-http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/frost-mage ... -abilitiesThird, Frost Bomb Icon Frost Bomb should be placed on the boss before activating the Crystal. Spending a Global Cooldown to cast Frost Bomb either on the boss or the Crystal after the Crystal's activation results in a DPS loss.
I don't understand.
If I put frost bomb on boss I do so with the intention to ice lance the boss and thus not attacking the prismatic crystal except for cleave and frozen orb.
To me it would make more sense to put down PC cast FB on it and spam IL on the bombed PC. That way your IL and the spliting ice cleave from them get 10% extra damage.
Do FB not get affected by the 10% bonus damage from PC?
Just skip FB when puting PC I can understand. But put FB on boss put down PC and either not attack the crystal or attack the crystal but spending a global to FB boss right before not attacking boss doens't make any sense. If PC is that bad that it's not worth attacking it shouldn't be a usefull talent.