What spec will you play come BRF?

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What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby Resshin Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:09 am

Arcane sims are through the roof at the moment and fire will once again become competitive on single target once tier gear is acquired. However, with mastery becoming very good for fire(with four piece) this will make switching from arcane to fire pretty easy. I'm not saying frost will be bad or anything, but with the synergy of the other two specs and lack of MS gear in BRF... I'm thinking frost will die out.

Personally, I will most likely be playing arcane/fire, but there will be a ton of movement in BRF. Which makes me want to stick with frost since it's a jack of all trades when it comes to single target and aoe.
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Re: What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby Komma Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:27 am

Regarding mobility, I actually don't think any spec has a gigantic advantage, assuming you're using Ice Floes. The biggest difference between the three specs seems to be single target/cleave/AOE.

I'll stick with Arcane simply because nothing comes close for boss damage. Arcane Orb secures spot that even when there are a lot of adds. For the other spec, I haven't really decided. If they don't make change to Living Bomb, it'll probably be Fire. Otherwise, I don't think see a huge advantage for either as a secondary spec.
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Re: What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby TLTeo Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:34 am

I really really want to try fire, possibly going arcane if there's any fights that require lots of single target damage
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Re: What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby Faenya Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:06 am

I was actually just about to post asking this same question. My frost play is pretty good right now, and I haven't raided since Firelands, so I was pretty out of touch with mage rotations, specs, and play. I got frost down pretty well, but now feel I need to learn fire or arcane. Not that I don't mind playing and learning new specs, but when it's under progression it kind of sucks, especially when the one you're playing and got used to seems like it'll be the weakest into the next raid tier.

I just activated arcane, and I'll likely spec that route as arcane, even as far back as wotlk just is always really consistent, and relatively immune to nerfs for whatever reason. I just have a ways to go learning arcane properly, so I might as well practice now and get used to it before it's needed for progression.
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Re: What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby gameorg Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:34 am

If you already learned to optimize frost it wont take you too long to optimize another spec.

Iam currently frost but most likely go Arcane and Fire.

Current Sims display Arcane 4k ahead, and fire and frost roughly onthe same level.There is no point to play frost, if fire is equally good and offers way more in AOE fights, so i assume that you are best suited with Arcane + Fire. Luckily both specs share atleast 1 main stat (mastery) so you atleast focus on that for collecting gear.

That being said, there will probably be some balance changes quite soon after BRF is released.
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Re: What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby Dutchmagoz Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:07 pm

Mastery fire + arcane.

Arcane for single target fights, and fire for the cleave/AoE fights.
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Re: What spec will you play come BRF?

Unread postby BioBall Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:51 am

Mastery fire + arcane.

Arcane for single target fights, and fire for the cleave/AoE fights.
I'm taking the same route

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