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A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 4:20 am
by Bjartuur
How to Fire Mage in Antorus the Burning Throne


This is a guide to your legendaries, trinkets, cd usage, talents and raid utility as a Fire Mage in each boss encounter of Antorus the Burning Throne on Heroic and Mythic to help you get those sweet sweet orange parses. This is not a guide of your gearing goals, stat weights or basic rotation. As a sidenote I would strongly recommend learning to play with Rune of Power to all fire mages, however given the audience this is directed towards I will say that Incanters Flow will get you close to optimum dps with less effort and thought involved so I will be listing it as the go to talent for your average mage on nearly every fight. With that out of the way let's get started.

Shortcuts to Bosses

Garothi Worldbreaker
Felhounds of Sargeras
Antoran High Command
Portal Keeper Hasabel
Eonar the Lifebinder
Immonar the Soulhunter
Coven of Shivarra
Argus the Unmaker

Garothi Worldbreaker

Legendaries on prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on farm: ... e-sun-king,
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

What's the difference between prog and farm you ask? Mostly just Bloodlust timing. If your group is Bloodlusting on pull then the shard build will be better. If they are holding lust until the last phase then belt will be better. The basic idea is abuse the firestarter talent if you got it to fish for a bracer proc, combust on CD, use belt on the cannons in intermission when possible. Good shimmer timings to maintain your rotation are placing and dodging large circles aka I would run to soak small ones aka Other than that there's not much to this fight from a dps standpoint. Go soak shit and help the raid live.

Felhounds of Sargeras

Legendaries on prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on Farm: ... e-sun-king,
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

The difference between prog and farm here is not lust timing as you will likely be lusting on pull. The difference is whether you stack the dogs and how long you keep them stacked. If you stack the dogs for a short amount of time, using the 2nd build will be optimal. If you extend the duration they are stacked to say 30 seconds, you should still use bracers and shard, but revert to the first talent page with firestarter as you will be able to get off a full firestarter opener and combust afterwards during the stack. Good shimmer timings to maintain rotation without moving is double shimmering away from in the opposite direction of its travel. Otherwise mostly use scorch and instants. The rest of the fight is a ST snooze fest. Don't stand in bad, save your tank from fear.

Antoran High Command

Legendaries on Prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch....noticing a theme yet?
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on Farm: ... e-sun-king, should be noticing it by now...
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets:, ... =3610:1472, ... =3610:1472

But wait those talent builds are the same you say? Here's why you keep firestarter...The first set of adds that spawn will get annihilated by anybody and everybody with a 2nd rate AoE ability since BL will be up and they will blow their load on pull. Don't try to compete with that. Use firestarter to your advantage and flamestrike once or twice to get a little spicy pad in, but mostly tunnel ST on pull and fish for bracers. If you're lucky enough to get one start casting it about 6-7 Seconds before 2nd wave add spawn and combust the end of it. From there tunnel into the boss hard and let ignite do all the work. If you are really inclined you can macro scorch to a focus and constantly swap focus target to whatever add is below 30% (This is for extreme padlording only). While combust is down and you are instant starved, feel free to hardcast flamestrike on add spawn, especially if they are grouped with bats. Yes I said hardcast. Your combust if used on CD should be up for every 2nd add wave of a boss. Don't pop mines. If you have to go in a pod, make it the 3rd. Good shimmer timings will be transition between bosses to avoid large clusters of mines.

Portal Keeper Hasabel

Legendaries on prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on Farm:: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch....wha wha WHAT curveball. You likely ain't lusting on pull even on farm, throw dat shard in the dumpster boi.
Talents with this setup
Woah, surprise, they're like the same dude

Legendaries if you wanna be a dick to the boomkins and ele shamans in your raid: ... e-sun-king, ... ire-diadem
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets:, ... =3610:1472, ... =3610:1472

Use firestarter and fish for bracer procs on pull, combust on the first Transport Portal cast (you know...the thing that spawns the adds) combine with your trinkets and bake at a toasty 425 degrees for optimum flavor. Combust will line up to every odd add spawn (1,3,5,7,9). Ask your tanks to move boss on top of Transport Portals for maximum cleave. Standard don't stand in bad boss, help interrupt any imps that survive your wrath. If you have to go in portals to kill adds F in the guide to pay respects to your damage. Good shimmer timings will be waiting until the second line of a spawns and then blinking to a clear spot.

Eonar The Living Meme

I ain't making prog/farm for this because it's the same regardless. The difference between builds will be how much cc you have in your group. If you have a monk with u gucci.

Leggos for both builds: ... ire-diadem,
Talents with CC
Talents without CC
Best trinkets:, ... =3610:1472, ... =3610:1472

Pretty self explanatory, if you have enough cc to keep adds inside flame patch, it's better. If you don't, then use living bomb. You can precast flamestrike ahead of add spawn with the flame patch talent for extra sauce free of charge. Don't drag fire through the middle of the platform, don't blow up your friends.

Immonar The Edgelord

Legendaries on Prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch....Back to this shit again
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on Farm: ... e-sun-king,
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

Use firestarter to fish if you got it, Combust on CD, spread when appropriate, don't fuck people with your sleep grenade, lasers, or your knocky boi debuff. You can get 3 lusts on farm so ask your RL nicely and maybe you get to have a good day. Combustion should be up every platform. If your combust starts desynchronizing with the platform phases consider using pyromaniac regardless of build to allow you to safely combust each platform. Blow all your instants before he flies away because you will have time for them to recover on the bridge. Good blink timings will be positioning, and dodging Have the Indiana Jones theme song on repeat for every bridge phase (It helps).


Legendaries on Prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on Farm: ... e-sun-king,
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3610:1472, ... =3610:1472

The add spawn lines up exactly at 2 minutes. Combustion is a 2 minute CD without kindling, therefore we use meteor. Abuse firestarter on pull. When adds spawn drop meteor and combust immediately. DO NOT HOLD COMBUSTION FOR ANYTHING EVER. If you have a bracer proc don't try to cast and combust at the end because you can't guarantee you will have a bracer proc again for 2nd, 3rd add wave and so on. Just use it on add spawn and pump as much damage as possible in that window. If you are using belt, having a scorch focus macro is useful for adds that live through intermission. You can scorch them once low and focus the boss. Don't hit balls like a mong. Good blink timings will be blinking over so you don't have to run for an extended period. Again, Indiana Jones theme here people. Your best trinkets will be some combo of Acrid, Signaling Beacon, Norgannons, Vitality Resonator.


Legendaries on Prog and Farm: ... e-sun-king, no belt? Yeah the fight is too short so fuck it.
Talents with this setup
Honestly depending on your fight timing you may want to swap firestarter for pyromaniac if it gets you an extra combustion.

Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

Abuse firestarter on pull, fishy fishy for bracers. Combust on CD. If you can help with the add dps on mythic then do it until your raid can manage without you target swapping. Don't blink unless you are real comfortable with it on mythic. It can lead to bad things with adds spawning when nobody is ready to target swap. Just scorch or use instants to move. Handle your necrotic as your RL calls. Enjoy a free boss.

Coven of Shitvara

Legendaries on Prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch
Talents with this setup
legendaries on Farm: ... e-sun-king,
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

Fun fact, the bosses can be within ignite spread range without getting their damage reduction buff, so try to explain this to your RL and tanks and then proceed to cry when they ignore it and spread the bosses 20 yards apart. Abuse firestarter if ya got it, Combust on CD unless the healing adds are coming up in the next 15 seconds and you need dps there. If you're using belt a focus macro is useful to scorch low adds and tunnel damage into other high ones. Don't get hit by spinny blades or shadow blades. If your healers aren't healing off the absorb on you help them out with a healthstone or block it off yourself. You can especially use blinks to your advantage in this encounter to stand still and turret. Just get used to the range of it so you don't land on someone during lightning adds. Good timings for blink are getting into safe spots during, and blinking over shadow walls of ... -norgannon.


Legendaries on Prog and Farm: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch...Again, you likely ain't lusting pull so throw that shard away boi.
Legendaries if your group sucks at intermission add damage in mythic ... e-sun-king, ... tion-cloth
Talents with both of these setups
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

Abuse firestarter and fish for procs, combust on cd. If your group struggles to meet the dps check on intermission adds in mythic consider swapping belt for gloves as it will bring back combustion for the intermission. Without it, you are pretty weak on add damage. If you are using belt, use a focus macro to scorch the first one that drops sub 30% and pyro the other. Beware of ignite cucking whatever strat you use to cc adds in mythic. As long as adds are kept far away and cc is managed properly it will be no problem. Save your blinks to move quickly when you get in mythic, or when you need to stack for a ... -technique. Don't get hit by lines, don't drop on add stack.

Argus The Unmaker

Legendaries on Prog: ... e-sun-king, ... ning-touch
Talents with this setup
Legendaries on Farm: ... e-sun-king,
Talents with this setup
Best trinkets: ... =3610:1472,, ... =3466:1472

Fish with firestarter on pull. Regardless of what build you are using take the crit/mastery buff On mythic I would hold your second combustion until the last stack of the buff before you enter p2 because you will not be fitting in a 3rd (this should be stack 4 or 5). Other than this and p3 module spawn imminent, do not hold combust. If you get a debuff after the first and before the second, block it off because this is the tightest window for dodging the and keeping your buff stack. Block will be back up for in p3 mythic. Use blinks to your advantage in dodging p1 and p2 mechanics, but be wary of where you end up. Have a scorch focus macro ready for module spawn on all difficulties in the final phase.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you in Antorus,

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:39 pm
by broedrost
Good guide :) however most toplogs use medallion on Kingaroth as it lines up perfectly with 2 min combustion for adds. Just a small thing

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:34 pm
by Bjartuur
Good guide :) however most toplogs use medallion on Kingaroth as it lines up perfectly with 2 min combustion for adds. Just a small thing
While currently true, as your guild gets more gear the adds will die way before the duration of owl is complete. When that starts happening beacon, norgannons, or vitality resonator will be better

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:24 pm
by Kalstrom
Interesting guide, although i think its a bit different on mythic in many occassions, belt for free movement while having to focus on tactics is really good, rune of power can be very powerful to have on quite a few of the hc bosses, apart from perhaps coven, argus and portal keeper imo.

To top log add fights you need a big a group as possible and have a lot of the team only focus single target or people die off.

For example, high command, i would always open first adds with my terminus (10 or so seconds in) but only use combust after 90%. The haste from bloodlust and your crit should bring your combust off cd ready to use with terminus for 2nd pod adds.
My mythic log on that boss is only so high because people died early therefore leaving the adds to stacks and be alive a lot longer than usual. Ignite spread is the real winner and add up time significantly effects the damage too much to compete with.

For any legend logs you need to have bracers and atleast a tad bit of luck for procs. Although its not always down to luck. You could mention that correct rotation management for utilising as many hot streaks as possible is important as thats what generates a bracer proc. I think small tips like standing close to a boss during lust is important to not munch any procs etc. But boss knowledge and practice are the fundementals to hitting top logs :)

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:17 am
by lopstar
So you're using your beacon without combustion on high command at the first set of adds? pretty sure thats not worth.

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:38 am
by Bjartuur
For any legend logs you need to have bracers and atleast a tad bit of luck for procs. Although its not always down to luck. You could mention that correct rotation management for utilising as many hot streaks as possible is important as thats what generates a bracer proc. I think small tips like standing close to a boss during lust is important to not munch any procs etc. But boss knowledge and practice are the fundementals to hitting top logs :)
I thought I was fairly clear this wasn't an in depth guide of how to play fire as far as rotation goes. It's tips for what to use to parse high on bosses. Also using signaling beacon without combustion is a no no.

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:02 am
by Kalstrom
It is worth because it will line up the cd for the adds which come on the next pod, otherwise it takes too long for it to come off cd and you have to delay your combust ... &spec=Fire ... metric=dps

Also you only mention 'This is not a guide of your gearing goals and stat weights.' Thats nothing to do with rotation, yet clean rotation will help with the amount of bracer procs you can generate, which is linked to legendaries, which you say this is a guide for.

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:57 am
by Bjartuur
Desynching beacon with combust is demonstrably wrong...your public parses are nice but that's not the best way to play the fight my dude.

Edit: I definitely remember mentioning this was not a guide to basic rotation in the first paragraph when I originally wrote this. Somehow somewhere it got deleted. Thanks for pointing that out, I put it back in.

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:28 pm
by Paredeslion
Why are you using incanter's flow instead Rune of Power in all the fights?

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 8:42 pm
by Frantik
Why are you using incanter's flow instead Rune of Power in all the fights?

It is mentioned on the beginning of the guide
As a sidenote I would strongly recommend learning to play with Rune of Power to all fire mages, however given the audience this is directed towards I will say that Incanters Flow will get you close to optimum dps with less effort and thought involved so I will be listing it as the go to talent for your average mage on nearly every fight.

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2018 9:04 pm
by Paredeslion
Why are you using incanter's flow instead Rune of Power in all the fights?

It is mentioned on the beginning of the guide
As a sidenote I would strongly recommend learning to play with Rune of Power to all fire mages, however given the audience this is directed towards I will say that Incanters Flow will get you close to optimum dps with less effort and thought involved so I will be listing it as the go to talent for your average mage on nearly every fight.
Sorry, I didn't see. Thanks.

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:25 am
by Ximitti
use a focus macro to scorch the first one that drops sub 30% and pyro the other
Can you give me an example of this macro, please?

Re: A Boss by Boss Guide to Fire Mage in Antorus

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:48 am
by Sico
/clearfocus [mod:shift][@focus,dead][@focus,noexists]
/focus [@focus,noexists]
/cast [@focus] Scorch

This set your target as a focus and cast scorch, then u can target the target the Boss and simple do your scorch rota.
Press shift+macro for clearfocus when u have the Boss as a focus.

I hope it works, good luck with this ;)