What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

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What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby nathyiel Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:56 pm

I found out recently that the bomb tracker that I used before vanishing is now buggy (mage nugget).

Why did you use ?
What are your reason over this choice ?
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Komma Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:11 pm

I don't have anything for tracking multiple bombs except for tidyplates showing bomb timers.

For single target, I use a simple weakaura2 icon with timer displayed. I didn't think it was special enough to be worth sharing, but I guess I can include it in the thread if people want.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:55 pm

I use weakauras for tracking my target bomb. I use combustion helper for multidotting.

Weakaura for all 3 bombs in one:

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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby mastamagee Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:35 am

Mage Bomb Tracker with names of targets and arrow to signify current target as well as TidyPlates. Tracks single and multi-target in one nice clean box.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Soggs Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:52 am

Ovale Spell Priority for the current target.

Multi target via a dynamic group in WA + Tidy Plates + Boss Frames if it applies. Though I am mostly ignorant to multidotting and quite happy, when they get rid of it in WoD.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Hotpots Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:41 am

ElvUI basically.

Single Target - Aurabars(of the Target Frame, of course).

Multi Dotting - Boss Frames and/or Nameplates.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Kver Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:22 pm

TMW single target, boss frames and nameplates multidotting. Still looking for a better solution to multidotting.

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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Akraen Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:52 pm

MageBombTracker is invaluable to me, I like its simplicity.

I also use ThreatPlates (threat>tidy since I tanked for years and years) for multidot.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby zhengma Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:30 am

Mage Bomb Tracker with names of targets and arrow to signify current target as well as TidyPlates. Tracks single and multi-target in one nice clean box.
The drawback of MageBombTracker is: I cannot click on its interface to select the target with an expiring bomb!

In a typical multi-dotting fight, many mobs share the same name, and more often than not I can't connect name to appearance (I just call them big add/small add/etc.), so it's very hard to select a mob in main interface upon seeing its name in MBT.

And Tidy/ThreatPlate doesn't help either. If it works like "see the name on MBT -> shift my eye to scan the nameplates -> find the one with an expiring bomb by the icon -> refresh the bomb", I'd rather omit the first step.

The most ideal multi-dotting fight is like: I have an interface that looks like MBT (I second Akraen's opinion that the concise interface is nice), and then I just click on whichever name turning red, just like a healer has a table of all the raid members, and just click on whomever low on HP, without even touching the keyboard much of the time.

Is there a way to achieve this?
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby nathyiel Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:55 am

I came back to Raven for tracking bomb.
+ fully configurable
- need some tweak for it to only track bomb
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Malon Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:01 pm

I'm the same as Akraen: MageBombTracker and Threatplates.
Related note, I've got Bombs to show on my Threatplates, but it shows them from every Mage. Anyone know how to limit it to only show mine?
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby DeathDefier Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:23 am

ForteXorcist, been using it since Wrath.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Spirillum Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:38 pm

Current Target: I use a TMW (aura flashes red if bomb is absent)
Boss Frames: Clique and Shadowed Unit Frames for multidotting boss frames
MultiDoT tracking: Combustion Helper for tracking LB max targets/durations
The Rest: Tidy Plates /w Threatplates

I don't use any mouseover macros personally and prefer to just change targets in the time between GCDs.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Stressball Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:55 pm

MageBombTracker is invaluable to me, I like its simplicity.

I also use ThreatPlates (threat>tidy since I tanked for years and years) for multidot.
Out of curiosity, does the Aura widget work bug-free for you? I much prefer ThreatPlates as well, but my auras have been buggy as hell and unfortunately it's not well maintained.
Mage Bomb Tracker with names of targets and arrow to signify current target as well as TidyPlates. Tracks single and multi-target in one nice clean box.
The drawback of MageBombTracker is: I cannot click on its interface to select the target with an expiring bomb!

In a typical multi-dotting fight, many mobs share the same name, and more often than not I can't connect name to appearance (I just call them big add/small add/etc.), so it's very hard to select a mob in main interface upon seeing its name in MBT.

And Tidy/ThreatPlate doesn't help either. If it works like "see the name on MBT -> shift my eye to scan the nameplates -> find the one with an expiring bomb by the icon -> refresh the bomb", I'd rather omit the first step.

The most ideal multi-dotting fight is like: I have an interface that looks like MBT (I second Akraen's opinion that the concise interface is nice), and then I just click on whichever name turning red, just like a healer has a table of all the raid members, and just click on whomever low on HP, without even touching the keyboard much of the time.

Is there a way to achieve this?
I'm pretty sure the reason you don't see this is that Blizzard doesn't allow it. Boss frames are about as close as you'll come, but I remember reading somewhere that they don't allow addons to create new clickable frames when you DoT a target to enable faster target switching.
I'm the same as Akraen: MageBombTracker and Threatplates.
Related note, I've got Bombs to show on my Threatplates, but it shows them from every Mage. Anyone know how to limit it to only show mine?
You have to select a filtering mode with (Mine) in it; White List (Mine) is what I use. Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to track only your mage bombs and still see others' auras (CC or stuns for example). TidyPlates has that ability, here's to hoping ThreatPlates adds it.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Hyber Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:35 am

Sorry to resurrect...but as someone who switches between a full elvui set up and my own custom UI on a bi daily basis , I'm always looking to refine my UI.

My custom UI has a beep noise for when dot falls off, with a flashing icon below my toon - using TMW.
Additionally, icon/aura over tidy plates for multi dot and extensive use of fortexorcist for actual timeline tracking
Find the latter addon the cleanest but also most effective since it's a timer that maintains same location. Additionally, it flashes at 2.5 secs or less to remind me to plan my movement/refresh.
Oh and Shadowed unit frames for when things are really busy.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby macca Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:21 am

I use ForteXorcist for tracking my bombs, its supposed to be buggy or broken for MoP but mine works perfectly, only wish some one would bring a work around to click on the name of the target that has a expiring bomb :D
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Stressball Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:28 am

only wish some one would bring a work around to click on the name of the target that has a expiring bomb :D
That will probably never happen. It's not a limitation of the addon or the developer, Blizzard just doesn't allow addons to create additional frames, so you're limited to whatever is available in the default UI. That's the beauty of TidyPlates (or any other nameplate addon that display auras), you don't need additional frames if you have good positioning.
Last edited by Stressball on Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What did you use to track your loved bomb ?

Unread postby Mejn Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:05 pm

Scorchio2 using it for a long time and u can make whatever u want from bar. Personally I think we use what we are used to use. Tried couple other addons but didn't work.

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