head: Mythic Archimonde
Neck: Xhul +75 crit
Shoulders: Mythic T18
Back: Hellfire Assault or Kilrogg +100 crit 10% speed
Chest: Mythic T18
Bracers: Tyrant
Gloves: Mythic T18
Waist: Archimonde or Zakuun
Legs: Mythic T18
Feet: Mythic Zakuun
Ring 1: Socrethar or Tyrant one with socket +50 crit
Ring 2: Legendary Ring +50 crit
Trinket 1: Sandman's Pouch 725 ***
Trinket 2: Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia
Weapon: Mythic Archimonde +Bleedig Hollow
*** The 725(735 after upgrade) sprit trinket/strength trinket from the 2nd/3rd boss in Mythic Shadowmoon Burial Grounds are good alternatives too. Both are on-use trinkets with a 20 sec duration which gives crit together with a 2 min cooldown.
On boss fights where the ring will be delayed, both of the trinkets will be far better than Sandman's.
Who am I? I'm just an ordinary player who loves to play fire since WotLK, I currently raid for Play For Uber in the Taiwanese server, guild progress is 13/13M.
As all of you know, fire received a major nerf with the T17 2-piece bonus remake, and at the current state it seems like it's not viable anymore. But actually if the fight duration is short (under 5 minutes), fire still has a chance to stand toe to toe with arcane, and far better than frost.
How is it possible? With the current gear from HFC, fire no longer needs 2 crit trinkets, you can achieve 100% crit chance against your Prismatic Crystal if you have around 718~720 itlv. with only 1 crit trinket proc. Now, to make fire viable you need a big combustion, to do this, you'll need the Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia as your 2nd trinket.
With the Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia, fire no longer needs to have full Mastery enchantments to have a big Combustion like post T17 2-piece nerf. Having around 47% crit chance together with the upgraded Sandman's Pouch, you can achieve 100% crit chance against your Prismatic Crystal every 2 min, along with the legendary ring, they sync extremely well together. If you don't have 47% crit (without 125 crit food buff), just use the Thunderlord enchant on your weapon, and if yes use the Bleeding Hollow one instead.
To build a big combustion you need Prismatic Crystal, and the basic rotation you want to do is:
Prepot at 3
Precast Pyroblast at 3 (it's a must now, as you might have a chance to summon T18 2-piece phoenix which gives you 6% haste and damage)
Boss pull
Cast Fireball until Heating Up procs
Cast a Fireball again with a Inferno Blast right afterwards to turn the Heating Up proc into Pyroblast! proc.
Now if you don't have a Heating Up proc together with the Pyroblast! proc just cast Fireball until you have it.
After having Heating Up proc and Pyroblast! proc, put your Prismatic Crystal down and use your legendary ring
Now, your rotation will be different depending on if you have Time Wrap/Blood Lust or not
If you have TW/BL
After putting down the Crystal
Fireball -> Pyroblast -> Fireball -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Combustion -> Inferno Blast -> Dragon's Breath w/ Cold Snap -> Dragon's Breath
If you don't have TW/BL
Fireball -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Pyroblast -> Combustion -> Inferno Blast -> Dragon's Breath w/ Cold Snap -> Dragon's Breath -> Blastwave -> Blastwave
With around 720 itlv. and with the legendary ring buff, the combustion should tick around 75k~82k per tick (crit), and your legendary ring should deal around 800k~1.2M damage with this rotation on pull.
That's the basic rotation for having a nice Combustion.
Let's go a bit more in depth, to decide which crit trinket you want to equip.
>If your raid uses the legendary ring with no delay, which means using it every 2 min
>If your raid delays the legendary ring but the fight duration is more than 6.5 min
Go for the upgraded Sandman's Pouch (715 itlv.)
>On special occasion such as Iron Reaver, Iskar, Gorefiend, Zakuun take the Mythic Goren Soul Repository instead
The reasons are simple,
>Heroic and Mythic Iron Reaver: at around 2 min after pull he will start dashing around and you won't have a chance to IB your Combustion from your Prismatic Crystal onto the boss
>Mythic Gorefiend: Your raid will most likely use the legendary ring at the start of every phase 2, Sandman's Pouch can only sync with it at pull and at the first phase 2. *Side Note: Use your combustion rotation on the boss at phase 2 to get the 100% damage increase instead of using it on your Crystal, you can place the Crystal afterwards for a second burst with Dragon's Breath and Blastwave*
>Heroic and Mythic Iskar: Use your Crystal at pull, save your Combustion for phase 2 as the legendary ring will be used there. For Myhtic Iskar, Kindling will be a better choice. (Thanks to Alzer for the heads up)
>Mythic Zakuun: Depending on your raid, the fight duration will be in between 3.5 ~ 4.5 min. or even faster, so using Goren trinket will be the safest choice for you as you need your burst when the boss reaches 30%.
Gear choices are:
Head: T18 or Archimonde
Neck: Xhul
Shoulders: T18
Back: Hellfire assault one or Kilrogg
Chest: T18 if you use the Head Archimonde if not then Kilrogg
Bracers: Tyrant
Gloves: T18
Waist: Archimonde or Zakuun
Legs: T18
Feet: Zakuun
Ring 1: Socrethar or Tyrant one with socket
Ring 2: Legendary Ring
Trinket 1: Sandman's Pouch 715 or Goren Soul Repository 700
Trinket 2: Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia
Weapon: Archimonde or Gorefiend
Enchatments: All crit
Important talents:
Cold Snap for bosses you know you won't die easily, farm runs and stuff like that.
Blastwave for most of the fights except Hellfire Assault and Xhul, take Living Bomb for these two.
Rune of Power for Iron Reaver and Zakuun, rest Incanter's Flow.
Always Prismatic Crystal. Only exception is Heroic Hellfire Assault, take Kindling there, mobs die way too fast.
Combustion and Dragon's Breath Glyph is a must
Inferno Blast Glyph is a must on Hellfire Assault
The rest get whatever you want
That's pretty much all I could think of for now, I hope it will help some of you guys. Will add more in the future.
If there are any suggestions or questions feel free to post them below, I'll reply them asap.
6.2.3 Section
Some small updates for 6.2.3
First of all, sorry for being away for awhile, was kinda busy.
Second of all, thanks to the people who are kind enough to answer questions in the comments below.
Your Prismatic Crystal burst rotation should differ depending on whether you have Blood Lust/Heroism/Berserk.
With one of the buffs I mentioned above, your burst rotation on the Prismatic Crystal should be changed to
Fireball-> Pyroblast-> Fireball-> Pyroblast-> Pyroblast-> Pyroblast-> Combustion-> Inferno Blast-> DB(Cold Snap)->
DB-> Blastwave-> Blastwave
You can achieve this when you have around 25% haste (with raid buff) together with Blood Lust/Heroism/Berserk.
Without the buffs mentioned above, stick to the Fireball-> Pyro-> Pyro-> Pyro burst.
New Gear choice list
Head: Mythic Archimonde
Neck: Xhul +75 crit
Shoulders: Mythic T18
Back: Hellfire Assault or Kilrogg +100 crit 10% speed
Chest: Mythic T18
Bracers: Tyrant
Gloves: Mythic T18
Waist: Archimonde or Zakuun
Legs: Mythic T18
Feet: Mythic Zakuun
Ring 1: Socrethar or Tyrant one with socket +50 crit
Ring 2: Legendary Ring +50 crit
Trinket 1: Sandman's Pouch 725 ***
Trinket 2: Desecrated Shadowmoon Insignia
Weapon: Mythic Archimonde +Bleedig Hollow
*** The 725(735 after upgrade) sprit trinket/strength trinket from the 2nd/3rd boss in Mythic Shadowmoon Burial Grounds are good alternatives too. Both are on-use trinkets with a 20 sec duration which gives crit together with a 2 min cooldown.
On boss fights where the ring will be delayed, both of the trinkets will be far better than Sandman's.