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Unread postby Ringzor Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:15 am

In last couple of weeks i've got some decent items same ilvl and etc. I'm using bracers and waist for all encounters almost so i'm asking, what are the best stats to balance? Atm I have 53% crit, 19% haste, 25% mastery, 9% vers. I've watched top mages in wlogs, some of them are with high crit, some with high haste low crit, some with hight mastery vers and low haste crit, so i'm kinda confused. I don't want replies like "check raidbots" since there every gear with bigger haste sims better.
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Re: Stats

Unread postby curfew Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:27 pm

I'm sorry, but "sim yourself" really is the right answer. What your highest stat priority is does depend on what gear you have available and which legendaries you're using. For example, I swap Shard of the Exodar and Koralon's Burning Touch around depending on the fight, and my stat prios for each situation are quite different -- using Shard, the massive load of crit it has on it brings me up to around 60% crit, at which point Crit rating becomes my most valuable stat by far. Using Koralon's, however, I drop down to around 44% crit, and my highest stat weights are Haste and Vers, above Crit. Both builds let me do good DPS, but they benefit from stats differently.

There's not a simple "do this and win" stat build. Stacking high crit might work in some situations, lowballing crit and balancing the other stats more might work in others. You really do need to consider stats in light of all the other gear you have available. If Raidbots tells you that haste and vers are the most valuable to you while you're using belt, that's because they probably are, not because Raidbots is wrong.
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Re: Stats

Unread postby qivive Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:59 pm

While "sim yourself" is the generel right answer there are some issues with it, that are not reflected in this "simple" advice.

For example:

When I looked at my sucky Hasabel/High Command DPS I changed my stat weight approach of raidbots compare stat weight dps output for each item. The problem is that the simcraft scenarios do not match the actual boss fights well enough. What would you choose? Beastlord? Even so my mastery value was clearly undervalued and when I ignored the sim and just packed a lot of mastery my DPS went up by a significant margin. Part of the skew is certainly that with the legendary helm simcraft thinks that you would use Dragons Breath on CD which is not true for Hasabel if you want to have it available every imp wave. So Haste becomes overvalued since youre sitting on your CD regularly on purpose.

Very same story with high command on my end. Not sure why mastery was so undervalued in my case. Stacked mastery, gained 300k dps and happily raped the adds conveniently.

So, in my opinion the main problem with sim yourself is the scenario + real boss details which do not match the sim at all. On pure ST the simulation should be relatively good unless there are special mechanics that are not easily played by.
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Re: Stats

Unread postby ezekielyo Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:03 pm

Crit for ST

Mastery for multi target

Logging as as a mage at this stage is purely based on how many bracer procs you get. To that extent, you could run any gear combo with high enough ilvl and still rank very highly because you have above average bracer procs you rng'ed. The SIM results are an average, they will give you the highest average DPS each pull and therefore is your base to work from.
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Re: Stats

Unread postby Preheet Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:26 am

God I want to link so many stream clips and videos about how much bracer procs influence our DPS but alas I won't be a shameless sellout. But seriously, what Ez said is accurate and without sounding like yet another one of those doucheb@gs that say "sim yourself", it really is the best way to figure out where you're at. Running Pyromaniac, Crit is heavily favored until about 65% where you'll start to notice a drop off and want to start investing in Haste/Mastery.
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Re: Stats

Unread postby charlie01 Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:22 pm

I’m think the sim yourself answer doesn’t give players enough information. When I ask what stat prio should I look for I want to understand why the computer tells me what it does. Example that the guy gave earlier is perfect. If you run korallns you want less crit because the belt makes crit less useful. If we get answers like that then people begin to understand how the headsets play together and they become more informed about their class. Just 2 centS.
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Re: Stats

Unread postby charlie01 Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:23 pm


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