My opinion on the current state of frost mage

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Re: My opinion on the current state of frost mage

Unread postby Quorgyle Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:23 am

TL;DR: Being average is NOT a mage thing.
Well that's clearly not how blizzard sees it...

Things change,game is evolving and so is the status quo of classes :P if blizz says mage is average then it is average..maybe next patch they decide it should be top ..
But what's the point in playing a pure dps spec where 2 of your specs are dead last and your 3rd spec (frost) is slightly ahead. I still don't understand the logic behind making hybrid classes so much much better than pure dps ones. Even worse is the thing they did in Legion with collecting AP and legendaries and then nerfing a specific spec, oh great...let's go collect stuff all over again.

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