Because you've told everyone that the softcap is ~14K.They are all basically asking me how to reforge/gem. I'm not complaining about people being confused, I'm wondering why I can't seem to get the message to be clear.
You don't mention changed softcap softcap (from GCD to FB) but extra tick on NT which makes the reader believe it's for padding or even that it a single target DPS increase using NT due to extra ticks. Reading your post witihout thinking you wil get the impression that the softcap for haste is ~14K but you should go for ~15,8K for extra ticks on NT. Which doesn't make sense since you also told everyone LB is best ST.New Recommendation: Get 15832 haste for +7 tick to NT (even when you don't use NT on fights, this is such an inconsequential loss by stepping up to the next breakpoint)
If you add that FB reach GCD at ~15,8K during certain hasterpocs you would reduce the ammount of conufsion. I'm no psychologyst but I think it would work alright.