Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

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Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Trustbucket Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:09 am

So I've been testing getting 3 frostbolts into a water jet window and it seems to be working if you time water jet to hit right as the frostbolt does, then cast 2 frostbolts while moving toward the target. Not sure 100% that the times it worked that I got the 3rd fb in the water jet because it could have landed right after the water jet ended and gotten lucky with a proc but it seemed to safely make it in before water jet ended and give me a proc the couple times I've tried it.

I am curious to how water jet cast time is affected, since I don't really look into frost as I dislike the spec. I assume the cast time is reduced by haste, but is it the same haste percentage as the mage or? Also, to make sure, the channel time cannot be affected by bloodlust and cast time is set when it is casted, correct? If it snapshots the haste for channel time, does it do so at the start of the water ele's cast or when it starts channeling?

Reason I am curious is because bloodlusting after the water jet channel has started would make getting 3 FoF procs more consistent and easier in an actual setting where bosses may be moving or water jet is casted slightly early to make sure you get the first fb.

Sorry if I didn't explain myself well, I'm really tired.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Frosted Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:39 am

the reduction by haste for WJ and Frostbolt makes it so that the amount of frostbolt casts per. WJ channel remains constant.

i.e. haste will not make it so that you get more than 2 (or 3 if you do silly things like perfect FB impacts and running forwards) FoF procs per WJ. The only way haste can change this is if you get a haste buff after WJ starts channeling. So say WJ begins channeling, you pop hero - WJ is not changed, but FB cast time is reduced.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Komma Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:19 am

Trustbucket: Essentially, your understanding of how Water jet works is correct. I've also discussed your suggestions before in IRC.

In theory, you can get 3 FoF out of Water Jet if you do the running forward thing, or gain haste mid Water Jet channel. Unfortunately, neither of those are applicable enough in real raids to give them serious thought. It also doesn't help that any FoF procced from those Frostbolts would munch your extra generated charge. I also don't believe a single FoF charge is worth 2 charges of Ice Floes.

There are 4 main sources of mid-combat haste I can think of: Trinkets, haste weapon enchant (Mark of Warsong...?), unglyphed Icy Veins, and Time Warp. Only clickable trinkets (aka. not the raid ones) and unglyphed Icy Veins can really be used for this purpose, but both have higher priority things to align your usage with.

Long story short, it's just not worth thinking about.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Trustbucket Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:59 pm

Well, yeah obviously its not something really applicable in a raid scenario but I mainly did it for an understanding of how the spec works, because I haven't gone as in depth as I would like in the spec if I will be progressing as it. But you wouldn't be munching a proc, Komma, because you would fire off the ice lance before the 3rd fb lands, and when the 3rd fb hits it will generate a 2 stack of FoF.

Also thanks for clarifying that the channel time is set and cannot be changed by haste. I assume the haste is calculated at the end of the water jet cast before channeling, not sure 100% though. Also is water elemental's haste exactly equal to the mage, or does it inherit only a percentage of the mage's stats (like some other pets do with other stats)?
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Frosted Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:03 pm

I believe he just takes all of your stats, except for SP. He gains 75% of your SP.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Komma Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:13 pm

But you wouldn't be munching a proc, Komma, because you would fire off the ice lance before the 3rd fb lands, and when the 3rd fb hits it will generate a 2 stack of FoF.
I meant that FoF procced from the Frostbolt, not from the Water Jet. If you start at 0 FoF and only get them from Water Jet, you won't munch. But that doesn't apply if Frostbolt itself (ie. the 15% chance) procs FoF. Those will be munched.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Trustbucket Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:24 am

But you wouldn't be munching a proc, Komma, because you would fire off the ice lance before the 3rd fb lands, and when the 3rd fb hits it will generate a 2 stack of FoF.
I meant that FoF procced from the Frostbolt, not from the Water Jet. If you start at 0 FoF and only get them from Water Jet, you won't munch. But that doesn't apply if Frostbolt itself (ie. the 15% chance) procs FoF. Those will be munched.
Oh I see, didn't know you could get more than one FoF proc from a frostbolt. I thought it just increased the chance of the fb generating a proc to 100%.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Magiclol Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:59 pm

So far it looks like there isn't much "gaming" this ability. You pretty much want to start the channel right before a frostbolt gets off, then two more frostbolts, immediately casting an Ice Lance when the the third one gets off. If there are any other ways to squeeze more dps out of it I'd like to hear, but so far it sounds like there isn't much reason to look too far past that cast sequence. No more haste snapshot so procs and lust shouldn't be an issue.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Frosted Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:10 pm

They purposefully removed all ways we knew of to game it during the beta. The intention was made very clear - this is to give you 2x FoF, no more.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby voltaa Tue Nov 25, 2014 10:17 am

I've found that with the cast time reduction frostbolt you can very easily get 3 FoF from a waterjet, the issue is I am not sure at the moment how to track when you will get this faster cast as there isn't a buff associated with it.
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Re: Getting 3 FoF procs in a water jet window questions.

Unread postby Tergeron Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:14 pm

I thought the same thing and I've gotten it to work. Timing Enhanced Frostbolt with water jet can allow you to game in a third FoF proc if you do it right. The timing on when you start the water jet varies based on distance to your mob as you want the spell to start JUST as a frostbolt lands. I'm curious to see if blizzard does something to prevent getting 3 FoF procs.

Here's a weak aura I found applicable for Enhanced Frostbolt. The only problem I have with this is that I can't get an icon to load for it so it's just blank. Plus, the enhanced frostbolt perk is still bugged for me so actually pulling this off is way more complicated than it should be. ... p=30706527" target="_blank

The string itself.

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