[7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby BigRedJedi Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:35 am

Just for curiosity's sake (with the disclaimer that I am only moderately comfortable with the use of Simcraft, and generally prefer to employ similar tools from other sites, as I wouldn't know how to program for different rotations, etc.), but OP indicates that with Freezing Rain, it's only better to use it on >1 target, not on ST....

Not using on CD I could see, but would it still be a net loss to use it immediately following a cast of Frozen Orb, the GCD during the travel time could be spent on an instant Blizzard, instead of a Frostbolt cast, and you would at least get the benefit of a mildly reduced CD on your next Orb? I'm not really sure how to set up a condition to test for that, and maybe the opportunity cost of not getting another potential Brain Freeze proc would offset the damage/CD reduction on Orb that you would get, but just was wondering.

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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby nickseng Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:06 am

Just for curiosity's sake (with the disclaimer that I am only moderately comfortable with the use of Simcraft, and generally prefer to employ similar tools from other sites, as I wouldn't know how to program for different rotations, etc.), but OP indicates that with Freezing Rain, it's only better to use it on >1 target, not on ST....

Not using on CD I could see, but would it still be a net loss to use it immediately following a cast of Frozen Orb, the GCD during the travel time could be spent on an instant Blizzard, instead of a Frostbolt cast, and you would at least get the benefit of a mildly reduced CD on your next Orb? I'm not really sure how to set up a condition to test for that, and maybe the opportunity cost of not getting another potential Brain Freeze proc would offset the damage/CD reduction on Orb that you would get, but just was wondering.

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The reason it's not worth it is because you're really only saving yourself ~.5 seconds off the cast time. The damage has not changed, but going from a 2 second cast to the gcd really doesn't mean much in the long run. If you're not gonna use Blizz normally in ST, you're not gonna use it with Freezing Rain.

It is, however, a nice QOL in situations where you would normally use it, i.e. at 2+ targets.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby pleblius Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:43 pm

The thing about the FO Reduction for using Freezing Rain on 1 target is that you're getting a couple seconds off the FO CD. But that's not going to buy you a new FO across the length of any of the ST fights, and you're just going to end up lining it up with IV anyway. So the CD reduction isn't important, and the ST DPET of Blizzard without Zann'esu isn't high enough to warrant the cast, even at the GCD.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Mage Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:34 am

1. it is more than a couple seconds.
2. it does help a lot to get to 2nd orb, even on pure ST
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Xinder Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:53 pm

I'd be curious if there's been a sim done since 7.2 to see if it's a DPS loss still to blizzard on ST just to lower the CD of FO. As other's have mentioned with it being instant cast with the new trait maybe it's moved to being DPS neutral? I would guess that it still won't come out as a dps gain though cause if it does than that's probably something blizzard will end up addressing. They don't like it when AoE abilities are useful in a pure ST situation.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Frstydahoman Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:16 pm

We running just 2pc or 4? And when did you notice LW being better ? I'll sim myself but only 891 not at th crit cap so doubt I'm rdy for it just curious
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Silock Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:52 pm

Haste jump point from simcraft in single target.

If we have no cap shatter crit 31%, and

haste < 17% unbuffed or 6400, then weights:

haste 18.38, crit 13.7 in my simcraft . So remember we have no cap shatter crit, 31%. In guide i saw crit 18 with no cap shutter. But if we have haste < 17%, then haste >>>>>crit with still no cap.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Silock Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:54 pm

Simcraft using double lence?
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Xinder Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:22 pm

Simcraft using double lence?
Simcraft default APL doesn't double lance. There is a double icelance APL though in the double ice lance thread that you can use to do your sims if you want.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Gorstag Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:56 am

Haste jump point from simcraft in single target.

If we have no cap shatter crit 31%, and

haste < 17% unbuffed or 6400, then weights:

haste 18.38, crit 13.7 in my simcraft . So remember we have no cap shatter crit, 31%. In guide i saw crit 18 with no cap shutter. But if we have haste < 17%, then haste >>>>>crit with still no cap.
I guess it could come from the delta used for the scaling computation. If it is the default (https://github.com/simulationcraft/simc ... atsScaling" target="_blank) and additionally you use crit food a part (~50%) of the crit that simcraft add you while making the scaling will be over the cap.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Ellerianfan Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:39 pm

Questions about the legendary comparisons. Is the time warp ring assuming you can get 3 heros out of it? IS sephuze assuming you get a certain amount of interrupts off, or any at all for that matter? And how does the blizzard belt do more damage without AG? Thanks!
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Causese Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:53 am

apparently if u blizzard right after frozen orb, you can use another "free" blizzard within the same orb.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Makz Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:36 pm

apparently if u blizzard right after frozen orb, you can use another "free" blizzard within the same orb.
Blizzards cd is usually reduced by haste or whatever, I can fit 3 instant casts, however usually at least 1 GCD does not align with the 3rd cast and ruins it.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Shitbird Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:41 pm

Regarding whether it's worth it or not to cast blizzard on single target to reduce the CD of frozen orb, so far for me it has been worth it.

If I use the two instant cast blizzards during my first frozen orb, I can get a second frozen orb off before icy veins falls off, which ends up extending IV by quite a bit.

Before freezing rain I could never pull that off.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Norrinir Sun Apr 09, 2017 2:59 am

Regarding whether it's worth it or not to cast blizzard on single target to reduce the CD of frozen orb, so far for me it has been worth it.

If I use the two instant cast blizzards during my first frozen orb, I can get a second frozen orb off before icy veins falls off, which ends up extending IV by quite a bit.

Before freezing rain I could never pull that off.
You could pull it off before Freezing Rain just by actually casting Blizzard. The main strength of Freezing Rain is that it increases the uptime of Blizzard from 80% to 100%. As far as time spent is concerned, Freezing Rain only saves you 0.5 sec for each Blizzard (reduced by haste).

If you are in a situation where you don't care about Blizzard uptime (single target), Freezing Rain isn't actually doing all that much.
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Allerias Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:50 am

So I'm a little confused at the Charts for Relic Traits compared to the 7.2 trait comparison chart.

The Artifact Trait shows that Frozen Veins is the best Relic trait and is worth an extra weapon item level over Clarity of Thought but the 7.2 comparison shows Clarity of though as the highest trait with a single increase to it. Doesn't that mean that Clarity of Thought should be the highest Relic Trait as well?
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby broedrost Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:16 pm

When can we expect updated trinketlist for 7.2?
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Habibikareem Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:02 pm

When can we expect updated trinketlist for 7.2?
I mean I don't think there is a reason to update trinkets until ToS comes out because there wasn't any big changes for classes in 7.2 and I don't think the trinkets need to be updated.(imo)
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Finest Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:40 pm

20% increase to the new gold trait! I'm working all day, anyone have the % increase in damage for ST ( roughly ) ?
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Re: [7.2] Frost Talents, Trinkets, Racials, Stats, Legendary

Unread postby Imaskar Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:35 pm

But socket weights probably should be - they were calculated pre- gem nerf and pre- secondary rebalance.

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