[6.0] Dutch's Frost FAQ & mini guide for level 90!
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:03 pm
Since there's been so many (of the same) questions I've decided to make a quick miniguide/FAQ to deal with these.
I advise beginners to read IV's frost guide for 6.0 first, and then come back and read this thread if you still got any questions. (http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/frost-mage-pve-dps-guide" target="_blank)
Table of contents:
- What gems should I use? Should I go for socket bonuses?
- What trinkets should I use?
- Two piece t16 or four piece t16? What offpiece(s)?
- Mirror Image? RoP? Ice Nova? Frost Bomb? Unstable Magic? What do I go when?
- Stat priorities?????
What gems should I use? Should I go for socket bonuses?
Red: http://www.wowhead.com/item=76659" target="_blank or http://www.wowhead.com/item=76671" target="_blank , see below on what to use when.
Yellow: http://www.wowhead.com/item=76700" target="_blank
Blue: http://www.wowhead.com/item=76643" target="_blank
Go for all socket bonuses from SoO gear. As seen above, there's 2 red gems you can take, and which one you use depends on the amount of crit you get from gemming your blue gems + the crit from your gear. You want to achieve somewhere around 36.33% buffed crit chance, so use crit+haste while you're below that, and go haste+mastery when above that.
What trinkets should I use?
Always use http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105422" target="_blank aslong as it's within 2 "tiers" of your other available trinkets. (So use flex PBOI over heroic other trinkets. But use heroic warforged trinkets over PBOI)
Then take your highest item level trinket between http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank and http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105648" target="_blank. Exception: Warforged http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105648" target="_blank vs nonwarforged http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank, use nonwarforged http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank.
If both are equal item level, use http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank.
All other trinkets are bad and never worth taking.
Two piece t16 or four piece t16? What offpiece(s)?
Use two pieces of tier 16.
There are many offpieces you can use, and almost any scenario works. Frost is very lenient in the items you use, so go for the offset which you have warforged. Outside of that, http://www.wowhead.com/item=105516" target="_blank are very good to have.
Mirror Image? RoP? Ice Nova? Frost Bomb? Unstable Magic? What do I go when?
Use mirror image on all single target fights, or on a fight lasting less than a minute. Use RoP on heavy AoE fights. (Like galakras or nazgrim if you get to AoE the adds)
Frostbomb sucks on almost all SoO fights, unless your group has very low AoE damage. Only use it if you can easily cast it and use multiple FoF procs on it before adds die.
Use unstable magic in almost all cases, unless you can get a lot of AoE damage out of ice nova. (Like garrosh: p1 adds, mind controls, weapons ontop of boss if you do that tactic, or nazgrim adds)
If you're still progressing, choose accordingly to what you're wiping to. Not enough add dps? Ice nova. not enough boss dps? Unstable magic. Adds being alive very long? Frost bomb.
Stat priorities????
Multistrike > int > crit cap (36.33%) > haste while at least a 100 points below mastery, and below 50% > mastery > haste when within a 100 points of mastery > crit after critcap > haste after 50%
Basically, go for the critcap, then keep your haste somewhere around 50-100 below your mastery, while staying above 25% haste
If you're having issues staying within ~100 haste of your mastery, feel free to use http://www.wowhead.com/item=76693" target="_blank in red sockets.
I advise beginners to read IV's frost guide for 6.0 first, and then come back and read this thread if you still got any questions. (http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/frost-mage-pve-dps-guide" target="_blank)
Table of contents:
- What gems should I use? Should I go for socket bonuses?
- What trinkets should I use?
- Two piece t16 or four piece t16? What offpiece(s)?
- Mirror Image? RoP? Ice Nova? Frost Bomb? Unstable Magic? What do I go when?
- Stat priorities?????
What gems should I use? Should I go for socket bonuses?
Red: http://www.wowhead.com/item=76659" target="_blank or http://www.wowhead.com/item=76671" target="_blank , see below on what to use when.
Yellow: http://www.wowhead.com/item=76700" target="_blank
Blue: http://www.wowhead.com/item=76643" target="_blank
Go for all socket bonuses from SoO gear. As seen above, there's 2 red gems you can take, and which one you use depends on the amount of crit you get from gemming your blue gems + the crit from your gear. You want to achieve somewhere around 36.33% buffed crit chance, so use crit+haste while you're below that, and go haste+mastery when above that.
What trinkets should I use?
Always use http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105422" target="_blank aslong as it's within 2 "tiers" of your other available trinkets. (So use flex PBOI over heroic other trinkets. But use heroic warforged trinkets over PBOI)
Then take your highest item level trinket between http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank and http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105648" target="_blank. Exception: Warforged http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105648" target="_blank vs nonwarforged http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank, use nonwarforged http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank.
If both are equal item level, use http://wod.wowhead.com/item=105540" target="_blank.
All other trinkets are bad and never worth taking.
Two piece t16 or four piece t16? What offpiece(s)?
Use two pieces of tier 16.
There are many offpieces you can use, and almost any scenario works. Frost is very lenient in the items you use, so go for the offset which you have warforged. Outside of that, http://www.wowhead.com/item=105516" target="_blank are very good to have.
Mirror Image? RoP? Ice Nova? Frost Bomb? Unstable Magic? What do I go when?
Use mirror image on all single target fights, or on a fight lasting less than a minute. Use RoP on heavy AoE fights. (Like galakras or nazgrim if you get to AoE the adds)
Frostbomb sucks on almost all SoO fights, unless your group has very low AoE damage. Only use it if you can easily cast it and use multiple FoF procs on it before adds die.
Use unstable magic in almost all cases, unless you can get a lot of AoE damage out of ice nova. (Like garrosh: p1 adds, mind controls, weapons ontop of boss if you do that tactic, or nazgrim adds)
If you're still progressing, choose accordingly to what you're wiping to. Not enough add dps? Ice nova. not enough boss dps? Unstable magic. Adds being alive very long? Frost bomb.
Stat priorities????
Multistrike > int > crit cap (36.33%) > haste while at least a 100 points below mastery, and below 50% > mastery > haste when within a 100 points of mastery > crit after critcap > haste after 50%
Basically, go for the critcap, then keep your haste somewhere around 50-100 below your mastery, while staying above 25% haste
If you're having issues staying within ~100 haste of your mastery, feel free to use http://www.wowhead.com/item=76693" target="_blank in red sockets.