Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

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Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Galvinic Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:08 am

So, I was just tinkering with the limited legendaries I have as a recently swapped to frost mage and stumbled upon something I haven't seen mentioned before, if you have the legendary shoulders Ice Time equipped along with Sephuz Secret your frozen orb will trigger the sephuz proc even on bosses immune to cc. Was successfully able to get the effect in phase 3 of gul'dan, on chrono with no add up, and on tich when adds were down as well. I know that it would work on adds and such, but the fact that it works on singular bosses is what shocked me about it.

Sorry if this was common knowledge and for the poor formatting of the post as well, just made an account to post this cause I hadn't seen this mentioned anywhere at all.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Saróx Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:15 pm

Sounds very strange, i just tried my toon out which have both legendaries, and i dont see any such interaction happening unless adds or other cc'able components are pressent, so i think adds spawned before the explosion went off for you otherwise i dont see how you managed to do so, at least I'm not able to replicate it.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Galvinic Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:35 am

I found it very odd myself, but so far have been able to replicate it with 100% success rate on multiple boss fights throughout nighthold. I'll see if I can't get a log off an lfr star auger pull or something quick and post it, but so far it has proven to be 100% repeatable for me and I am able to pretty reliably rule out a visual bug on my end cause I have been feeling the haste buff and move speed buff from it every time it goes off.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Galvinic Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:59 am

Alright, have the log from a wipe on lfr gul'dan. If you look at buffs, you will find that I am able to proc sephuz throughout the course of the fight even though all adds in that fight are completely immune to cc and there is nothing that needs interrupting lfr. I also have another log from Spellblade that shows similar results with it as the adds in that fight are also immune to cc, though on that fight the group I was in did manage to grab some raid adds near the end so I found the results less concrete. ... &source=11" target="_blank ... s&source=8" target="_blank

I would also like to add that this will not trigger when attempting to replicate it on target dummies for some reason unknown to me, I attempted to test it on those first and found no results but upon trying it again in lfr I found a near 100% proc rate on it. I will also be attempting to get logs from a run of star auger as well for further evidence.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Mage Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:21 am

That's a cool find. Nova from shoulders does indeed trigger Sephuz every time.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Unreal Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:03 am

I've been making use of the interaction between these legendaries for quite a while now. It proves to be quite effective for double IL'ing, since the haste procs is above the necessary threshold.

It's most likely uninteded behaviour and with a topic in one of the biggest mage forums, we can expect a fix to come pretty soon. Honestly, after being unlucky with 9 Legendaries (Non bis fire legendaries, rerolled to frost and got non bis too) I felt like this sort of legendary interaction was a nice breeze of fresh air for the people that were unlucky and don't have bracers, gloves or BL Ring.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Cablok Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:48 am

Curious about this and tombs set piece bonus, procing sephuz every 30-40 seconds is possible.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Norrinir Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:29 pm

This has been fixed some time ago.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby Katsumi Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:04 am

But it still works. I believe what was fixed was that the Ice Time Nova triggered Sephuz even if it didn't hit anything, thus making it possible to trigger on raid bosses. Currently the Nova will still trigger Sephuz, but only if it hits a target that can be frozen by it. That includes the adds of Mistress, Desolate Host, Harjatan and Demonic Inquisition. All of these adds can also be frozen by a Glacial Spike by the way, which also triggers Sephuz. The problem is just that the Nova explodes at the end of the orb, which is usually after all your adds are already dead.

However, I'm having a blast running Ice Time and Sephuz on Trash in high M+ (Shard and Bracers on Bosses). The DPS is just insane.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby nickseng Fri Jul 14, 2017 5:27 am

Currently the Nova will still trigger Sephuz, but only if it hits a target that can be frozen by it. That includes the adds of Mistress, Desolate Host, Harjatan and Demonic Inquisition. All of these adds can also be frozen by a Glacial Spike by the way, which also triggers Sephuz.
That wasn't what was being fixed. The Nova was triggering sephuz on bosses with no adds... this has been fixed.
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Re: Interaction between Ice Time and Sephuz

Unread postby itchynose Tue Jul 18, 2017 3:30 pm

However, I'm having a blast running Ice Time and Sephuz on Trash in high M+ (Shard and Bracers on Bosses). The DPS is just insane.
What kind of numbers are you pulling on trash with this setup? I've been swapping around a lot, not sure what is the best combo

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