1. Why is it an issue to start channeling Water Jet when already at 2-3 stacks of FoF? If I am finishing a cast of Frostbolt and it creates a 3rd FoF. I then channel Water Jet as I am casting the next Frostbolt, I would gain a Brain Freeze proc and just as Frostbolt finishes I toss out an ice lance to avoid a potential double FoF proc that would put me at 5 and wasting one. I would then continue the shatterlance weaving as I would normally. What am I missing that makes starting Water Jet while already at 2-3 stacks wrong?
Either 1) you're missing out on FOF procs, or 2) if you are FB/IL weaving the whole time then there's a much greater chance of munching! Remembering that every BF could proc a FOF and every Frostbolt during waterjet could proc 2 FOF. Therefore, starting at 2-3 means you have a much greater chance of munching, than starting at 0. Starting at 0 means you're likely to be further through the waterjet cast, before you get any risk of munching - while you build up your FOF procs.
If the general consensus is that we want to end our Water Jet cycle was upwards of 4 charges of FoF to continue shatterlance weaving for as long as possible, potentially all the way til the next Water Jet cycle, then doesn't that suggest we are prioritizing the damage of shatterlances over time rather than maximizing the sheer number of Ice Lnaces generated by being willing to much some in order to be at 4 stacks?
If that is the case, then I would imagine dumping 2-3 FoF charges in preparation for water jet would actually be harmful since those are two potential shatterlance combos we missed out on in order to lower the risk of munching total FoF generated.
That priority also gets even more confusing to figure out depending on when you get 2 charges of Brain Freeze and are at high stacks of FoF. Which do you prioritize? Risking efficiency of FoF generation or the damage of losing Brain Freeze procs? Also, how does Frozen Orb fit into the equation? Especially at the start of an encounter and those times when Water Jet and Frozen Orb line up. Do you prioritize efficiency of Shatterlances by just using Frozen Orb with water jet so that you can get it out of the way and get into the waving rotation quickly or the efficiency of FoF generating and only use Frozen Orb when you are out of Water Jet and at 2 or less stacks of FoF? Seems wasteful to hold onto Orb for those few occuring situations. That further complicates when you add in Prismatic Crystal and its timing limitation.
And all of that isn't taking into account all the potential missed chances for Unstable Magic procs from the lack of Frostbolt casts if you choose to prioritize dumping ice lances without the shatterlance bonus.