[7.2] Fire Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:46 pm
Updated 03/27/2017
USE THE NIGHTLY BUILD: http://downloads.simulationcraft.org/?C=M;O=D" target="_blank
Below I've put together some basic information for people derived from SimC runs to help guide mages choices on how they want to play Fire mage.
All sims are done at Mythic NH ilvl, with max artifact traits, 1 in Concordance, and no legendary items.
Sim conditions:
Table of Contents:
1)Single Target Talent Comparisons
2)Single Target Stat Weights
3a)Four Target Talent Comparisons
3b)Four Target Priority Target DPS
3c)Four Target Stat Weights
4)Fire Racials
5)Trinket Comparsions
6)Artifact Path
7)Legendary Items
9)Frequently Asked Questions
Note 1: CiS assumed 6 cinders hit.
Note 2: Because I used fixed_time, Firestarter becomes way overvalued, so I've excluded it from sims.
Note 3: Due to the number of talent combinations, these two images only shows the top and bottom performers. If you want to see the full HTML report, please use the dropbox link at the end of the post.


Note: The MI/CiS talent rows are not set in stone. if CiS/Met or RoP/MI are better for you is gear dependant. Sim yourself for best results.

Note: Haste value here is heavily inflated due to Whispers in the Dark and Metronome. WotD is effectively a multiplier on haste value, and haste allows for higher average uptimes on metronome stacks. If you remove WotD, or if you don't have it, you will probably notice haste value being significantly lower.

Image courtesy of Architech.
There is a small breakpoint that you want to grab for Fire though - probably has to do with fitting an additional global inside Combustion. It's a very low
haste value (1800, as shown), so it is easily obtainable without really disrupting your gearing. However, because this breakpoint exists, keep in mind it will
make the haste stat weight around the breakpoint unreliable!
NOTE: CiS here assumes all cinders are hitting the targets ("stacked adds") So it's overvaluing CiS here a bit if the adds are spread out significantly.
As with Single Target, there are simply too many combinations to show them all here. So I have once again shown just the top and bottom performers.




Using the highest simming combination, Conf/RoP/FO/LB/CiS, the weights are:

Simple Trinket List:
Single Target:

4target AoE:

Image courtesy of Zulandia

7.2 path - Tries to optimizing ST / AoE evenly rather than rushing for new things. New traits are pretty bad ST (See below comparison)

1 target

4 targets

7.2 trait comparison (1 point given to each)

Q1) Is Living Bomb a Single Target Gain or Loss?

Q2) Enchants?

using the simc fire default: T19M_NH profiles.
USE THE NIGHTLY BUILD: http://downloads.simulationcraft.org/?C=M;O=D" target="_blank
Below I've put together some basic information for people derived from SimC runs to help guide mages choices on how they want to play Fire mage.
All sims are done at Mythic NH ilvl, with max artifact traits, 1 in Concordance, and no legendary items.
Sim conditions:
Table of Contents:
1)Single Target Talent Comparisons
2)Single Target Stat Weights
3a)Four Target Talent Comparisons
3b)Four Target Priority Target DPS
3c)Four Target Stat Weights
4)Fire Racials
5)Trinket Comparsions
6)Artifact Path
7)Legendary Items
9)Frequently Asked Questions
Single Target
[/size]Note 1: CiS assumed 6 cinders hit.
Note 2: Because I used fixed_time, Firestarter becomes way overvalued, so I've excluded it from sims.
Note 3: Due to the number of talent combinations, these two images only shows the top and bottom performers. If you want to see the full HTML report, please use the dropbox link at the end of the post.


Note: The MI/CiS talent rows are not set in stone. if CiS/Met or RoP/MI are better for you is gear dependant. Sim yourself for best results.
Single Target Stat Weights
Note: Haste value here is heavily inflated due to Whispers in the Dark and Metronome. WotD is effectively a multiplier on haste value, and haste allows for higher average uptimes on metronome stacks. If you remove WotD, or if you don't have it, you will probably notice haste value being significantly lower.

Image courtesy of Architech.
There is a small breakpoint that you want to grab for Fire though - probably has to do with fitting an additional global inside Combustion. It's a very low
haste value (1800, as shown), so it is easily obtainable without really disrupting your gearing. However, because this breakpoint exists, keep in mind it will
make the haste stat weight around the breakpoint unreliable!
Four target (stacked):
[/size]NOTE: CiS here assumes all cinders are hitting the targets ("stacked adds") So it's overvaluing CiS here a bit if the adds are spread out significantly.
As with Single Target, there are simply too many combinations to show them all here. So I have once again shown just the top and bottom performers.


Four Target Priority Target DPS


Four Target Stat Weights
[/size]Using the highest simming combination, Conf/RoP/FO/LB/CiS, the weights are:

Trinkets (not updated for 7.2)
[/size]Simple Trinket List:
Single Target:

4target AoE:

Artifact Path
[/size]Image courtesy of Zulandia

7.2 path - Tries to optimizing ST / AoE evenly rather than rushing for new things. New traits are pretty bad ST (See below comparison)

[/size]1 target

4 targets


7.2 trait comparison (1 point given to each)

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1) Is Living Bomb a Single Target Gain or Loss?

Q2) Enchants?

using the simc fire default: T19M_NH profiles.