7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

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7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Freshpepper Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:38 am

So I'm a recently converted fire mage (was frost for the majority of the tier until I became 7/14H about two months ago), and next week I'm trying out for Therapists on Blackrock-US on Heroic Garrosh. I've been fire for about 3 or 4 weeks now and my DPS is pretty good considering. So now I come to you, a lot of which I know are 14/14H mages, to ask some tips and tricks for all fights, especially garrosh.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/b ... per/simple" target="_blank
^^That's my armory aaaand

http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/qujkgehp7ywxju4u/" target="_blank
^^Those are logs from a few weeks back detailing my old guild's kills of wing one.

So I ask you guys, what stats should I be going for? I know there are specific haste breakpoints for fire and certain builds favoring mastery and whatnot, but currently I'm reforged to the askmrrobot default setting for fire.

Also I would appreciate if the skilled log combers could tell me what I can improve on/what I did wrong on some of those fights. I wasn't trying super hard, but if anything that's better because when I don't focus as much I tend to lose control of my weaker points of play first, so it's easier to tell what I need work on.

Thanks guys.
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Kver Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:56 pm

With your gear I would definitely go with crit>haste to 14.1k for Garrosh. Do you have a log if Iron Juggernaut or Malkorok that we can use to analyse? That is a bit easier than Norushen and co, since those fights are either not single target or have gaps in them(Prisons, realm etc).

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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Freshpepper Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:34 pm

I don't have logs on hand but I can go ahead and do some LFR really quick. Also I tried 14.1k haste, and my crit felt a little too low for me (it was about 45%(?)). What mastery level should I be going for if I want 14.1k haste and as much crit as I can get?
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Freshpepper Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:34 pm

http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qNh2rpZ9yWPFdt1b" target="_blank

Logs for an LFR Malkorok fight I just did

EDIT: Should probably mention that I was using a 14.1k haste build for it
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Komma Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:58 pm

Mirror image not used until a good minute into the fight - I assume it was on CD from trash? Otherwise you want to sync it with trinkets.

Might want to sync your second alter time combustion with PBoI's 3rd proc. 2nd combustion can be timed with 2nd proc.

It's hard to find holes in your rotation in LFR, since mechanics are not threatening anyway. Might want to find some heroic boss logs!
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Kver Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:17 pm

That Malkorok kill was a really good kill though. Your core rotation and uptimes were pretty good there, make sure to watch your cooldowns though. From what I can read from the log you know what you're doing, just make sure that you can do just as well during heroic bosses!

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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Freshpepper Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:24 pm

That Mirror Image slip-up was an accident unfortunately. I used that right as I started my hardcast pyro for the pull but I guess one overrode the other, and I didn't notice until about a minute in. It doesn't benefit from trinket procs does it?
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Komma Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:29 pm

IIRC mirror images benefit from your current levels of haste and spellpower. MI up during spellpower and haste bursts (trinkets and BL) offers more damage than other times, as long as it doesn't cost you an extra use.
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Freshpepper Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:09 am

So I just did some tests, and MI does infact inherit SP and haste. Without any buffs they hit for ~5k to 10k crits, and with buffs they hit up to 20k crits. My only question is, is it worth using a GCD during the fight for your first MI when you can use it pre-pull? I'll try to time my other MI's with trinket procs during the fight but it's the first one I care about. Or would it really even make a difference?
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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby Kver Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:10 am

So I just did some tests, and MI does infact inherit SP and haste. Without any buffs they hit for ~5k to 10k crits, and with buffs they hit up to 20k crits. My only question is, is it worth using a GCD during the fight for your first MI when you can use it pre-pull? I'll try to time my other MI's with trinket procs during the fight but it's the first one I care about. Or would it really even make a difference?
MI updates dynamically I believe.

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Re: 7/14H Mage being trialed on H Garrosh - HELP ME

Unread postby durrtygoodz Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:10 am

Always use it pre-pull: Mirror Images update dynamically rather than snapshotting stats at the time of cast.]

Edit: I think me and Kver posted at the same second :D

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